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Why is Harvey Weinstein really in the news?

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posted on Oct, 13 2017 @ 03:08 PM

originally posted by: feldercarb

originally posted by: incoserv
All the other people now speaking out about him ... None of those occurrences are recent events. They have all kept their mouths shut, some of them for years. Now, suddenly, everybody is squawking at once, like a flock of birds at sunrise. Why?

Somebody told them to speak. They'd not be doing this of their own accord. How do I know? Because they didn't do it before. As seen in the video clip above, the sycophants were fawning over the pervert up to just a few weeks ago. Now, somebody gave them a command to speak and they are all barking like a bunch of obedient little Jack Russell terriers.

It's not that these people have been told to speak; it is that HW is not in a position to hurt their careers. If HW was still in a position of authority; these people would keep their mouths shut. Remember that for years upon years HW was one of the few people who could get their movie project off the ground or influence a director or casting agent to employ someone for a movie. HW had tremendous power over a multi billion dollar industry. People will do a lot of things for money and fame. That's just life.

I disagree. There are still plenty of people in power who would stand to loose big if these songbirds sang about them. If they were allowed to start singing independently about Daddy Harvey, where might it not lead to? The pervs and 'paths in power have to keep their asses covered, so I'm sure they'd not like any of these poor victims sounding off on their own. They'd have to be controlled.

Do I sound like I have a dark view of the whole thing? Well, yes, I do. It is, by nature, a very dark and sick environment.
edit on 2017 10 13 by incoserv because: I could.

posted on Oct, 13 2017 @ 03:09 PM

originally posted by: incoserv
It may be his brother. It may simply be that Harvey is that much of a pervert and was not smart enough to keep it on the DL. Maybe he was just going to become too big a liability so they cut his legs out from under him before it blew up on its own in an uncontrolled way.

That makes some sense. The "S" started to hit the "F," and the company could have fueled the fire to get him out quicker. Most of the time that wouldn't work, however, because most people do not have clean hands, and outing somebody like him would just put them at risk, too.

I wonder who's next? Who else has been joked about for years but the fire hasn't caught yet? Dave Coulier?

posted on Oct, 13 2017 @ 03:12 PM

originally posted by: Blue Shift

originally posted by: incoserv
It may be his brother. It may simply be that Harvey is that much of a pervert and was not smart enough to keep it on the DL. Maybe he was just going to become too big a liability so they cut his legs out from under him before it blew up on its own in an uncontrolled way.

That makes some sense. The "S" started to hit the "F," and the company could have fueled the fire to get him out quicker. Most of the time that wouldn't work, however, because most people do not have clean hands, and outing somebody like him would just put them at risk, too.

I wonder who's next? Who else has been joked about for years but the fire hasn't caught yet? Dave Coulier?

Well, this should serve as a warning to any others who might tend toward being liabilities. That's the "serving as a warning" side of it that I commented about. They'll see Harvey getting his ass burned and they'll realize that they have to be a bit more careful.

But I suspect that it was more than that. I still think he pissed off somebody somehow. Maybe it was just his brother, getting tired of his crap and wanting a bigger piece of the pie, but I'd be money if I were a betting man that somebody above him on the Hollywood food chain just got real unhappy with the boy.
edit on 2017 10 13 by incoserv because: I could

posted on Oct, 13 2017 @ 03:12 PM

originally posted by: incoserv

originally posted by: feldercarb

originally posted by: incoserv
All the other people now speaking out about him ... None of those occurrences are recent events. They have all kept their mouths shut, some of them for years. Now, suddenly, everybody is squawking at once, like a flock of birds at sunrise. Why?

Somebody told them to speak. They'd not be doing this of their own accord. How do I know? Because they didn't do it before. As seen in the video clip above, the sycophants were fawning over the pervert up to just a few weeks ago. Now, somebody gave them a command to speak and they are all barking like a bunch of obedient little Jack Russell terriers.

It's not that these people have been told to speak; it is that HW is not in a position to hurt their careers. If HW was still in a position of authority; these people would keep their mouths shut. Remember that for years upon years HW was one of the few people who could get their movie project off the ground or influence a director or casting agent to employ someone for a movie. HW had tremendous power over a multi billion dollar industry. People will do a lot of things for money and fame. That's just life.

