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I used to believe that white privilege exist

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+4 more 
posted on Oct, 13 2017 @ 07:42 PM
Note: This is my personal point of view. Others may have a different opinion.

For off I confess I used to believe white privilege exist and had some anti-white sentiments (My ethnicity is Filipino American in case your wondering).

For those of you that don't know, I live in LA and here in LA, the problem is that there seems to be a racialization of poverty. Here, whites tend to be perceived as rich and powerful while non whites are poor.

Part of the reason for this was due to the fact that here in LA, white people unlike those of in the South and Mid West, tend to be upper middle class to upper class people. Most of the working class to lower class folks are Blacks, Latinos and some Asians. Sure you may see some working class whites here and there but they are few in numbers.

When we think white people, we think of people like Harvey Weinstein and many other upper class white people. We would never think of poor whites.

Growing up and even now I only met maybe about 5 or 9 white folks whom are working class. Almost every white people I know tend to be upper middle class to upper class whites.

Many of these white people are very elitist and even racist. In fact, a Guatemalan American friend whom along with his dad was stared at in weird way by Beverly Hills residents when they were just passing by Beverly Hills. My friend told me he and his dad wasn't doing anything and that
they were only minding their own business. In Beverly Hills and other places, many of these whites tend to see them as poor and looked down on them.

My little sister think white people as having a high and mighty attitude and sadly it does apply to a lot of the whites in LA since they tend to be rich.

Also, it is very hard to find a high paying job in LA. Many of the high paying jobs are occupied by people whom tend to hire their own kind and leave out people outside their circle. I'm talking about jobs like Hollyweird and the tech industry.

In addition, due the perception that whites are elitists, many minorities accused white people of taking over their neighborhoods via gentification. Gentrification means renovating a neighborhood to conform to middle to upper class taste. While it sounds good in paper, the problem arises when they started displacing working class minority communities by raising the price of housing so high that they couldn't afford it.

As result, you get incidents such as these:

Next, history also plays a role. LA has a very long history of racial discrimination. It's hard to put all in one thread but thing is LA still felt it's legacy even after the civil rights era ended. For example, the creation of ghettoes which has it's origins when whites forced minorities to stay in a certain place.

Due to the Elitist attitudes of a lot of white people in LA, some minorities even wrongly accuse white people of supporting Globalists such Henry Kissinger. Like they would see white people as collaborators of the Global Elite.

Also, many SJWs preached anti-whiteness which adds more fuel to fire.

All of this results to many minorities perceiving whites as having privilege. This in turns leads to jealously and outright hatred. Hence why a lot of minorities here are anti white. Even if they don't hate white people, they see them with suspicion.

I myself was one of them. There was this time when I only accepted a few whites into my life.

As for you wondering what changed me, well shortly after Trump got elected, I decided to research why do people voted for Trump. I realized that so called white privilege do not extend to the South and Mid West and that we have more things in common with them. What divided us was negative stereotypes and politics.
edit on 10/13/2017 by starwarsisreal because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 13 2017 @ 08:09 PM
a reply to: starwarsisreal

I don't think you understand what exactly it's meant by white privilage. It is, as you may already be aware, the idea that there is still a bias against people of color when compared next to whites. The belief itself has little to nothing to do with whether there are whites who suffer financially and economically along with blacks. At the end of the day it is this belief that the white person will always have the advantage over those of color merely based on bias perception.

I'll give you an example of what white privilage means. You have a Hispanic man and a White man attend an interview. The hispanic man performed a little better in the interview and holds more experience than the white man. The white man still gets the job in the end because of this bias he'd perform a better task merely because of his racial background. Both of these individuals may be from the same class background. Poor families, have had to struggle financially. But that's besides the point, the white man got the job because of his race in the end. The interviewers would not know about eithers class backgrounds in the end, they just see races.

In the end there are people suffering economically all around the country, across all races. This is a certain thing, and I'd agree it's important to come together as one to resolve the issue of poverty. That in itself does not dismiss this idea of racial bias. In the end if you're walking down the street, nobody is going to immediately know your background in terms of being working class or lower class etc. They'll just see you as a person and they may make judgements mostly on what race you are as you explained about your latino friend and his father in Beverly Hills.
edit on 13-10-2017 by Southern Guardian because: Spelling.

+1 more 
posted on Oct, 13 2017 @ 08:11 PM
Now think about the political ideals of those high and mighty Beverly Hill types and compare it to the ideals of the people from South & Midwest. Those in BH who look down upon you are the same group calling the rest of the country racists for voting for Trump. And they claim to be on the side of the minorities yet their deeply insulted that the dirt from the slums found its way into their neighbourhood, us 'racists with white privilege' dont give a crap about what you look like, we just care that you work for what you have, work harder for what you want, and live your life with respect and morals. Doesn't seem too unreasonable right???

