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Its the video we've been waiting for! :)

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posted on Feb, 11 2005 @ 02:52 PM

Originally posted by ShiftTrio

Originally posted by merka

Originally posted by Th0r
Kaufman County, Texas. Yes thats in the United States.

So the fact that its seen in the US must mean its American in origin?

Whenever I visit the local airport I see tons of foreign planes, for some obscure reason. Hm, maybe Sweden is just a strange nation. Our defense is worthless, so I can understand foreign planes fly over with more ease than the US.

LOL, So you see tons of experimental Air Craft from different counties at your local air port, LOL.. Just admit it wasnt the best of statements and we can move on LOL

Dont be stupid, I wasnt refering to experimetal crafts in my comparison...

Other nations could fly over US with spy planes (secret or not) just as US spy planes (probably the secret ones too) constantly fly over "enemy" nations. There is *nothing* that can eliminate the possibility.

posted on Feb, 11 2005 @ 03:25 PM
Nice footage, these flying triangles are becoming the norm for UFO sightings lately huh?

Due to the amount and quality of black triangle footage, I'm almost convinced that these black triangles are the next secret experimental aircraft from the U.S. government (or some other government) after the SR-71 and F-117 stealth planes and will probably be revealed to the public in the next 5-10 years.

To me, it's just the explanation that seems to make the most sense. While it's always a possibility that they're ET in origin, it's more likely they're terrestrial made.

Also, judging by past experimental military craft, a triangular shaped stealth craft using an anti-gravity propulsion of some kind seems like the next logical step. I'm still uncertain of exactly where the technology comes from though.

posted on Feb, 11 2005 @ 03:36 PM
You couldnt hype it up anymore with the title? geez another shakey unclear vid, what do you know

posted on Feb, 11 2005 @ 03:47 PM
Interesting video.
It is also interesting how many of you readily dismiss a triangular shaped UFO to be of terrestrial origins, some sort of a top secret project. Unless some of you KNOW something it is impossible to ditinguish a terrestrial vs extra terrestrial UFO just based on its shape.

I once witnessed a black triangular shape moving slowly across the sky. It was cloudy so I know the object was flying fairly low, it is also how I was able to tell it was black in colour. The triangle appeared to be equilateral triangle. It was substantially larger than my thumb at arms length. It had 3 white lights at each corner, much smaller in size than the ones in the video (though that may be due to camera lens distortion). This object made absolutely no sound as it VERY SLOWLY moved along. Now the skeptic in me dismissed it as some sort of a terrestrial aircraft, however I cannot dismiss the fact that alot of the criteria for it being of terrestrial origin did not add up. After some research I came to find out that this area is a 'hotspot' for these black triangles.

posted on Feb, 11 2005 @ 04:08 PM
Terrestrial or not Black triangles are every where. There has also been several sightings in my area.
If they are from American government, what do they need to be doing where I live. Why don't they all fly over to China or Iran?

The fact that they are silent and are black suggests that they are supposed to be stealthy. However they always have these 3 lights on the bottom. I'd say Seth76 is right about the anti-gravity type technology. The Three lights are not for illumination but must have something to do with the crafts propulsion system.

As far as I'm concerned these things are invading our airspace and should be shot down. (disclaimer: The author of this post takes no responsibility for people shooting down Innocent plains

posted on Feb, 11 2005 @ 04:13 PM
Hate to say it, but the lights kind of look like flares to me.

Of course they're in triangle formation, but still....

posted on Feb, 11 2005 @ 04:24 PM
I don't know, looks similar to the Belgian triangle from March 30, 1990.

If it is the same type of craft, it's not terrestrial. I am not up to date with secret aircraft. Does anyone have any links for similar craft that were proven to be terrestrial?

posted on Feb, 11 2005 @ 04:32 PM
Not having a go but...

have you ever tried to film an object, especially when it's cold and your 'excited' with a camcorder zoomed in?
It's difficult, and it jumps like hell to the slightest, slightest shake.. You ask the poor people who have tried to watch my airday videos...

