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META-ANALYSIS: Disclosure, Podesta, & Pedogate

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posted on Oct, 14 2017 @ 06:59 PM
Hello folks. For the last year I’ve been embedded behind the scenes, on the ground in a very literal fashion amidst all the pedogate madness. I’ve abstained from posting on social media, and from revealing my intentions in real life to those I interact with on a daily basis. The only people who know what I’ve been working on are a small circle of trusted researchers.

The reason for my posting and the breaking of my vow of silence today, is because I believe that there may be a potential red team scenario playing out in front of us. For those who don't know what a red team is, the below quotes from Wikipedia provide an adequate definition.

A red team or the Red Team is an independent group that challenges an organization to improve its effectiveness. It is particularly effective in organizations with strong cultures and fixed ways of approaching problems. The United States intelligence community (military and civilian) has red teams that explore alternative futures and write articles as if they were foreign world leaders.

In wargaming, the opposing force (or OPFOR) in a simulated military conflict may be referred to as a red cell (a very narrow form of Red Teaming) and may also engage in red team activity. The key theme is that the aggressor is composed of various threat actors, equipment and techniques that are at least partially unknown by the defenders. The red cell challenges the operations planning by playing the role of a thinking enemy. In United States war-gaming simulations, the U.S. force is always the Blue Team and the opposing force is always the Red Team. When applied to intelligence work, red-teaming is sometimes called alternative analysis.

In short, the highest levels of the Swamp (deep state/Illuminati/etc) have undoubtedly been exploring alternate timelines in hopes of discovering the most effective method for regaining control over an increasingly agitated and non-compliant populace.

I don’t deal in predictions, only probabilities. If nothing comes of all this alien/Pleiadian/disclosure hype, I’ll continue forward just as I have been. But if this is indeed a red team plan unfolding in front us, we may be looking at an attempt by the shadow government to regain their grip on the power and influence they’ve been rapidly losing over the last 18 months. The conventional strongholds of global control are taking on water, and one thing is clear—they won’t go down without a fight. They will do anything to keep pedogate from seeing the full light of day, which is why this possible attempt to hijack the narrative has me so concerned.

What pushed me over the edge was this tweet from John Podesta a few days ago. Podesta's stance on alien disclosure and his relationship with Tom Delonge has been common knowledge for some time now. What convinced me that it was time to release this information publicly though was Delonge’s promotion of the To The Stars Academy, along with Podesta’s extremely visible support of the organization. Combined with the email primers (linked at the bottom of the post) I have been disseminating to my team over the course of the last month, these are at the very least coincidences worth taking note of. Some would call them synchronicities.

Delonge also recently helped take down a pedophile ring, so he has “street cred” at this point when claiming to be working with the “good guys”.

On the same day that the Huffington Post announced Delonge's intention to disclose the existence of aliens, David Wilcock happened to release a four-part meta-analysis of the Las Vegas massacre that seamlessly tied together Delonge’s announcement, the mass shooting itself, the recent exposure of Hollywood’s filth, and the coming alien disclosure to humanity. You can’t make this stuff up. Slightly strange that such an in-depth and lengthy article was ready to be posted so close to the time that Delonge’s announcement came out. It almost seems coordinated.

Wilcock postulates that Hollywood's currently crumbling credibility may be an act of the a group of "off-world entities" known as 'The Resistance' or 'Blue Avians'. While I am always ecstatic to see human suffering alleviated, this feels almost too convenient, all things considered.

On Wilcock’s show, ‘Cosmic Disclosure’, the narrative pitched is that our planet is being protected by a group of alien entities known as the "Blue Avians”. These entities are resisting the “Cabal” (Wilcock’s term for the shadow government/Illuminati/etc). According to Wilcock, when these entities finally intervene publicly there will be mass arrests, justice will be served, and a new golden age of humanity will be ushered in.

Hollywood's entire purpose is to tell stories by acting them out via movies and television. Could this be the grandest production of them all? Offer up an extremely visible slice of Americana as a sacrificial lamb, in hopes that the more egregious atrocities of the ruling elite will be ignored? I'll be convinced when Hollywood AND the rulers of this world are exposed for their crimes against humanity. Color me skeptical until I see state actors in handcuffs.

