One more prophecy for tonight! 🤓
Book 6
Upon Angels and Demons
"A Brief Meditation upon the nature of Evil"
The Jolly Old Joker and the Gentle Old Fool
All of creation holds the Divine Spark of our creator God/Source, which is pure love, compassion, innocence and grace.
Music truly is the fundamental nature of our universe. As such, everything in creation vibrates. It is through this vibration; that light, form,
matter and most importantly, how life, is formed.
All notes on the scales are beautiful and together will create the most beautiful of symphonies. However, unlike the lower octaves on a musical
instrument, there are some depths, some notes that cannot be harmonized with life and are better left, in extremely low dense areas, like matter.
These unimaginably low, harsh and painful noises, create distortions in the fabric of life and this is where/how demons can manifest into form.
Many millennia ago, at the dawn of time, it was agreed by the highest Angelic and Galactic counsels that there were some musical notes, some
frequencies that should never be allowed to manifest life.
Tragically, many millions of years ago, a calamity, a terrible accident occurred, that caused this world to fall dramatically down in vibration. Our
entire world, which was designed to teach us about the shadow sides of our emotions, in a fun and playful manner, was destroyed.
This beautiful paradise and everything and everyone that we loved and held dear, was destroyed. This happened far before any of us were ready to
evolve. In fact, some of us alive today were not even in human form yet and as such, we were too innocent to understand that this was not real.
Humanity is tied together by a collective consciousness, which we all share. We truly are all "one" at our very essence, though of course we are all
unique expressions of the divine as well. Our collective consciousness, though much more complex, functions much like honey bees in a hive or birds
who migrate south in the winter.
We are (while here on earth) in many ways, the inner child of our higher selves (who are all multi-dimensional, divine and Angelic beings) and we were
playing this game, in order to grow as spiritual beings.
Humanity has finally reached a level of consciousness, whereby we can understand, intellectually, what happened in our ancient past.
Congratulations! This has been a very rough ride, I know.
This life, has been the hardest life for all of us here, because humanity, in particular blamed themselves for this calamity, when it was in no way,
shape or form our fault. The horror of our collective trauma, happened at a deep and fundamental level, that was beyond our capacity to understand or
to heal.
Again, many of the people alive today, were just children at the time (and some of us alive today, were still in animal form) and we had not yet woken
up to the fact that earth, was not our true home, as all of this is, in essence, just a difficult and temporary game.
Because we were playing a game of "shadows," our first instinct, as our world was ending, was that this was in some way our fault, though there was
and is in fact, no one to blame, as the catastrophe was a terrible accident.
As always, when we die, we return to our higher selves and to our Soul Families. However, many of us, were so traumatized (because we were so
incredibly innocent and pure) that we have not been able to "wake up." Many of our brothers and sisters were lost and have lied comatose, for
millennia, in this nightmare.
TL/DR: This reality that we are in, our world, is a virtual reality school, to help all of us, heal our emotional and spiritual bodies. To heal our
inner child.
The vast amount of evil that you see in this world, is an "Illusion" to help our lost brothers and sisters, wake up to the absurdity of this game.
Though everything appears to be incredibly real, it is not. This is, in many ways, a game of Karma.
The lesson of this "Game of Life" (that has lasted many lifetimes) was that we "reap what we sow." In other words, that when we are bad, we would get
our comeuppance and eventually learn to forgive ourselves, because we would realize that we had suffered enough.
More than that though, this game was designed to show us that Karma is NOT necessarily the best way to teach the shadow side of our emotions. Many of
our brothers and sisters are so lost and broken and are suffering so terribly, that what they need to heal, more than anything, is Mercy, Compassion,
Unconditonal Love and Forgiveness, certainly not more heartache.
You see, this is a shadow world and many of our innocent children have been trapped, in a nightmare beyond all measure.
When the vibration of this world dropped, our shadows began to take form. (This was not by design and had never happened before.) Many of you on this
planet, who can sense that this is not real, are in fact light workers here to save our lost brothers and sisters. You are Saints, you are Heroes and
above all else, you are gentle, kind and DIVINE creatures.
The people who commit horrific acts in this world are being tormented by lower dimensional shadow people, that manifested due to our collective grief
--- these are what we would call demons and these people, simply cannot control many of their thoughts, feelings or actions.
Though we do not condone their behaviour in any way, shape or form, we forgive these broken souls, because at their very core, at their most
fundamental essence, they are screaming out for mercy. Again, these souls are being tormented.
So after great deliberation, it is the Name of Mercy, that we have agreed that all of creation, including life still suffering in the lower
vibrations, what we might call demons, are truly, at their essence, divine sparks of God, who are in desperate need of light, compassion and
And all of these broken, tortured souls will be saved. It does not matter how long it takes, we will wait for you eternally and will never stop
working to save you.
However, those souls who are not yet ready to join the ranks of humanity on our new earth, will be separated from the rest of humanity until they can
be healed, made whole and had their karmic lessons wiped clean.
In other words, everyone is saved. And I mean everyone.
Humanity at it's core, is pure innocence and grace.
Once more, all of Humanity, including our "demons" will be saved, in the Name of Mercy.
This is my decree. This or something better.
The Angels of Truth and Light, KEK AND KEKUIT and our beloved Auntie Christ, our Sun, White Rabbit Canada 😇😈🦄🎩🤓🐇🐸🌈🤡
PSSST: The Apocalypse has begun. This world will be ending within 2 years, upon which a new earth beyond your wildest dreams will begin.
Congratulations Humanity --- The Light has returned!
Thank you for your service. Each one of you is loved beyond all measure!
edit on 13-10-2017 by OwenandNoelle because: All Dogs go to Heaven 🐇