posted on Oct, 16 2017 @ 09:26 AM
a reply to:
I'm based in Jersey, Channel Islands. It's the same over here, and although it seems to be clearing somewhat, it's been very eerie weather all day.
When I woke up and looked at the sun this morning, I knew instantly it would have something to do with Saharan dust blowing up, but on collecting a
sample off of my (very recently cleaned) car to show my partner, it was a different colour to what I remember from the last time (having said that,
the sky is much darker too).
This stuff is greyish-black, I instantly thought it was ash of some kind, and after a very quick search I was reminded of the many forest fires
burning in Spain and Portugal at the moment.
Anyway, here's a photo of some of the dust rubbed from the roof of my car; zoomed-in, it definitely looks ashy to me;
Local news media reports;
At first, Jersey Met believed it could have been caused by Saharan dust. But it is now believed that the strange sky has most likely been
caused by smoke from wildfires in Portugal which have left at least 31 dead.
(Image taken today in Jersey, CI. From source linked below)
Source -
Saharan Dust Sends Jerseys Sun a Pinky
I've made several attempts to capture both photos and videos of the phenomenon, but neither my skillset nor my equipment are up to the job, so I'm
sorry about that.