posted on Nov, 8 2017 @ 09:23 PM
a reply to:
Wait a second... I'm sure there are sites out there that know or don't know they're putting hoax videos on their sites. Because some videos have
been proven to be hoaxes on these sites, surely doesn't automatically mean all of them are hoaxes! Unless these web sites have digital signal
analysis, wave form monitor and vector scope equipment that can identify manipulated videos (which I doubt none of them do), you're actually painting
every video with a broad brush just because some have been proven hoaxes on these sites? People who video something out of the ordinary most likely
turn to these sites because they want the public to see what they experienced. I'm sure many of these witnesses to these personal sightings are not
aware "some" of the videos seen on these sites have proven to be hoaxes.
Of course some unidentified objects can easily be mistaken as drones. kites, etc..., but so can missiles, and flares be misidentified as meteorites.
To the naked eye you can swear it was a meteorite, but when all the facts are presented it turns out to be a launched missile. What I'm getting at,
is who's to say a bright light moving rapidly or hovering in the night sky isn't a UFO?? People misidentify things they see in the sky everyday.
Just because you say it's a hoax doesn't make it so without proof or facts.
It is impossible to determine with certainty if a rock is a meteorite from a photograph.
Meteor Wrongs
As owner of this site, you provide a forum for people to discuss, examine and to provide facts to debunk hoaxes and falsehoods. Heck, I've read more
threads based upon fake political websites than I have seen in the UFO forum! I never see some of these proven fake news accounts put in the hoax or
lol bin. I really think it would be much more constructive and more in adhering to the slogan "Deny Ignorance" if the members here picked-apart UFO
videos to prove and substantiate if they are hoaxes. Members have proven it many times in this forum. I can only speak for myself, but it's educated
me on a few things that have been mistaken as UFO sightings, such as Chinese Lanterns. ATS members have enlighten many of us on how some videos can
be manipulated.
For a conspiracy site, once videos or pictures are truly proven to be hoaxes, is when they should be placed into the hoax bin. That should also
pertain to other forums as well.