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Rough Scenario With My Oldest Cat

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posted on Nov, 5 2017 @ 10:20 PM
opethaPA, I am sorry for the news you got back. I am sure she will be more comfortable spending what time she does have left with you.

Really hope you are doing OK, can't imagine losing either of my fur-buddies


posted on Nov, 5 2017 @ 10:43 PM
Sorry to hear about your beloved cat. I think the best you can do for Midget is cherish every minute with her. She obviously had a wonderful life, and I'm quite sure she knows how much you love her. I too have a cat with Stomatitis. I have kept him on Fancy Feast wet food only and mix in Lysine supplement powder on top of the wet food 2x a day. It seems to ease the drooling a bit and maybe (I'm hoping), boosting his immune system a bit. I honestly cried when I read your story as I know my time with my cat is also limited. I wish nothing but the best for you and Midget.

posted on Nov, 6 2017 @ 09:48 AM
a reply to: opethPA

Please keep us posted on midgets situation.

Do you have a pic of her you can post?

posted on Nov, 7 2017 @ 09:42 AM
a reply to: opethPA

Additionally their are so many posts of people who have had pets die and the friends/enemies here put everything aside to just give good words.

That's what Family is for.

we are all part of the ATS family.

I guess what Im saying is it sucks watching a beloved pet moving towards the inevitable end of a long life together.

I second that, It does suck.

Treatment risks need to be weighed though thanks to my career cost is not an issue so I would pay whatever I have to but the most important thing you can do for a pet or really any loved one is to not prolong any suffering they are experiencing for selfish reasons.

It sucks.

Having to make the choice.

Your ATS family is here and many can relate to the pain you must be going through.

Much love.

posted on Dec, 5 2017 @ 07:35 PM
SInce so many people gave so many good words thought I would give a final update on this.

Last night at 5:47 PM EST the cat in question, Midget, was peacefully put down by a vet that was willing to come the house.
With the vet coming to the house Midget was able to just sit on the couch and be in a setting she was safe in.
In the end it turned out that she did have Oral Cancer which normally is a death sentence but factor in she was 19 then it was even more so.

I was a believer before in the concept that the most important part of having a pet is making sure they never suffer so as hard as it was..that was the right call for her with no hope of beating the scenario.

So ..that's that.. MIdget is now at peace.

posted on Dec, 5 2017 @ 08:31 PM
a reply to: opethPA

I'm really sorry to hear about Midget, but it sounds like he had a good 19 years!

Doing the right thing is seldom easy, but at least you know Midget didn't have to suffer in the end. It sounds like you did the most humane thing possible, in such a bad situation.

If you need anything opethPA, I'm always here. One cat lover to another

posted on Dec, 8 2017 @ 11:10 AM

originally posted by: JBurns
a reply to: opethPA

I'm really sorry to hear about Midget, but it sounds like he had a good 19 years!

Doing the right thing is seldom easy, but at least you know Midget didn't have to suffer in the end. It sounds like you did the most humane thing possible, in such a bad situation.

If you need anything opethPA, I'm always here. One cat lover to another

This is why i posted this scenario here..

Replies likes yours made a difference for me.. =)

posted on Dec, 8 2017 @ 11:33 AM

originally posted by: opethPA
This is why i posted this scenario here..

Replies likes yours made a difference for me.. =)

i'm glad you were able to give her peace, i know what a hard decision that is.

edit on 8-12-2017 by fiverx313 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 8 2017 @ 05:14 PM
a reply to: opethPA

Midget, was peacefully put down by a vet that was willing to come the house.
With the vet coming to the house Midget was able to just sit on the couch and be in a setting she was safe in.

I'm sorry. Having lost many cats myself, I know how hard it is to have to make that decision.

You are very lucky to have found a vet make the house call. That is one thing that always upset me the most, having to take my cats to a—to them—unknown place, when they are already terrified to the car ride, to have them put to sleep while in utter fear. I wish more vets made house calls for euthanasia for that very reason: so they can go in peace and place with which they are familiar.

I'm really sorry, man.

At least she was well loved and no longer in pain.

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