I disagree. There are still plenty of people in power who would stand to loose big if these songbirds sang about them. If they were allowed to start singing independently about Daddy Harvey, where might it not lead to? The pervs and 'paths in power have to keep their asses covered, so I'm sure they'd not like any of these poor victims sounding off on their own. They'd have to be controlled.

Do I sound like I have a dark view of the whole thing? Well, yes, I do.

Right now HW is fair game. He has lost his protection. If someone tries to implicate some other powerful person; they will be shot down quickly. Yes, those in power will protect their own. HW somehow went too far and is getting nailed. HW (in my opinion) had to have done something really stupid to someone very powerful to lose his power. That, unfortunately, is how the game is played.

posted on Oct, 13 2017 @ 03:16 PM

originally posted by: feldercarb

... Right now HW is fair game. He has lost his protection. If someone tries to implicate some other powerful person; they will be shot down quickly. Yes, those in power will protect their own. HW somehow went too far and is getting nailed. HW (in my opinion) had to have done something really stupid to someone very powerful to lose his power. That, unfortunately, is how the game is played.

EXACTLY what I've been saying all along; he pissed off somebody and he's paying the price. The whole dog-and-pony-show has nothing to do with morality or treating people right or even getting caught. He's being punished and made an example. Nobody cares what he did to those women (by and large, not even the women, as they got their fair exchange for what they gave up).

They take care of their own. Always. There's a reason why Harvey has been left out for the wolves.

There are many, many others in Hollywood waiting to take his place in line at the casting couch. It'll keep happening because there are always pervert sociopaths with insatiable appetites and there are always whores willing to buy fame at any cost. Nothing will change. Ol' Harvey just won't be in the game anymore, one less predator to feed on the flesh of others.
edit on 2017 10 13 by incoserv because: I could.

posted on Oct, 13 2017 @ 03:18 PM
i was wondering to myself last night - what else could be slipping under the radar, as this story eats up all the column inches and tv news reports? such distractions won't be wasted by those that would seek to use them.

posted on Oct, 13 2017 @ 03:20 PM

originally posted by: RoScoLaz5
i was wondering to myself last night - what else could be slipping under the radar, as this story eats up all the column inches and tv news reports? such distractions won't be wasted by those that would seek to use them.

No doubt about that. I'm sure it's convenient for somebody somewhere. Just another layer to the question of Cui bono?
edit on 2017 10 13 by incoserv because: I could.

posted on Oct, 13 2017 @ 03:24 PM

originally posted by: incoserv

originally posted by: feldercarb

... Right now HW is fair game. He has lost his protection. If someone tries to implicate some other powerful person; they will be shot down quickly. Yes, those in power will protect their own. HW somehow went too far and is getting nailed. HW (in my opinion) had to have done something really stupid to someone very powerful to lose his power. That, unfortunately, is how the game is played.

EXACTLY what I've been saying all along; he pissed off somebody and he's paying the price. The whole dog-and-pony-show has nothing to do with morality or treating people right or even getting caught. He's being punished and made an example. Nobody cares what he did to those women (by and large, not even the women, as they got their fair exchange for what they gave up).

They take care of their own. Always. There's a reason why Harvey has been left out for the wolves.

There are many, many others in Hollywood waiting to take his place in line at the casting couch. It'll keep happening because there are always pervert sociopaths with insatiable appetites and there are always whores willing to buy fame at any cost. Nothing will change. Ol' Harvey just won't be in the game anymore, one less predator to feed on the flesh of others.

Agreed with what you are saying except that you said the accusers are being told to go public. Instead, I feel that HW's accusers know that they will not get in trouble for ripping on HW. Thus, they can finally get their revenge for all the **** HW did to them. Once one wolf gets the lion down; all the other wolves pounce. Just the pack mentality.

posted on Oct, 13 2017 @ 03:29 PM

originally posted by: feldercarb

originally posted by: incoserv

originally posted by: feldercarb

... Right now HW is fair game. He has lost his protection. If someone tries to implicate some other powerful person; they will be shot down quickly. Yes, those in power will protect their own. HW somehow went too far and is getting nailed. HW (in my opinion) had to have done something really stupid to someone very powerful to lose his power. That, unfortunately, is how the game is played.

