posted on Nov, 4 2017 @ 07:48 AM
originally posted by: chr0naut
But, on the other hand, LIGO had been running for 15 years with no results.
This particular version of LIGO had not been running for 15 years -- it had just been turned on. This new LIGO was outfitted with some
modified equipment that would make the detector much more sensitive. It was only after they did the modifications that they detected the
gravitational waves, and that happened almost immediately.
A conspiracy, then is not too far fetched.
The 2015 detection might have possibly been faked.
However (and as I mentioned in another post above) the 2017 detection was verified by several other independent instruments using several different
methods of detection.
The way the 2017 event unfolded, LIGO was the first instrument to detect gravitational waves of the event, at which point it immediately sent an
automated alert to many other observatories who then looked into the part of the sky where LIGO detected the gravitational waves. These other
observatories (such as the Fermi Gamma Ray Observatory) then confirmed that an extremely energetic event had occurred exactly where and when LIGO said
it had detected the gravitational wave source.
So while the 2015 event could have been falsified, LIGO went top great lengths to make sure future events (such as the 2017 event) could be
independently confirmed.
edit on 4/11/2017 by Soylent Green Is People because: (no reason given)