posted on Nov, 8 2017 @ 01:29 PM
Hello ATS members I am doing some research on the correspondence of sites lay on the 31 degree east longitude line
Around the globe, This is direct “line” around the globe links Giza Pyramid, Adams Cicle and The great Zimbabwe.
I have a lot of countries that the line goes through for example; Russia, Belarus, Black Sea the list goes on and on obviously.
Was wondering whether anyone had heard of any other ancient sites like those above that lay on the 31 degree east longitude
Path? It would be interesting to see if there are or where any other ancient civilisations who had as much knowledge as the Egyptians
And also followed suit with constructing monuments in these palaces.
I will continue to follow the path myself on google earth marking any man made disruptions to the land that I pass and will update
If I find anything interesting, but just to save a bit of time I’m hoping somebody might know of other locations already?