Originally posted by Kidfinger
The vid is very jumpy. Almost like someone was running while they were filming it.

posted on Feb, 11 2005 @ 04:51 PM
there is really nothing that can be done about shakey videos unless everyone has a broacast quality camera and a tripod. its becouse they zoom them in so far i even notice on my digital video camera if i zoom it out full at 4x and go out 8x digital zoom even the slightest twitch will cause a very shaky picture becouse of the huge distance you zoomed out on. a 1MM twitch will turn out several inches on the video. its nearly impossible to hold a camera perfectly steady with your hands.

and also most standard cameras are very bad at picking up light escecially at night. my regular video camera its a medium quality digital camera/video camera that cost $200. i cant pick up any starts and can barly see the moon on it at night. so most lights will show up as a blur until you zoom in fully then you will get the shakyness.

so for all you who say that is worthless and fake becouse is poor quality and shaky. not everyone has a $1500++ camera with a tripid in their pockets all the time.

posted on Feb, 11 2005 @ 04:57 PM

Originally posted by Umbrax
As for how this thing made no noise... I speculate they may be using negative sound.

If this is the case the UFO could be invisible to sonar as well

You must be referring to passive sonar, because I have no knowledge of any working aeronautical 'active' sonar system. Sonar is used in the water mainly. The statement speaks for itself, if you can't hear it...

It's a great point, however I should add a point of conjecture. Negative sound works only for certain applications. If it's using pulsed/detonation engines there would defiantly be quite a bit of sound coming from the craft, and the sound would defiantly be omni-directional. The problem with negative sound in open air is; unless the sound is directional from origin to the observer's angle where the sound would be heard you will have quite a problem making the negative sound inclusive to all of the sound waves from an omni-directional sound source. Even if you had the capability to create omni-directional negative sound waves you wouldn't be able to compute the negative sound fast enough for the sound to be produced when needed. You would need to know the exact sound before it is produced.

Anti-sound generators work by receiving sound, calculating the decibel level, and then the precise moment for counteracting waves to be produced. Because of this delay you, in fact, would be amplifying sounds laterally away from the anti-sound emitter (speaker).

In my opinion it would take a huge array of equipment just for noise cancellation. I also find it highly improbable that the noise would be canceled completely in all directions.


Maybe a picture of wave interference will help you visualize what I'm talking about? What you're saying works great in the one dimensional plane that you showed in the graphic. It falls apart when you try to apply it to two dimensions. You're saying that we could make it work 100% in three dimensions.

[edit on 11-2-2005 by Seth76]

posted on Feb, 11 2005 @ 05:22 PM
Well i wouldn’t be surprised if this is a military air craft, check out this site

The levitating effects which is produced from these triangular crafts produce a lot of glowing and strange effects, imagine what any government has achieved if they've been working on this tech for over a decade or more?

[edit on 11-2-2005 by rufi0o]

[edit on 11-2-2005 by rufi0o]

posted on Feb, 11 2005 @ 05:56 PM

Originally posted by rufi0o
Well i wouldn’t be surprised if this is a military air craft, check out this site

The levitating effects which is produced from these triangular crafts produce a lot of glowing and strange effects, imagine what any government has achieved if they've been working on this tech for over a decade or more?

[edit on 11-2-2005 by rufi0o]

[edit on 11-2-2005 by rufi0o]

Yeah, I've seen these projects before, mostly college level stuff. They use ion radiating wire with high voltage. Pretty neat stuff. But the flying triagles I've read about as far as secret aircraft are concerned, fly in conventional manner like the F117, but are just triangle in shape. No sign of antigravity that I have seen. Maybe someone has more info?

I would have to say though this video is interesting, but still not conclusive enough as proof of extraterrestrial craft. For extrodinary claims, you need extrordinary proof. Most of us here are convinced of visitations, but it will take more to convince the rest of the world.

posted on Feb, 12 2005 @ 05:31 AM
Cool video.. it's interesting how the three lights all originate from one single spot. However, I find it quite deceiving because of the completely black background.. I mean I could have made that up in a very dark room, there is no way to actually see it's happening in an outdoors environment, no city, no trees, no sky, no ground....


posted on Feb, 12 2005 @ 05:57 AM

Originally posted by Th0r
Nice video, If only it would come to my house.