EXACTLY what I've been saying all along; he pissed off somebody and he's paying the price. The whole dog-and-pony-show has nothing to do with morality or treating people right or even getting caught. He's being punished and made an example. Nobody cares what he did to those women (by and large, not even the women, as they got their fair exchange for what they gave up).

They take care of their own. Always. There's a reason why Harvey has been left out for the wolves.

There are many, many others in Hollywood waiting to take his place in line at the casting couch. It'll keep happening because there are always pervert sociopaths with insatiable appetites and there are always whores willing to buy fame at any cost. Nothing will change. Ol' Harvey just won't be in the game anymore, one less predator to feed on the flesh of others.

Agreed with what you are saying except that you said the accusers are being told to go public. Instead, I feel that HW's accusers know that they will not get in trouble for ripping on HW. Thus, they can finally get their revenge for all the **** HW did to them. Once one wolf gets the lion down; all the other wolves pounce. Just the pack mentality.

Just can't see it. As you pointed out earlier, "those in power will protect their own." That means protecting those who've not been publicly outed. If the "victims" (using that word loosely) were to start singing on their own, they might get the idea that they can sing about others, and that puts an entire system in jeopardy. They have followed the rule that says to keep their mouths shut (unless Harvey said to open it) for years. Their speaking out is not an act of their own defiance, because if it were, it'd mean that they were breaking the rules and would have to be removed from the game.

The permission may have been explicit or it may have been implicit, but they were allowed to know at some point that after all those years of keeping their mouths shut, it was ok to rat out Harvey. I don't think that we'll see a massive stream of industry-wide accusations and confessions, though.
edit on 2017 10 13 by incoserv because: I could.

posted on Oct, 13 2017 @ 03:36 PM

originally posted by: incoserv

originally posted by: feldercarb

originally posted by: incoserv

originally posted by: feldercarb

... Right now HW is fair game. He has lost his protection. If someone tries to implicate some other powerful person; they will be shot down quickly. Yes, those in power will protect their own. HW somehow went too far and is getting nailed. HW (in my opinion) had to have done something really stupid to someone very powerful to lose his power. That, unfortunately, is how the game is played.

EXACTLY what I've been saying all along; he pissed off somebody and he's paying the price. The whole dog-and-pony-show has nothing to do with morality or treating people right or even getting caught. He's being punished and made an example. Nobody cares what he did to those women (by and large, not even the women, as they got their fair exchange for what they gave up).

They take care of their own. Always. There's a reason why Harvey has been left out for the wolves.

There are many, many others in Hollywood waiting to take his place in line at the casting couch. It'll keep happening because there are always pervert sociopaths with insatiable appetites and there are always whores willing to buy fame at any cost. Nothing will change. Ol' Harvey just won't be in the game anymore, one less predator to feed on the flesh of others.

Agreed with what you are saying except that you said the accusers are being told to go public. Instead, I feel that HW's accusers know that they will not get in trouble for ripping on HW. Thus, they can finally get their revenge for all the **** HW did to them. Once one wolf gets the lion down; all the other wolves pounce. Just the pack mentality.

Just can't see it. As you pointed out earlier, "those in power will protect their own." That means protecting those who've not been publicly outed. If the "victims" (using that word loosely) were to start singing on their own, they might get the idea that they can sing about others, and that puts an entire system in jeopardy. The permission may have been explicit or it may have been implicit, but they were allowed to know at some point that after all those years of keeping their mouths shut, it was ok to rat out Harvey. I don't think that we'll see a massive stream of industry-wide accusations and confessions, though.

The minute that the story was put in the newspaper and was not immediately shut down allowed all of the "victims" to tell their tales. By not having this story destroyed instantly, TPTB implicitly game consent for the wolves to tear HW apart. The wolves didn't need to be told to take HW down; but they also know that others are still protected. The "victims" know that only HW is fair game and they will get destroyed if they push past HW. The "victims" know that they can only push this narrative so far. It is just that they get to take their licks now. Before, at best, they had to get their licks in covertly. For the time being, things can be done overtly.
edit on 13-10-2017 by feldercarb because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 13 2017 @ 03:38 PM

originally posted by: feldercarb

originally posted by: incoserv

originally posted by: feldercarb

originally posted by: incoserv

originally posted by: feldercarb

... Right now HW is fair game. He has lost his protection. If someone tries to implicate some other powerful person; they will be shot down quickly. Yes, those in power will protect their own. HW somehow went too far and is getting nailed. HW (in my opinion) had to have done something really stupid to someone very powerful to lose his power. That, unfortunately, is how the game is played.