... enjoy the red pill friend...

posted on Oct, 13 2017 @ 08:14 PM
Los Angeles is a weird place and doesn't reflect the reality elsewhere in the country. Most people I know think very little of the Hollywood elites.

edit on 2017/10/13 by Metallicus because: (no reason given)

+2 more 
posted on Oct, 13 2017 @ 08:21 PM
a reply to: Southern Guardian

Ummm, I think the OP described it perfectly well. And since California has done a bang up job of driving away everyone who can get out, including many of their working class, blue collar whites. It appears to exist out there, but what's really showing up is extreme division of class.

posted on Oct, 13 2017 @ 08:21 PM
a reply to: starwarsisreal

Anytime a group has a belief that says a specific ethnicity has a social trait that is universally true it is a crock of shot. But pitting whites against blacks keeps the masses at each other's throat and not asking questions about healthcare, lobbying, term limits, constitutional restraints......

Humor helps make this palatable.

edit on 13-10-2017 by seasonal because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 13 2017 @ 08:28 PM
a reply to: ketsuko

I am relatively well off, but I couldn't even afford a 2 bedroom ranch-style home in L.A. Normal people are priced out of the market.

posted on Oct, 13 2017 @ 08:31 PM
a reply to: starwarsisreal

It's about who has done the most work to make the networking and generating of business generation after generation. Blood, sweat and tears have gone into that country. Many deaths constructing buildings, bridges. Many deaths of soldiers to keep the West free in two world wars. A whole history is living in every moment.

If I was to move to Israel from the UK I would not start moaning that I wasn't automatically getting all the best that society has to offer there. I would respect the new culture and try to integrate. I would realize that it is going to take a few generations of blood, sweat and toil before my investment pays off in terms of it being something me and my forefathers invested in with our very lives. I will be proud and care for it because of that (speaking as multi generations hypothetically there).

You have to admit that many come to the West and expect to be handed all the best that it offers automatically. It does not work like that does it. It is a case of respecting the home you have walked into. If you behave like a criminal in your new home and treat it and the hosts badly, terrorize them and abuse their children then it will not be the best of starts.

As far as the Native Americans are concerned and the Black people, well their stories are different. You see, every minority has a different story. We should not be blanket treating everybody. The black people in the U.S don't have the same tale to tell as the Native Americans. If you wanna know who should feel the sorest of all well it is the Native Americans.

I really have cried real tears for those people and black people because they did have a hard time. It was at a time when ALL OF US were behaving like savages (we still do in many ways).

People will never know how important Christ's forgiveness teachings are. That can make or break civilization. We will get nowhere if we keep blaming through the generations.

Should I blame Germany now for what happened to my family members who I have never even seen? In fact i would not even exist if things had gone differently. It is because all that happened that I exist.

I wish we could all just drop the trash and get on with having a cosmopolitan existence. I don't have a race. I am not white. I am not black. I am not Jewish or English. I am a WORLD CITIZEN who the Universe brought here, not human beings. God is my Master, not man. I mean that. Race has no meaning to me.

If people want to squabble and cause continued misery through the generations so be it. If they want to go on a big guilt trip about what happened in other generations before they existed well so be it. However, it's only common courtesy and manners to respect the culture that gives you a home as an immigrant.

If Israel gave me a home I would sweep their roads for them I would be that made up. Do you understand what i am trying to tell you?

If there is privilege it has been earned, often by even blood. So don't be surprised why natives get angry and rattle their spears sometimes, lol.

edit on 13-10-2017 by Revolution9 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 13 2017 @ 08:34 PM
why don't you create a airBnB account and start experimenting and see about this 'faux' white privilege....

since your in la and im in OC, try going to a cafe in Malibu or Topanga canyon, bring 2 friends, one black, one white... go in one at a time see if there's any differences.

its all a myth... sure.

posted on Oct, 13 2017 @ 08:36 PM
a reply to: Southern Guardian

The Hispanic man gets the job due to quotas, even if he was less qualified. That's how this works, if there was white privilege it has gone out the window many years ago.

I'm originally from L.A., moved out in the mid/late 80's. We were working class, with friends of every ethnicity both from work, from neighbors, or just people we got to know.

posted on Oct, 13 2017 @ 08:37 PM

originally posted by: Revolution9
a reply to: starwarsisreal

It's about who has done the most work to make the networking and generating of business. blood, sweat and tears have gone into that country. Many death constructing buildings, bridges...?

are you including slaves, like people servants or worker people? in inhumane conditions and no laws or justice inclusions for them, as in any goes (and went)

+13 more 
posted on Oct, 13 2017 @ 08:40 PM
a reply to: odzeandennz

since your in la and im in OC, try going to a cafe in Malibu or Topanga canyon, bring 2 friends, one black, one white... go in one at a time see if there's any differences.

its all a myth... sure.

