posted on Oct, 17 2017 @ 04:39 PM
Hello all I am a new member to the site but I have been well aware of ATS for about a year or so but allow me to properly introduce myself so you guys
can get an idea of who I am and why I decided to join. To start things off, I'm an introvert with very few friends in the real world mainly because I
am not into what the "majority" are into so when I actually want to talk about something like for example: the solar system, eating healthy, the 7
chakras, etc. people will look at me funny and not want to be around me because I'm a "weirdo". My family has noticed me "changing" over the
years and with that in mind, it's hard for me to communicate with them nowadays to the point where I honestly feel like I should be away from them
even though I love them to death. As the name suggests, I am a vegan; been living this lifestyle since summer of 2016 and as you all can see I got a
little creative with it because it was the only thing I could think of that could possibly help me stand out on this website
and hopefully get
. The reason why I became vegan was for personal and ethical reasons mainly due to loads of research and documentaries from people who
claimed it helped them "change their life" and I can honestly say that I am a testimony to that. The infamous ralph smart helped me to embark on
this journey and if you guys don't know who he is check out his videos "" particularly the
food/nutrition playlist and his videos talking about the "Third Eye". This is the first community site other than social media that I have ever
joined to actually want to talk about things that actually matter to me(although I know others would like to argue and say that this site is a social
media but I beg to differ). Well guys I have tons of things I would like to get into but I would rather not put it all into one intro forum and rather
get to know you guys and hopefully build great relations with the lots of you. I hope this intro about myself gave you guys an idea of what type of
person I am(Trust me I'm F#$@ing awesome). If you guys have any questions, comments, or concerns feel free to drop em down below because my minds
always open to interpretation!!!!!! Much love and peace!!