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Fires on the West Coast - Pictures seem VERY ODD - almost fake - EVERYTHING's GONE

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posted on Oct, 14 2017 @ 06:35 PM

originally posted by: NightSkyeB4Dawn
a reply to: DigginFoTroof
Now that you mention it, I remember an article were a man in, I think it was, Santa Rosa, said he was sitting on the porch smoking a cigarette and all was calm. He said suddenly a huge gust of wind came through and blew open his gate. He said this made him go inside, but when inside he felt something go through the house, that the only way he could describe it was like an energy wave. He said he found that odder still, so went back outside, and that is when he saw the fire.

He said it came out of nowhere. He left. After the fire he said he noticed that everything seemed to have turned to ash, except the trees. He said most of the trees where still standing and the leaves were still green.

There were pictures showing the house was gone and the car completely charred, was right bedside a tree that was completely untouched by the fire.

My first thought was, "I know I am going to see this on ATS". I forgot about it till now.

I heard some things on Coast to Coast about these being odd fires but didn't know what they were talking about. As soon as I saw the pics, it was clear as day. The only thing was that the host was saying that he thought that meteors could be the cause, which seems unlikely unless there was a sustained barrage of meteor's striking the area. he also thought it could be due to Chemtrails - spraying Aluminum - but if micro or nano aluiminum is dispersed in it's elemental form, then it would immediatly combust in air and turn into Al2O3 which is Aluminium Oxide, which has a VERY high melting point of about 2400 degrees C and isn't a fuel (it's what a lot of sand paper is made of - the black paper). Most other aluminum salts are not flammable in the least or would need a TON of energy to decompose and then it wouldn't even work well..

This seems more like a directed energy type thing IF there is anything even non-natural about it.

There were reports about 9-11 and directed energy weapons possibly used there to speed collapse (both weaken the steel and possibly on the pile once down - hence the 1800 degree temps 90 days later)..

posted on Oct, 14 2017 @ 06:36 PM
a reply to: Liquesence

Too far away to get a good indication of what I am seeing.

posted on Oct, 14 2017 @ 06:45 PM
a reply to: seasonal

Looks like fire damage to me.

posted on Oct, 14 2017 @ 06:49 PM
a reply to: Phage

Looks pretty real to me too.

edit on 14-10-2017 by seasonal because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 14 2017 @ 06:50 PM
a reply to: DigginFoTroof
Just found this article when I was trying to find the one I saw a couple of days ago. It seems that other minds headed in that same direction.

Even the head of Cal Fire for the state said on CNN he had no idea what started the over 60 strikes that came out of nowhere in the middle of the night without warning. Sudden, unexplainable winds kicked up to 60-70mph, blue flashes and sparks were seen above by many, including me. Cars were torched, yet trees untouched. the car tire rubber and glass were nowhere to be found and homes were reduced to unrecognizable rubble. Glass and rubber take thousands of degrees to melt which means these fires generated there own direct heat, like a directed energy butane torch, except they are using directed energy LASER technology to pulse the plasma clouds, stir the wind for energy and release up to a trillion watts of laser power at any one source. This is why cars and homes completely melted but shrubs, leaves, plants and neighbors houses, were untouched.

posted on Oct, 14 2017 @ 06:53 PM
there is a TON of footage and pictures of the fire and the fire damage. the fires are still burning.

and i find this kind of baseless, uninformed speculation about real tragedies morally reprehensible.

i think it's indicative of a fantasy-prone persona with no sense of empathy.

i have been breathing wildfire smoke for a week, and i cordially invite the OP to come to the area and have a great big fun exploratory stroll around.

just pay attention to when the wind changes... would be a tragedy if anything happened.
edit on 14-10-2017 by fiverx313 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 14 2017 @ 07:08 PM
Looks like a modern Sodom and Gomorrah, and in Kalifornistan, imagine that.

posted on Oct, 14 2017 @ 07:16 PM

originally posted by: Phage
a reply to: seasonal

Looks like fire damage to me.

Yes, these pics look like fire damage. I'm not saying that the pic I posted didn't have damage. I'm saying that the remnants are very odd and don't look like what you posted. I'm questioning the houses.

I've been on stages, entire towns that are movie sets and all the houses are shells and they WOULD look like the picture I posted had they burnt down. THIS is what I'm saying is odd.

The pics you posted are what I saw after the fires in SoCal and they look different than the one I found that made me post this thread.

On another note, I do think there is something going on with these fires IF the people reporting the incidents are telling the truth about strange feelings, "energy waves", heat waves with no wind (say it felt like next to a stove when fire was miles away), meteors, etc.