EXACTLY what I've been saying all along; he pissed off somebody and he's paying the price. The whole dog-and-pony-show has nothing to do with morality or treating people right or even getting caught. He's being punished and made an example. Nobody cares what he did to those women (by and large, not even the women, as they got their fair exchange for what they gave up).

They take care of their own. Always. There's a reason why Harvey has been left out for the wolves.

There are many, many others in Hollywood waiting to take his place in line at the casting couch. It'll keep happening because there are always pervert sociopaths with insatiable appetites and there are always whores willing to buy fame at any cost. Nothing will change. Ol' Harvey just won't be in the game anymore, one less predator to feed on the flesh of others.

Agreed with what you are saying except that you said the accusers are being told to go public. Instead, I feel that HW's accusers know that they will not get in trouble for ripping on HW. Thus, they can finally get their revenge for all the **** HW did to them. Once one wolf gets the lion down; all the other wolves pounce. Just the pack mentality.

Just can't see it. As you pointed out earlier, "those in power will protect their own." That means protecting those who've not been publicly outed. If the "victims" (using that word loosely) were to start singing on their own, they might get the idea that they can sing about others, and that puts an entire system in jeopardy. The permission may have been explicit or it may have been implicit, but they were allowed to know at some point that after all those years of keeping their mouths shut, it was ok to rat out Harvey. I don't think that we'll see a massive stream of industry-wide accusations and confessions, though.

The minute that the story was put in the newspaper and was not immediately shut down allowed all of the "victims" to tell their tales. By not having this story destroyed instantly, TPTB implicitly game consent for the wolves to tear HW apart. The wolves didn't need to be told to take HW down; but they also know that others are still protected. The "victims" know that only HW is fair game and they will get destroyed if they push past HW. The "victims" know that they can only push this narrative so far. It is just that they get to take their licks now. Before, at best, they had to get their licks in covertly. For the time being, things can be done overtly.

We're saying exactly the same thing.

posted on Oct, 13 2017 @ 03:46 PM
a reply to: incoserv

Actor says all Hollywood agents and managers are complicit in the exploitation and degradation of women

I knew celebrity life was like this when I was 11 years old, lol. I read a book written by Elvis' bodyguards. Elvis had not wanted it published and he died around the time it was published. It was very candid. Elvis had loads of young things. He almost killed one girl with drugs.

They are all sleazy. What you got to ask yourself is why it's Harvey and not anyone else, as the OP states. I hinted much earlier in a thread here about why that might be, but I will not repeat myself. You should bother to read earlier threads OP as you are sounding a bit short on knowledge about what people have previously written about it on here; bit slow catching on.

For me it is obvious that they are using it as a world wide push on the feminist agenda and to cover up all the BS around Las Vegas. I have never come across a more useless official narrative since 9/11 and the way they have treated the Vegas incident is shocking and morally repugnant. They did the same with Manchester recently. They let it happen then quickly the public forgets about it (zombie minds). They were just as useless then about official versions. It is like they are scared about committing to anything in case they get discovered at a later point or someone uses it against them politically later. I am really beginning to believe they are using these mass killings in the way that Orwell described in "1984".

Las Vegas is the real topic. Weinstein is just a cover up of that. People are falling for it hook, line and sinker, too.

The Guardian, flagship liberal British Newspaper, has been on the feminist agenda band wagon for years now. I read it every day. It is covered in Weinstein and has been for days. In contrast Las Vegas got the hot spot for just one day. That is how much the Liberal Guardian really cares about people. They are more interested in dissing Trump day after day and drumming up hatred so he will be treated badly if he visits the UK. They make up stories just so they can have a huge picture of a black man's naked torso on their front page (as they have at the time of this writing). It's insane what they have become. It is so brazen and obvious. I am surprised that most people are not seeing it as obvious as it is. They have even in the BBC started to stir # about our cultural past and telling everybody how they should not stand to the British Anthem. They are insane and sick.

