posted on Oct, 22 2017 @ 09:41 AM
I don't buy the whole "nobody said anything because he would ruin their career" angle. First of all, that's no excuse. If you knew about a murder,
would it be ok to keep quiet about it because coming forward might cost you personally? Of course not. And some people will tell you sexual assault
and rape is "worse than murder" (that's a whole other debate, I'm not saying agree or disagree).
But even if you believe this, yeah I could see some bottom-rung folks being afraid to come forward. But some of these big stars that knew about it,
they were afraid of him? With millions of fans and big money of their own where they could afford lawyers if they were blackballed? In today's day and
age where you can get your story out no matter who tries to silence you? I don't think so, sorry. For Christ's sake, Tarantino knew. He's huge. If
Weinstein tried to blackball him he could say # you and start his own film company.
I really don't think the "I was scared to come forward" defense works for all of them. If he does get charged, some of these scum need to be charged
as accomplices.