posted on Oct, 17 2017 @ 06:03 PM
a reply to:
No one really knows what we will have, we don't even know what we have now especially technology sat on by government's under the pretence of
national security etc. or by Corporations such as the petroleum and automotive conglomerates.
There is only one way these hidden ground breaking technology's will ever come to light and that is when Greed outweighs there current fear of
letting us have access to them, when they can sell what they are hiding from us to us and in some cases these technology's are actually very old now -
just we have not seen them.
Other than that Economics and Consumerism has driven much of our technological development's, war has also driven these development's perhaps to a
far greater extent even than post WW2 consumerism has.
So to make such an impossible guess would require knowing the state of our global culture over those time frame's.
If some elite have there way then we will actually regress, they will sit on super technology's they already have and use them to there own agenda
but the rest of us in a population controlled world will likely be back to using cattle for hand ploughing fields and have our education filled with
control propaganda.
Most likely technology already in use but then refined to a level far above would be mind control technology's developed to control the population,
banish unrest and allow the elite to continue to control either from the shadow's through there puppet politicians or more direct by implementing
there imperialistic one world government.
That is assuming we even make it to these stages without our civilization collapsing and the elite retreating to there DUMB's with there according to
some account's fully fitted out alternative world to live in - until they come back up to seize control once the storm has passed.
Best guess, I have no idea but we may actually have a lunar base (So long as ET does not chase us off) on the moon in the short to intermediate
term, in fact we may already have one just not one that the public know about according to some conspiracy's.