There is indeed a real conspiracy to destroy the Western cultures and make people hate their own history. They want a clean slate for all the new garbage they are trying to force on us globally. It will all come to nothing in the end because it is insane and even evolution despises them for holding humanity back like this and tampering with it in a very PERVERTED WAY.

It all stinks. MSM stinks. They are all a little racket and globally setting social engineering agendas. I see the same things in American media as British. It is not news any longer. It is social engineering and agenda setting. All over the West the same agenda is unfolding. It is full on real meaning of the word OCCULT. Go look up what that word really means. I know what it means because I practiced it for years.

They have a global FEMINIST AGENDA. The Caucasian male is being scapegoated. Believe it, every Caucasian male is Weinstein. We are being taken out slowly and surely. All values, all attitudes, all culture and all history is being binned and the Caucasian male must take the rap for history. The world they want will be feminist, but of course powerful men will still be a the top of the pile. They just like to have a harem of women around them now, all the women for themselves.

The Guardian has given me a clear insight as to what they are up to. It is not to do with politics either. It makes no difference who is in power. The same agenda is unfolding.

Do you think Mr Rothschild or any of those guys will ever take any blame for history? Nope, Caucasian males are the latest scapegoat. That is why they don't like Trump because he is not fitting the narrative and the agenda. He is slightly holding them and their plans up. I back Trump because he is the last we shall see of our world. After him it will be goodbye to the Old West.

I also know that we were originally matrifocal if not matriarchal in earlier human history and culture. Males in human societies took over for very good reasons as we are all going to discover in the future. This has been unfolding for a very long time. The Baphomet is a clear symbol of intention. I despise it.

Origin Late 15th century (as a verb): from Latin occultare ‘secrete’, frequentative of occulere ‘conceal’, based on celare ‘to hide’; the adjective and noun from occult- ‘covered over’, from the verb occulere.

edit on 13-10-2017 by Revolution9 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 13 2017 @ 03:56 PM
I sort of think Houdini is going to make the elephant disappear while everyone is distracted with Las Vegas, Harvey Weinstein and tweets.

posted on Oct, 13 2017 @ 04:01 PM

originally posted by: FarEastManor
I wonder if the Las Vegas shooting was fairly botched up, and to distract from a very serious review of what happened there, people in power have a little stash of "crises" that they can drop at any given time.


And seeing Hillary and Obama dragged into it with their Weinstein donations makes me think it's just THAT important the October Fool's Day event and ensuing questions need to be buried.

edit on 10/13/2017 by MotherMayEye because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 13 2017 @ 04:36 PM
a reply to: incoserv

Think they sacrificed one of their own to take the story away from the vegas shooting since their story is falling apart worse than a cardboard boat.

posted on Oct, 13 2017 @ 05:38 PM
Why is anything in the news? Distraction. If it's being covered 24/7 for weeks on end then it is a distraction from more important issues. We've had a # load of those lately.

posted on Oct, 13 2017 @ 05:42 PM
a reply to: incoserv

Got to remember distractions out of hollywood are not directed at people searching for the truth, they are directed at the masses to treat them like a mushroom.

posted on Oct, 13 2017 @ 06:50 PM
a reply to: incoserv

Its all about diverting attention from the debacle in Las Vegas.

posted on Oct, 13 2017 @ 09:00 PM
a reply to: TonyS

And the revelation in a Judicial Watch lawsuit that the FBI has 30 pages of docs on Lynch/Clinton tarmac meeting that they'll provide in 6 weeks.

posted on Oct, 14 2017 @ 03:33 AM
Is anyone looking at the bigger picture? - All kinds of male 'big shots' [Roger Ailes, Bill Orellly, etc.] Are suddenly under attack
- And don't forget Donald Trump during the election.

Why? - Why has it become the 'in' thing to turn any male power figure into an object of wrath because he was always acting like the male he was raised to be in the first place? Are they guilty of some indescreitions, taking advantage of women?
Probably, and sometimes - But remember these men were power hungry in the first place, and how many women set themselves up to be taken advantage of for their own agendas?

Seems to me we are witnessing more than what first meets the eye - a sexual culture war is what's happening.
edit on 14-10-2017 by AlienView because: (no reason given)

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