posted on Feb, 11 2005 @ 05:15 AM
i think you will all be able to relate to this?...have you noticed that if you bring up any subjects in the pub or a bar lets say for example
"koreas Nuclear arsenal" most people say "oh well-it doesnt really effect me" or "when they launch them i'll start worrying"
even worse when you mention goverment conspiricys or secret societies,people just dont see that its even worth showing even mild
personally i dont loose hours of sleep over the in's and outs of lets say "the new world order" but i cant help but want to get some sort of
opinion from the common man or women on where they stand on whats going on,on our planet?
does any one else share my frustration that you seem mildly irritating to others when you mention being wiped of the face of the planet by a barrage
of commie nukes?