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More evidence that the universe is aware

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posted on Oct, 28 2017 @ 02:41 PM
God's thoughts are as far above our own as the stars are above the Earth. (somewhere in the Bible)

posted on Oct, 28 2017 @ 02:46 PM
a reply to: neoholographic

There is the implication that everything exists to ensure the survival of the universe. If the death of the universe is entropy, then energy must evolve to become intelligent enough to overcome entropy.

...or that's my take.

edit on 10/28/2017 by MotherMayEye because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 28 2017 @ 03:39 PM

originally posted by: Guiltyguitarist
a reply to: neoholographic

Very profound. You took my thought to a whole new level. But it can be ultimately be oversimplified with the cliche all is one. One observer observing itself


The true reality is multidimensional and contains all possible measurements. We experience this from a limited 3 dimensional perspective.

We can't experience the multidimensional whole just aspects of the whole from moment to moment which we label past, present and future.

This is why we can choose to measure spin or momentum. It's because spin and momentum are parts of the multidimensional whole but we can't perceive this whole from our limited 3 dimensional perspective. We experience this multidimensional whole in moments that we experience as time but this whole is static and it doesn't change.

So we measure spin then we can measure momentum but not both at the same time.

So our limited 3 dimensional perspective allows us to experience our local world. Our perception is reality and gives us the illusion of separation.
edit on 28-10-2017 by neoholographic because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 28 2017 @ 03:57 PM
If light became a particle, would if not automatically acquire infinite mass?

posted on Oct, 28 2017 @ 04:02 PM

originally posted by: VegHead
This is all way out of my league intellectually .... but doesn't this simply confirm that you find what you are measuring for?

Thats exactly the theory behind bohmian mechanics. The copenhagen interpretation tells us that nothing is set until its measured. Bohmian mechanics says we are simply measuring different parts of the same thing.It says that for example a photon is all ways a particle guided by a wave function. We can measure the wave or the particle

posted on Oct, 28 2017 @ 06:59 PM
a reply to: Itisnowagain

hard question but assuming we exist

posted on Oct, 28 2017 @ 07:17 PM

originally posted by: Itisnowagain

originally posted by: humanoidlord
just so you know, there is an god
otherwise we would not exist, because matter and antimmatter particles would cancel each other, however unexplainably an small amount of matter was added...

Are you sure you exist?

Simply brilliant! Is there anything to be sure of?

Deny knowledge, and seek ignorance?

posted on Oct, 28 2017 @ 08:28 PM
In physics the conditions of the universe must allow for the observer to exist. This is not the same thing as saying that the universe is dependent on the observer to exist or that the existence of the observer is dependent on the universe. Only that the conditions must exist otherwise we would not be here to talk about it.

posted on Oct, 28 2017 @ 09:08 PM

originally posted by: projectvxn
In physics the conditions of the universe must allow for the observer to exist. This is not the same thing as saying that the universe is dependent on the observer to exist or that the existence of the observer is dependent on the universe. Only that the conditions must exist otherwise we would not be here to talk about it.

Better hope the universe doesnt notice us since99.99 percent of it is lethal to us. The universe is constantly trying to kill us.

posted on Oct, 29 2017 @ 05:05 AM

originally posted by: projectvxn
In physics the conditions of the universe must allow for the observer to exist. This is not the same thing as saying that the universe is dependent on the observer to exist or that the existence of the observer is dependent on the universe. Only that the conditions must exist otherwise we would not be here to talk about it.

What if 'what there is' is a movie? And the movie is aware of itself.
There is nothing separate to the movie.
The observer and the observed are one - not two.

posted on Oct, 29 2017 @ 04:21 PM
a reply to: Itisnowagain

I make no attempt to separate the observer from the fabric of the universe. As it exists it is certainly part of this universe.

But the universe follows a certain set of physical laws. Those laws are known to be true with or without our participation. We know this because the laws of physics apply everywhere we look.

posted on Oct, 29 2017 @ 04:27 PM
a reply to: Nothin

That crap is straight from the pits of hell.

God formed you before He formed the universe!

He knew you when you were knit in your mother's womb!

You are well loved.

Look up at the stars at night.

The miracle of birth.

The smell of pines, the seasons, the oceans so deep we know more about space than what's under those waves.

And know - the one who created 'all that' - created you and loves you more.

All you have to do is ask for Him - you got Him.

posted on Oct, 29 2017 @ 05:11 PM
a reply to: silo13

Sometimes wonder if some peoples nothingness, is the same thing as others' God.
Perhaps we're talking about the same thing?
Do they resonate with us because there is truth therein, or are we simply validating our beliefs?

posted on Oct, 30 2017 @ 09:35 AM
Here's more:

Quantum experiment in space confirms that reality is what you make it

An odd space experiment has confirmed that, as quantum mechanics says, reality is what you choose it to be. Physicists have long known that a quantum of light, or photon, will behave like a particle or a wave depending on how they measure it. Now, by bouncing photons off satellites, a team has confirmed that an observer can make that decision even after a photon has made its way almost completely through the experiment—seemingly well past the point at which it would become either a wave or a particle. Such delayed-choice experiments might someday probe the fuzzy frontier between quantum theory and relativity, researchers say

A photon can act like a bulletlike particle or rippling wave—but not both at once—depending on how experimenters decide to measure it. In the late 1970s, famed theoretician John Archibald Wheeler realized that experimenters could even delay the choice until the photon had made its way almost completely through an apparatus configured to emphasize one property or the other, thus proving that the photon’s behavior isn’t predetermined.