If HAARP were able to concentrate the energy that is put into the device it would be the same as putting 30,000 space heaters (1Kw heaters) on at once, and IDK if it can be focused in a 10ft x 10ft area or if it is 100ft x 100ft area or if it is more like 5km x 5km area - that would make a huge difference on if it could start fires.

posted on Oct, 14 2017 @ 07:20 PM

originally posted by: fiverx313
there is a TON of footage and pictures of the fire and the fire damage. the fires are still burning.

and i find this kind of baseless, uninformed speculation about real tragedies morally reprehensible.

i think it's indicative of a fantasy-prone persona with no sense of empathy.

i have been breathing wildfire smoke for a week, and i cordially invite the OP to come to the area and have a great big fun exploratory stroll around.

just pay attention to when the wind changes... would be a tragedy if anything happened.

yeah yeah,I'm evill for noticing odd things.

I'm not lacking feelings for people who truly are dealing with a tradgedy but am aware that there are people who will capitalize on a disater for personal gain. Do you talk smack to insurance investigators that ask questions like "why does this house fire have 5 origin points in the house if it started by accident??" (example of house fire investigation). It's no different.

I'll go back to my fantasy prone, empathy-less work now. Thanks for posting buddy.

posted on Oct, 14 2017 @ 07:20 PM

originally posted by: fiverx313
there is a TON of footage and pictures of the fire and the fire damage. the fires are still burning.

and i find this kind of baseless, uninformed speculation about real tragedies morally reprehensible.

i think it's indicative of a fantasy-prone persona with no sense of empathy.

i have been breathing wildfire smoke for a week, and i cordially invite the OP to come to the area and have a great big fun exploratory stroll around.

just pay attention to when the wind changes... would be a tragedy if anything happened.

yeah yeah,I'm evill for noticing odd things.

I'm not lacking feelings for people who truly are dealing with a tradgedy but am aware that there are people who will capitalize on a disater for personal gain. Do you talk smack to insurance investigators that ask questions like "why does this house fire have 5 origin points in the house if it started by accident??" (example of house fire investigation). It's no different.

I'll go back to my fantasy prone, empathy-less work now. Thanks for posting buddy.

Edit: BTW I have family out there so I do care, but I reserve my right to question what seems odd and "off". You must be a lib and I hurt your sensitive mountain of pure selflessness persona. Please return to your safe space, PLEASE!
edit on 10 14 2017 by DigginFoTroof because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 14 2017 @ 07:23 PM
you are comparing this to a regular house fire???????? I can't believe you think the 2 are even remotely the same...... these are huge wall of fast moving fire......I live way down in the south bay and the smoke and particulates blew all the way down here...could not see the hills at all...even looking down the expressway the trees were all cloudy like and the burning smell was really bad for a couple of days

originally posted by: DigginFoTroof

originally posted by: Liquesence
a reply to: DigginFoTroof

What I want to know is where is the masonry and anything steel.

A) See the cars? They are metal.

B) Houses are made of wood. Not much masonry or steel these days in modern homes, even in fake chimneys (that don't burn wood) except for the foundation.

C) What's left is covered in ash.

Those cars are from people returning and they aren't covered in ash.

I see the ash.

I still stand by my observation and so would anyone who has seen the remnance of a house fire.

edit on 14-10-2017 by research100 because: added sentence

posted on Oct, 14 2017 @ 07:23 PM
I posted a 60 minute video a few days back on my facebook page that has to do with the "weird" fires.
These are megafires, and not like anything we have seen up to now. The reason is due to the forest services policy of put out all fires.

What that caused was 100 years of build up in the forests in the US of underbrush that used to burn off and leave the trees for the most part undamaged.

Now, the fires burn a lot hotter because nothing has been burnt in so long that the fires have a lot more fuel and quickly turn into firestorms. That is what this is/was, a fire storm.

Anyways, if you have the time to watch,
(it is only 11 minutes long)
this will inform you of WHY this is happening like it is.

This was published in 2013

edit on 14-10-2017 by Darkblade71 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 14 2017 @ 07:25 PM

originally posted by: TinfoilTP
Looks like a modern Sodom and Gomorrah, and in Kalifornistan, imagine that.

These are certainly some bad fires. But it's not like we don't have them every year. Some years are worse than others of course.

I'm in Central Cali and the smoke from them all the way up north is in our air here even. You can see it and smell it in the sky when it's real bad.

We have them every year and with the water shortages it's just gotten worse over the years. We have some amazing firefighters though. I knew some Hot Shots up in the mountains that worked for the forestry and they were some real hero's that should get more attention than they do for the work they have to put in every single year.

It doesn't take energy weapons or anything that exotic for them. Many of them are started by people either on purpose or by accident. But it is what it is and happens on a regular basis here.

Mother Nature does some house cleaning and starts over again all fresh and new with time. People should just take more care when choosing where to live sometimes.

posted on Oct, 14 2017 @ 07:26 PM

originally posted by: DigginFoTroof
yeah yeah,I'm evill for noticing odd things.

