posted on Nov, 5 2017 @ 05:57 PM
a reply to:
Sorry to hear that! Long life for a cat, really. My brother had one that was a little older, and no major issues, but she disappeared at one point,
and he assumed she went off to die alone. Sad, in any case, especially when you have had the animal around for so long.
Cost, totally your call, especially if you can afford it, but you have to weigh the benefit to the cost, and also the risks. We had a dog we put
down, some years back, with too many issues to treat. We did try with some, but when, even with treatment, she was always in pain, it was time. I
couldn't bear the look in her eyes, wanting that to stop. Couldn't take her in, either; had the hubby do it. Bad enough saying goodbye at home.
I'd say, since cost isn't a problem, talk to a vet, and see what they think. If she's treatable, might be a good plan, and with a smell from the
problem in her face, you want to look at that anyway. A bad odor is usually not a good sign.
Sympathies, in any case! The loss is coming, one way or another, at her age.