Dear ATS members and readers,
This, a letter I recently sent to family members living in CA and Chicago-land Area, is my first post. I humbly submit the same for your review:
You may be aware of the increased seismic activity the planet is experiencing. In just over a week, five volcanoes (Sumatra, Bali, Vanuatu, Mexico ad
Guatemala) sent lava bombs and ash up to three miles into the atmosphere. Evacuations remain in place while volcanoes in Japan and Kamchatka, Russia
spew and the Canary Islands go on alert. Continued spewing of these and other volcanoes alone creates challenges for which we might prepare.
Scientists have said that if Mt.
Agung blows(the volcano in
Bali), that the earth's temps will drop (and they already are).
FOX and
CBS have each done a follow-up
segment to
The Really Big One, an article in The New Yorker on the
Cascadia Fault, all of which are very relevant to the near future. Ring of Fire activity has cranked up a bit over the last month with seismic
activity and eruptions. The announcement of the polynya in Antarctica is an indicator of increased vent activity.
In response to recent earthquakes in Mexico, the CA Office of Emergency Services issued a statement saying that everyone should be able to fend for
themselves for 5 - 7 days. In reality, that is likely a
serious underestimation.
There have been several predictions that these next two years, 2018 and 2019, will bring dramatic changes to the earth's surface. Among the most
important is
Edgar Cayce's. While his dates are not clear (compelling as
he says the sun begins to return in '58 before he returns in 2100), he said a few interesting things;
1. The entire planet will be altered but it will begin by a break of up of conditions in the South Ocean.
2. West Coast would be first hit before south and eastern seaboard (but rest of the world is being wholloped, too).
3. Volcanic eruptions from Vesuvius and/or Pele OR activity in the Mediterranean/Martinque would precede a cataclysmic event on the west coast of the
US by three months.
4. Changes to Europe would happen in the twinkling of an eye.
5. Also, while IL will be mostly safe, Lake Michigan will flood. As the
Great Lakes swell and
the New Madrid fault expected to come to life, who knows what could happen in a year?
Harbingers of earthquakes, volcanoes or tsunamis that may impact US landmass. A few potential scenarios include:
- Cayce's prediction of eruptions in the Mediterranean/Martinique.
- Multiple simultaneous earthquakes or eruptions of a certain magnitude between Vancouver and San Diego
- An earthquake in Alaska over 8.0
- Earthquakes in Japan or the South Sea over 8.0
- Rocket Man
Astrological signs, including the eclipse, bode poorly for the continent. It could be that the time for change is here. Why am I telling you this and
what can you do? I'm telling you so you can educate yourself and make a plan.
1. Make sure you have at least two weeks of supplies.
2. Learn emergency preparedness (evac and emer routes) for your area.
3. Expect not to have television, cable, internet or phone.
4. Expect not to have fresh water.
5. Make a plan with family as to how you would meet or communicate if separated and there are no services.
6. Please remember, if confronted with an evacuation, do hesitate in response. Traffic and stress will be bad and roads could be badly
The good news is that life will go on and prosperity will return.
As for us, we are not going to wait. We are getting out of Dodge at the end of the year. We're going to lay low in Texas; get a couple of greenhouse
tents and plant veggies ASAP. I like clean water and electricity and can't imagine weeks w/o.
Other articles, sites of interest:
Pacific Northwest Starts Drills
Shocking Doomsday Maps of the World and The Billionaire Escape Plans
Super Eruption at Yellowstone
Volcanic eruption can substantially improve soil
CA and NV earthquake tracking
USGS Global tracking
Does not report all quakes!
My prediction is that one of the first cataclysmic events will affect northern CA in early January, 2018. CA may not fall into the ocean but
infrastructure may be very badly damaged. It won't be fun.
Wishing you all the the world turns.