posted on Feb, 13 2005 @ 01:55 AM
I think we're talking about two different things here. If you people mean is there a limit to how much knowledge one human being can acquire, then
you have to view it from two viewpoints. In terms of a normal human lifetime, NO, there is no limit, a person can kep learning new skills and facts
and knowledge until the day they die.
If you mean, "does the human brain have a physical limit in terms of how much knowledge it can acquire and hold," then YES, I'd say there is a
limit, but the brain can hold a HUUUUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGGGGGGEEEEEE amount of knowledge!!
But in terms of the question, "Is there a limit to knowledge itself," then I say NO, there is not, as there are always new things to learn.
I agree Seapeople, I get tired of hearing about our inferiority as well, however, that doesn't mean there aren't aliens out there more advanced then
What I get mainly sick of is hearing that we humans are soooo "violent," and that aliens just won't make contact with us because we are violent.
Remember though, humans are a YOUNG form of life. We humans talk about the "evolution of man," and you know how they have that poster showing the
"stages of man," from very primitive to almost-modern to modern-day humans. People then assume that is the stopping point. It isn't. We humans have
given names to all the different stages of humankind throughout the years. But we ourselves are just one more step in that poster of stages.
Eventually, another, even more advanced form of humanoid will probably come about.
Remember, the dinosaurs were around for some 200+ million years (I think). We humans have only been around for about 1 million, and that is excluding
modern humans. So I mean we humans have a loooong way to go in our development still. Remember, we only use at most 10% of our brainpower even!
There is the theory that we humans were created by aliens, or you could follow Arthur C. Clarke's idea that aliens speeded up the evolution of the
primate-like creatures to form modern-day humans.
But I mean there have been multiple types of humanoids, some co-existing. It is believed that modern humans co-existed with Neanderthals for awhile.
Neanderthal died out because it didn't know how to adapt well enough.
If you look at the majority of humans, we are stupid. MOST HUMANS ARE STUPID LAMBS, I mean that is a fact! Look at the masses. So I mean we have a
looong ways to go in our development. But one thing that sets modern humans apart is, despite academic intelligence, we can adapt very well. Whether
in freezing cold weather or super hot weather, we adapt and live in all areas.
Thus this modern form of humanoid has survived the longest, so far.