posted on Oct, 26 2017 @ 10:15 PM
originally posted by: ladyinwaiting
originally posted by: AnkhMorpork
And op, he changed his mind about the sensitive stuff...
This isn't what Roger Stone had in mind when he petitioned you to release them for the sake of transparency.
They had all the time in the world to redact any names.
d op, he changed his mind about the sensitive stuff...
Maybe about LBJ.
As he looked at Mike Pence sitting there stone faced and stoic with a glint in his eye.
LBJ winked at the photographer when he was on the plane with a grieving Jacky Kennedy..
Bush Sr. was in on it as well, I'm sure of it.
Something very bad happened to the tree of liberty as one branch was cut off and another grafted on, and it was Bush's CIA who led it from the
darkness, and lo and behold look around at the world they gave us...
They screwed it all up again on 9/11.
But doesn't there not still remain a taproot of days and sentiments past and renewed in the light of truth and understanding and awareness?
I'm still hopeful and eternally optimistic, but my oh my didn't the so-called "keepers of the flame" drop the ball and leave a mess in their satanic
"take over the world" wake of blood and guts exemplified in the JFK assassination.
Back, and to the left.