This shows that the choice of human consciousness is directly connected to the very fabric of the universe.

Materialist have been running from this truth since the first person said quantum mechanics.

This result destroys local realism yet again and we also see this illustrated in the Free Will Theorem.

What we call subatomic particles should be independent of human choice if we're dealing with anything material. There's no evidence that this magical material substance called matter exists.

The only thing that exists is our limited 3 dimensional perspective which gives us the illusion of separation from the multidimensional whole.

Subatomic particles have to be connected to human choice and this is why the you get a result like this.

They have to know what choices we're going to make and therefore the quantum state can't be predetermined.

They have to KNOW what choices we're going to make in order to shield us from multidimensional information we can't access because of our limited 3 dimensional perspective.

So when it KNOWS we can access information about the quantum state it acts like a particle. When it KNOWS we can't access information that's multidimensional and outside of our limited 3 dimensional perspective, it acts like a wave.

So conscious human choice has to create the local "reality" we experience.
edit on 30-10-2017 by neoholographic because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 30 2017 @ 02:13 PM

originally posted by: neoholographic

This shows that the choice of human consciousness is directly connected to the very fabric of the universe.

Materialist have been running from this truth since the first person said quantum mechanics.

This result destroys local realism yet again and we also see this illustrated in the Free Will Theorem.

What we call subatomic particles should be independent of human choice if we're dealing with anything material. There's no evidence that this magical material substance called matter exists.

The only thing that exists is our limited 3 dimensional perspective which gives us the illusion of separation from the multidimensional whole.

It seems improbable that the majority of people would be willing and/or able to contemplate this.
Simply because the implications are totally illusion shattering!

Don't you find that it makes participating in normal social life quite awkward?
Folks rushing about, getting stressed about insignificant things.
Work colleagues intensely explaining to you, why their new truck, is vastly superior to other trucks.

Just smile and nod.

posted on Oct, 30 2017 @ 02:40 PM
a reply to: Jiggly

i find it funny how some people think humans are a significant enough existence that creation/the universal consciousness/whatever would find it necessary to specifically target humanity for destruction.
i'm quite sure creation could care less and i'm also sure there are truly evil races out there in the many universes throughout creation that probably do things to other races that we could never even imagine the horrors of.
humans are just fleas in the grand scheme of things and what we do to earth or to any creature on earth and even fellow humans mean nothing at all, maybe spirituality it might possibly matter but that likely has nothing to do with creation.

posted on Oct, 30 2017 @ 02:54 PM
a reply to: Nothin

Good points,

The main thing left to know is how much freedom does 3 dimensional universes have.

We will know this by how many dimensions exists.

If there's 5 dimensions, then the multiverse of 3 dimensional universes that could exist would be limited to mostly universes like ours. With 10 dimensions, you would get more variations that can occur.

If dimensions are infinite, then just about any 3 dimensional universe could occur. There could be a 3 dimensional universe with winged pink dwarfs that can fly.

It's like a deck of cards. With 5 cards, you have just 120 arrangements that can occur. With 52 cards, many more arrangements can occur.
edit on 30-10-2017 by neoholographic because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 31 2017 @ 12:41 PM
I've been studying waves since the day my vision split (9 years old) and still don't have a clue what any of this means. Its nonsense. Light is a wave detected by particles. The waves are real, the particles are pulses formed by echos of the wave.

posted on Oct, 31 2017 @ 12:43 PM
People are continually misunderstanding and misrepresenting what the Copenhagen Interpretation of QM tells us and what Heisenberg's uncertainty principle tells us.

Granted, it is true that (according to QM) the velocity and position of a particle can BOTH never be known at the same time, and that if we humans know one of those factors, we affect the other factor. However, that "affecting the other factor" is not due to our conscious knowledge of the first factor, but rather due to how we gained that knowledge -- i.e., through measurement.

Uncertainty is built into the fabric of the universe, but that uncertainty would exist whether or not humans or other sentient beings are around or not to consciously "know about" the universe. There are particles billions of light years away from us that are doing their thing ion uncertain manner whether we have knowledge of these particles or not. The young universe did its thing using the same physical laws it uses today long before life arose.

That is to say, the universe as a whole doesn't care if humans exist or not. We might affect the part of the universe with which we directly interact, but that's a miniscule infinitesimally small part of the known universe.

posted on Oct, 31 2017 @ 01:08 PM

originally posted by: BigBangWasAnEcho
I've been studying waves since the day my vision split (9 years old) and still don't have a clue what any of this means. Its nonsense. Light is a wave detected by particles. The waves are real, the particles are pulses formed by echos of the wave.

Photons (photons of light or otherwise) are nether particles nor waves. They are their own thing, and what they are is sometimes described as a field (as in Quantum Field Theory, or QFT), but even QFT is thought to not be an accurate description of realty. What photons truly are might be beyond the understanding of our human minds.

Quantum Mechanics can describe photons as a particle or can describe them as a wave, but that's not the same as saying they actually are either a particle or wave. Quantum Mechanics is NOT meant to tell how us what the nature of the universe really is, but rather it is only a tool for describing how the universe behaves.

That is to say, "What the universe really is" and "a tool for describing how it behaves" are two different things.

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