I believe it's eithier an experimental US craft or an extra terrestrial craft.
The thing is with footage of these "experiment US craft" you would think they would test fly in some isolated part of the planet not somewhere where someone could catch it on film.

or maybe they want people to know that its there so people will speculate. When lots of people all over the internet start debating about it opinions start losing value. They want people to talk about it

As for the video im skeptical

[edit on 12-2-2005 by Ric]

posted on Feb, 12 2005 @ 06:49 AM
Could someone make a stabilized version of this footage? Like with the Patterson footage.

posted on Feb, 12 2005 @ 07:19 AM

It is also interesting how many of you readily dismiss a triangular shaped UFO to be of terrestrial origins, some sort of a top secret project. Unless some of you KNOW something it is impossible to ditinguish a terrestrial vs extra terrestrial UFO just based on its shape.

I mostly say this when it appears the UFO in question is also moving in a straight line, as a plane....

Thing is, the SR-71 Blackbird was first flown in '58. It wasn't made public till the 80's, so we're talking over 20 years that this thing was flying around, with anyone, aircraft, etc. sighting it scratching their heads...

So, the statement made is that it is LIKELY the TR-3B, not that it definitely IS the craft. Of course the possibility of it being ET in nature is there as well, but it's more likely that the relatively recent appearance of these, coupled with straight line flying patterns, and numerous video captures, are more LIKELY of a terrestrial origin.... So, do most think ALL triangle UFOs are the TR-3B? I doubt it, but when it flies as a plane, it tends to be what most lean towards....

posted on Feb, 12 2005 @ 12:48 PM

Originally posted by Gazrok
Thing is, the SR-71 Blackbird was first flown in '58. It wasn't made public till the 80's, so we're talking over 20 years that this thing was flying around, with anyone, aircraft, etc. sighting it scratching their heads...

So, do most think ALL triangle UFOs are the TR-3B? I doubt it...

Glad you mentioned this, as it is also worth noting that in his testimony published in Greer's Disclosure, retired Lt. Col. Joe Wojtecki (USAF) tells of seeing a triangular craft matching the appearance of the Belgium triangles back in 1969 over Loring AFB in Maine. The performance attributes as decribed by Lt. Col. Wojtecki are consistent with other non-conventional craft reported as UFOs.

While the goverment has demonstrated a competent ability to keep black projects under wraps -- even after the development lifecycle has been completed and the product put into service -- assuming this testimony to be valid, it would date the operation of triangular UFOs to the late 60's...

I tend to strongly agree with the assertion that while some sightings of triangular craft may be attributable to the TR-3B, others most likely are not.

posted on Feb, 12 2005 @ 01:07 PM

Originally posted by Vis Mega

Finally - eh?!

Isn't that great!? Someone has to slow it down and enhance it, but I've already seen some stills.. and there is no doubt what that is.

(pssst... thats a black triangle.. just in case you didn't get it.. I don't want you to look dumb.. asking.. us.. what that is)

(edit to remove caps from title)

[edit on 12-2-2005 by pantha]

The true is that they have been here all the time, i wonder why still the human does not comprehend that we are not alone and if some do, they still amazed about it, people thing some times: why are they not coming and precent themself?.. i'll give you the answer, how would you like to come to a planet and be welcomed with a shotgun or been presued by an attacking airplane?..what would you think of this people that knowing that they have more power and intelligence are still behaving this way. Me, i would think they are crazy and not worthy of such encounter.

posted on Feb, 12 2005 @ 01:09 PM
And i ment this people as us.

posted on Feb, 12 2005 @ 02:26 PM
The video does look like the TR-3B whether there is any truth behind it i have no idea but all the same i thought you might like a look. Btw i cant seem to get onto the site that hosts this, it tells me to "Leave this site now!"

[edit on 12-2-2005 by kode]

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