I'm not lacking feelings for people who truly are dealing with a tradgedy but am aware that there are people who will capitalize on a disater for personal gain. Do you talk smack to insurance investigators that ask questions like "why does this house fire have 5 origin points in the house if it started by accident??" (example of house fire investigation). It's no different.

I'll go back to my fantasy prone, empathy-less work now. Thanks for posting buddy.

Edit: BTW I have family out there so I do care, but I reserve my right to question what seems odd and "off". You must be a lib and I hurt your sensitive mountain of pure selflessness persona. Please return to your safe space, PLEASE!

please, do come investigate for yourself. my offer stands. by the way, would you like some anusol for the massive butthurt my post seems to have given you?

posted on Oct, 14 2017 @ 07:28 PM
a reply to: DigginFoTroof

I remember the first time I saw the inside of a real house fire. People really do not realize how hot it is. I remember seeing a melted toilet. Now just think about that at a much much larger scale. For those that don't know, fire can also make concrete explode. There have been cases of this when people build fire pits with the wrong non-fire rated material. Modern house are made so cheap you wouldn't even believe it. I lived in a very high end neighborhood in Florida a few years back. We had a tropical storm. All this stuff came off of the fancy buildings, it was basically glorified styrofoam made to look like architectural features. If that stuff caught on fire it would be just like kindling.

posted on Oct, 14 2017 @ 07:30 PM

originally posted by: one4all
The dirty rotten TPTB of Global Cabal ARE 2x downing ......they created fiat money trails to build and finance the property destroyed and now they are going to refill their fiat money kitty by paying fiat money back to the people to rebuild using even more of their fiat money.....they could not find any ways to introduce more fiat money into an already overloaded bloated system.....this lets them erase the original fiat money trail and build a new vacume to suck real earned dollars or fiscal impacts out of the masses while feeding them another round of fiat money paperwork.

AS sick as I think this sounds, I think this is kind of what has happened in some areas. The only problem is that I don't know how it could be done unless people's real homes are destroyed or there are area's with houses where no-one really lives (both are in the realm of possiblity). China has cities that can house 10 million people where there are only about 50,000 people living and they are their for upkeep of property - this was done for the reason written above.

All of what was written would explain why the emergency releif funds were passed so quickly and fit well with the actions of the FED recently (their current interest rate of 1% and statement they may drop to zero). All the area's hit are high speculation areas for real estate - ALL of them!

posted on Oct, 14 2017 @ 07:36 PM

originally posted by: JAGStorm
a reply to: DigginFoTroof

I remember the first time I saw the inside of a real house fire. People really do not realize how hot it is. I remember seeing a melted toilet. Now just think about that at a much much larger scale. For those that don't know, fire can also make concrete explode. There have been cases of this when people build fire pits with the wrong non-fire rated material. Modern house are made so cheap you wouldn't even believe it. I lived in a very high end neighborhood in Florida a few years back. We had a tropical storm. All this stuff came off of the fancy buildings, it was basically glorified styrofoam made to look like architectural features. If that stuff caught on fire it would be just like kindling.

Depending what the house is made of, yeah, it can basically be solid fuel where the limiting factor is the O2 content of the air.

I have to question the statement about a melted toilet. Was it broken/fractured from heat? Was the plastic seat melted? Even in a standard blast furnace you can't get temps hot enough to melt porcelain which is about 3,500F. This temp usually needs a purified O2 source or a specialized fuel (none of which would be in a home, used as building materials, etc). I guess it is possible that it was some non-normal toilet not made of porcelain but those are rare.

posted on Oct, 14 2017 @ 07:37 PM
i just moved from there, 5 months ago! that fire stopped literally NEXT DOOR to our apartments! we have friends down there who are now homeless! there is no conspiracy in this case. this fire was fueled and spread sunday night/monday morning with 60 mph winds on the first night! i KNOW these places inside and out. i lived in that area since 97' and just moved to salem or. last may. my old neighborhood is gone!

posted on Oct, 14 2017 @ 07:41 PM
Vindication! It's all in the original posting of mine! LOOK at the picture and keep in mind ORIGINS of light and follow the lines.

posted on Oct, 14 2017 @ 07:41 PM
I live about a 1/4 mile east of the center of the left side of the Tubbs fire, my house is still there ATM.

This fire was insane, it was 11 at night and me and my GF were really stoned and ready to go to bed. I went outside for a sec and didn't smell smoke but the sky looked evil, then I get a call on my land line to evac. I was in a PANIC!

I wasn't able to grab anything but my dog and cats and we headed to napa where I proceeded to see fires all around us.

I thought we were getting attacked by NK! It was freaky!

Stayed in napa for the night at GF's sisters house and then went to Guerneville CA, to parents. I am still here waiting to go home, this sucks. I got word from a neighbor who went to get livestock that my house is still there but this thing is far from over and there are two other fires on the other sides of my house.

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