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My alien friend, she always came in my dreams

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posted on Feb, 11 2005 @ 10:18 AM
Years ago as a young child I had a best friend who came to see me only at night it was our secret she said. She came almost every night for years in my reoccurring dreams. We played with my toys and talked. She was constantly questioning me about everything, like how does this work, why do I believe that, why, why, why? It got on my nerves; something else bothered me a little too, she did not look right. Not being one to be too fussy about looks I barely paid any attention and then when I did I tried not to, but eventually I had to notice that she had no eyes just black huge abnormal looking things, black as coal, her hair was scraggly and thin and her body did not look right. She was so white it was not funny, she was scary white and her body did not look right, thin and long fingers. Finally even I could not stand it, she was starting to boss me around and talk down to me and I did not like it. Its bad enough to play with someone who is scary looking but then not nice to boot. I told her she was not real, she argued she was. I told her she was a ghost with rottng eyes and to leave me alone, I would not talk to her anymore. She came back but I did as I told her I would do I ignored her and finally she stopped coming. I still remember her to this day. I very seldon have reoccurring dreams but this one went on almost everynight for years. It was not alwasy us doing the same things but always pretty mcuh the same theme. I was wondering if anyone else has these kinds of recollections?

[edit on 11-2-2005 by goose]

posted on Feb, 13 2005 @ 03:38 AM
Hi Goose,

Well, I didn't had the similar experience you describe but perhaps there's someone who did although she might suggest that it was your imagination or she can provide some other information.
Look for EarthSister.

posted on Feb, 13 2005 @ 03:46 AM
Interesting story. I have an unusual question, maybe you can answer it. If your alien friend comes in a dream, it is apparent that your friend is not in a physical state, couldn't you just change her appearance to one that appeals you or a you force to accept what she looks like. It is after all your mind.

posted on Feb, 13 2005 @ 01:46 PM
IComeWithASword does have a very good point, it's your mind you should be able to control her appearence

posted on Feb, 13 2005 @ 02:11 PM
Doesn't sound like this dream girl was much of a friend.

posted on Feb, 13 2005 @ 03:15 PM
Do you suspect you had alien contacts?

posted on Feb, 13 2005 @ 03:16 PM
Just because it was in a dream doesn't mean you control a lot of what goes on.

How many times have you been running in a dream but can't move, or your falling and can't stop.

It is possible that it happened in the real world and your friend (I assume she's alien or part alien) makes you think it is in a dream.

Either way be careful.

posted on Feb, 13 2005 @ 04:10 PM

Originally posted by Indigo_Child
Do you suspect you had alien contacts?

He is under hardcore alien surveillance. Things are happening around him because he is hostile to the Aliens, and they want to enlighten his mind.

The alien girlfriend in his dreams is carrying out real-life experiences in order to keep his body in shape. It's another thing that he is waking up in fear of "bleeding to death"...

well, all this isn't that bad, and is becoming regular.

posted on Feb, 13 2005 @ 05:54 PM
I dreamed about this so called person for several years. She was not something I could have controlled. I was very frightened of her, as a child I had never heard of aliens, no one talked about them at all in our household. And there were no shows on them way back then on tv, mostly we watched Lawrence Welk and stuff like that, we got one channel in the winter and two in the summer when the leaves were off the trees. As a child I at first felt sorry for her, then later she gradually became a frightening thing. When I first recall her it was like a moment when I realized that she was there but it was not frightening it was like I knew her already and she was reassuring me everything was ok, since it was like one moment I was asleep in bed and the next I seem to wake up with her in the room and I was already up playing with toys. I had no memory of getting up or her coming into the room. For several years it was a normal thing for me to be talking and playing with her until some part of me realized that she was so strange even my compassion for her was overwhelmed by it. I think she had pushed me too far in some way and I became angry with her. It was the anger that made me recall her in reality and recognize that maybe this was much more than a dream, plus the fact that I finally realized one does not dream the same thing over and over. Plus her eyes scared me I saw the black eyes as being an empty socket and in my mind I perceived her as a ghost, only years later after drawing her did I finally see that she might have been alien. The only other thing I recall as a child that could be remotely related to this is as a child in the tobacco patch, standing along side my brother and waving to light haired beings in a helicopter. They waved back and then we went to tell our mom about it but forgot it the moment we walked in the house. I also recall these helicopter twice as an adult, my children say they have memories of a helicopter lifting off near them but we have never even been near one. Its weird the one experience I had as an adult that I recall I called the helicopter the jolly green giant because it was huge and green. Again it was anger that made me recall this experience. My parents recall no strange experiences. I did ask my brother as an adult if he recalled the helicopter experience of standing in the field and waving and he said yes he did but that was all we ever discussed about it and that was his only memory of the experience also. I would talk to him more about it if I could but he died in 2004 of cancer. BTW for the record I am female and this being visited me when I was about 8-11 years old.

[edit on 13-2-2005 by goose]

posted on Feb, 13 2005 @ 06:10 PM
I often dream about my helicopter, too...

Do you have dreams about your future jetliner, too? I suggest you the Challenger 604 Business Jet, it's the most convenient aircraft for long range cruise.

posted on Feb, 13 2005 @ 06:15 PM

posted on Feb, 13 2005 @ 06:25 PM
Goose, did you ever get the impression the alien entity was observing you or analysing you. I know you were a child, but I wonder if you even felt that you were some kind of lab rat for her.

Has anything else unusual happened with you in your life. Do you gravitate to esoteric or paranormal subjects? Do you feel "different" from regular people? Do you feel you have a special purpose?

posted on Feb, 14 2005 @ 04:36 AM

Originally posted by Vertu
Yeah, some links...

Agusta A109 Power Elite

Challenger 604 Business Jet


Thanks Vertu but I have no dreams of riding or owning any aircraft, The last flight I took was a nine hour trip and the turbulance and the landing was so bad I refuse to get on a plane again. I would love to own one of those small remote control ones large enough to mount a camera on and take pictures, would you happen to know how much those cost?

[edit on 14-2-2005 by goose]

posted on Feb, 14 2005 @ 04:56 AM

Originally posted by Indigo_Child
Goose, did you ever get the impression the alien entity was observing you or analysing you. I know you were a child, but I wonder if you even felt that you were some kind of lab rat for her.

Has anything else unusual happened with you in your life. Do you gravitate to esoteric or paranormal subjects? Do you feel "different" from regular people? Do you feel you have a special purpose?

At the time I did not but I do recall asking why she ask so many question and complaining I was tired of answering them. She made me feel special and for a long time I thought of her as almost a sister. When I was in college I did read a lot of books on UFO's and ghosts and reincarantion along with a lot of other subjects. As for feeling different from others I have always felt that way and been treated that way. But I am a loner by nature and perhaps that is why.

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