Or go into downtown Detroit near Davidson/Woodward with the same group of friends and grab a taco, see who gets shot.

White privilege is a racist term.

edit on 13-10-2017 by seasonal because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 13 2017 @ 08:42 PM

originally posted by: odzeandennz

originally posted by: Revolution9
a reply to: starwarsisreal

It's about who has done the most work to make the networking and generating of business. blood, sweat and tears have gone into that country. Many death constructing buildings, bridges...?

are you including slaves, like people servants or worker people? in inhumane conditions and no laws or justice inclusions for them, as in any goes (and went)

Yep, what did I write? Why did you not read my post properly? Read it properly and understand it.

You are jumping the gun. Blame your own eyes and laziness for the misunderstanding not my CLEAR WORDS! You can't put a man down just because he is clever and knows how to BUILD rather than just sit in the crap others placed him in and moan about it. The settlers died, too, in great numbers. Don't forget who sold those people. They were happy to take beads and trinkets in exchange. We were all barbaric. See how quick you are getting all triggered when it is you who are misunderstanding me. I told you I cried real tears for black people. Is that not clear enough for you?

Just go around in ever decreasing circles then. See where that leads. I can tell you that it leads to your own life being sabotaged by yourself. The privileged guy does not feel your hatred or your suffering. It's your FEELING and PROBLEM. Try even to make it his problem, but it is a silly way to waste a life time. I'm busy getting on with my music living my humble life, not expecting too much because I am a lazy musician who just wants a crust of bread, some freedom and space to think. I am also a 2nd generation immigrant on my real Dad's side (who I don't even know). Some privilege, eh???

edit on 13-10-2017 by Revolution9 because: (no reason given)

+14 more 
posted on Oct, 13 2017 @ 08:46 PM
a reply to: starwarsisreal

" White Privilege "

REAL WORLD Definition - An Imaginary Term Used by Non White RACISTS to Somehow Impose a " Guilt Trip " on those of the Caucasian Persuasion that is Directed Solely at their Obvious Intellectual , Political , and Cultural Superiority in Numerous Countries Around the World and Throughout Recorded Human History

posted on Oct, 13 2017 @ 08:58 PM
a reply to: ketsuko

I think the OP described it perfectly well.

That's your opinion. The OP used the fact that there are poor whites and whites struggling financially, as proof against the concept of white privilage. However white privilage is based on the biased perception that whites are better and this perception flows through the corporate and blue collar world. Perception of a person based on race has little to do with the class background as this isn't immediately known or obvious in most cases.

If you disagree then it's best to explain why. As I said. You may have a person of colour and a white person in an interview. Both dressed well for the interview. Both prepared. There's no obvious indication of class background. That's where the bias comes in, based on racial appearance.

And since California has done a bang up job

Maybe they should follow Kansas' example then huh? Hm.

posted on Oct, 13 2017 @ 08:59 PM

originally posted by: seasonal
a reply to: odzeandennz

since your in la and im in OC, try going to a cafe in Malibu or Topanga canyon, bring 2 friends, one black, one white... go in one at a time see if there's any differences.

its all a myth... sure.

Or go into downtown Detroit near Davidson/Woodward with the same group of friends and grab a taco, see who gets shot.

White privilege is a racist term.


I frakkin love you dude....

posted on Oct, 13 2017 @ 09:00 PM

originally posted by: Zanti Misfit
a reply to: starwarsisreal

" White Privilege "

REAL WORLD Definition - An Imaginary Term Used by Non White RACISTS to Somehow Impose a " Guilt Trip " on those of the Caucasian Persuasion that is Directed Solely at their Obvious Intellectual , Political , and Cultural Superiority in Numerous Countries Around the World and Throughout Recorded Human History

What Intellectual , Political , or Cultural Superiority?
Your post is just as racist as believing in White Privilege.

posted on Oct, 13 2017 @ 09:06 PM
a reply to: Southern Guardian

Honestly, ketsuko is just as racist as anyone they might be pointing their finger at.

If one locality does something wrong, surely... CLEARLY....all whites are racist. ALL whites are biased.

And we were all born with privilege.

I've fenced with ketsuko and similar idiots before.

posted on Oct, 13 2017 @ 09:06 PM
a reply to: Southern Guardian

Thing is though is that many of the elitist white people tend to look down on even poor whites. My point is white privilege only applies to elitist whites.
edit on 10/13/2017 by starwarsisreal because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 13 2017 @ 09:10 PM
a reply to: Southern Guardian

Considering my husband was in that situation in Kansas as a to all appearances white male who was in an interview against a minority female, all other things were equal and he did not get the job ... I'm not sure where you are going with this. They hired her because she could check the boxes and all other things were equal.

But please, do tell me where they are falling all over themselves to hire white males when the social and political pressures are to appear diverse.

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