Wilcock’s primary source is Corey Goode, who claims to be a former astronaut in the secret space program. Delonge is working with US government insiders who claim to have worked with the secret space program. After all, To The Stars Academy’s stated goal is to use the entertainment industry to provide “soft disclosure” to the masses, before eventually dropping the major bombshells publicly.

Lastly, Wilcock’s four-part article asserts that the Cabal botched the Las Vegas massacre so badly that the Blue Avians may be forced to intervene. In layman’s terms, the Blue Avians may be forced to reveal themselves to humanity and step in to make arrests, serve justice, and usher in a new golden age of humanity.

The below link contains the email primers I disseminated to my team, in sequential order. I am releasing these emails in their original unedited form, save a few alterations here and there to protect my identity and the identities of my sources.

Red Team Meta-Analysis Emails

Look alive folks!

The European Southern Observatory (ESO) will hold a press conference on 16 October 2017 at 16:00 CEST, at its Headquarters in Garching, Germany, to present groundbreaking observations of an astronomical phenomenon that has never been witnessed before.


posted on Oct, 14 2017 @ 07:04 PM

The below link contains the email primers I disseminated to my team,

Who exactly is "your team"?

posted on Oct, 14 2017 @ 07:04 PM
Screen play...? Fishing for parentheticals? It's an old but productive method!

abracadabra indeed....
edit on 14-10-2017 by olaru12 because: look, brenda....

posted on Oct, 14 2017 @ 07:04 PM
a reply to: ZanarkandProphet

Pulled from your email.

"Of course this could all be nonsense"

Now you're cookin with gas
edit on 14-10-2017 by In4ormant because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 14 2017 @ 07:07 PM
a reply to: ZanarkandProphet

Wow, nice work.

With the Harvey Weinstein disclosures it is obvious that people will keep their traps shut for personal gain. Does this apply to the pizza? I would not doubt it for a moment.

posted on Oct, 14 2017 @ 07:27 PM
a reply to: ZanarkandProphet

Corey Goodey a secret space program astronaut? You lost me there...

posted on Oct, 14 2017 @ 07:41 PM
More 'Disclosure' twaddle.

Podesta's tweet, 'big announcement tomorrow', is several days old.


edit on 14-10-2017 by intrptr because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 14 2017 @ 07:43 PM
do you really believe in this bs?
i hate those illuminaty and pizzagate conspiracy theories, they dirty your image and make we look like a bunch of isdiots who see alex jones as their god

posted on Oct, 14 2017 @ 07:45 PM
and you claim corey goode is legit
that fat asshole makes billy meier look like the best ufologist ever
you cant be serious

posted on Oct, 14 2017 @ 08:04 PM
Hate to be the bearer of disappointing news, but Corey Goode is NOT a very credible person.

Daniel Liszt, founder of the Dark Journalist website, has published eight videos to date that have been highly critical of Corey Goode’s claims of being a secret space program whistleblower, and having been chosen as a delegate for a group of extraterrestrials he calls the Sphere Being Alliance. Liszt’s “impartial” investigation questions the credibility of Goode as a witness, and promotes the view that Goode is a pathological liar that has contrived his testimony.

According to Ryan and Liszt, Goode’s claims that he was deprived of a well-paying IT career after being involuntarily outed as a secret space program whistleblower in 2014/2015 is contrived

posted on Oct, 14 2017 @ 08:13 PM

originally posted by: humanoidlord
do you really believe in this bs?
i hate those illuminaty and pizzagate conspiracy theories, they dirty your image and make we look like a bunch of isdiots who see alex jones as their god

Just read this !!! What’s the difference between me calling your stuff #tee and you calling this bs😁
Any ways defo off to bed.. good nite pal 😁

posted on Oct, 14 2017 @ 08:19 PM
a reply to: nofear39

the diffrence is that i know there is an real phenomena if you know where to look
also good night (aagain)

posted on Oct, 14 2017 @ 08:26 PM
Why are they called Blue Avians?
Like in Avatar?(a huge hypnomindF#$% - BTW)
Whats going on here?
Why now?
theyve killed millions already, whats a few hundred to tip the scales?

proof pleese

posted on Oct, 14 2017 @ 08:32 PM
a reply to: dashen

Hmm sounds like they are ripping right out of the book Rama II, and sequels by Arthur C.C.

posted on Oct, 14 2017 @ 08:39 PM
a reply to: ZanarkandProphet

While the UFO ETIs are real enough to anybody that knows the indepth literature of the phenomena way back to when the US Army Air Force was in a prolonged tizzy about it, there are those that would capitalize on the situation by picking piece-meal areas of the situation that suit their needs and run off into their own, sometimes delusional directions. You know who they are as they display elaborate scenarios without a shred of proof that their reptilians, star people or blues actually exist. We see elsewhere just today another thread of zero value,a promise not kept. Here we have a fantastic bit of joined incidents that only make sense only in the mind that connects those dots.

Manipulation of the public mind is a gigantic social engineer task. that is the real task of modern governments to bring the citizens closer to the dawning realizations that we are not along and are, in fact, the butt hole of galaxy citizenry. It is a humongous task given human activities that want no truck with such thinking. Such efforts are not done without much forethought, study and follow up of the stimuli hosed out the very gullible public. Some if it is designed to be absorbed, like scientific work with scientist and instruments to search for life around distant stars, and some of it is superficially place among us to act as foils to warn off too serious and too early of an accept of the raw truth.

Accept that UFOs have been around from long ago and especially since we split the atom. We have their attention. They are patient observers and advisers to our major world governments to help them ease the way toward a better form of humanity than we have been able to construct on our own.

posted on Oct, 14 2017 @ 08:40 PM
Should that be Podesta-gate rather than Pedogate? Pedogate sounds like something related to Pedophilia.

Unless that's what you're talking about. In which case...carry on.


posted on Oct, 14 2017 @ 08:46 PM

originally posted by: ZanarkandProphet
Delonge also recently helped take down a pedophile ring, so he has “street cred” at this point when claiming to be working with the “good guys”.

The link provided is to which is, shall we say, not a wholly reliable source. And when you follow the link further, you find it takes you to this Facebook post by DeLonge - it dates from July (so not "recently") and doesn't describe him helping to take down a paedophile ring.

Not stating conclusively that this entire thing is a load of over-excited nonsense, but that's exactly what I'm implying.

posted on Oct, 14 2017 @ 09:03 PM
a reply to: ZanarkandProphet

Interesting that everyone considers this an endorsement of Corey Goode and others. I got exactly the opposite impression.

But hey, what do I know?

posted on Oct, 14 2017 @ 09:30 PM
a reply to: ZanarkandProphet

Delong, Willcock and Goode have no credibility in my book. This thread says you've been on the ground and yet it seems you've really just been on the web. Blue Avians, for chrissakes.

posted on Oct, 14 2017 @ 09:31 PM

On the same day that the Huffington Post announced Delonge's intention to disclose the existence of aliens, David Wilcock happened to release a four-part meta-analysis of the Las Vegas massacre that seamlessly tied together Delonge’s announcement, the mass shooting itself, the recent exposure of Hollywood’s filth, and the coming alien disclosure to humanity.

I don't know, that is a bit much - it sounds like David Wilcock just chose a bunch of current events at random and stated they were connected to aliens. I'll have to read the article, but it sounds like disinformation.

Also, I doubt that the Las Vegas massacre is related to Harvey Weinstein at all.

As for Tom Delong and his To the Stars Academy, I am watching that closely. He has been meeting with a lot of officials in the government with knowledge of UFOs and even has some on his team.

However, he seems to be purposefully avoiding releasing any information that would prove aliens exist. For example, his first book in the Sekret Machines series was a work of fiction, and his second book simply talked about how religion was false and could be explained by aliens. This is the same tactic that I see people use when they are promoting mysterious information online (such as how to be a better pickup artist, or how to effectively advertise your business) - they keep going into great detail about an unimaginable number of barely related topics without giving out any important information until you watch the next video, and then the next, and then pay a bit of money to access their online database - who knows if there was any information there, to begin with, or if it is just a scam?
edit on 14pmSat, 14 Oct 2017 21:56:32 -0500kbpmkAmerica/Chicago by darkbake because: (no reason given)

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