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The Dark Web - A Horrifying Place

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posted on Oct, 11 2017 @ 12:45 PM
a reply to: Magnivea

Conspiracy sites? Yep. Ones that provide a hell of a lot more proof than sites like this because it can be a bit... Unsettling sometimes. Again, that being said, there are a lot of things down there that you wouldn't believe if I told you. I'm actually in the process of digging up some articles down there to add to a comment I made on a thread here yesterday regarding drones over French nuclear reactors. Go ahead. Download the browser bundle, set security to medium or high and make sure you've got NoScript running and you'll find some pretty interesting things you'd never find on the surface web. JFK, MLK, TSA 800... Every bit of proof of certain things that's been meticulously scrubbed from the internet is still down there.

ohhhhhhh.... now i am interested could you give me an ahem... summary

posted on Oct, 11 2017 @ 12:48 PM
a reply to: noonebutme

You can find this on the normal internet... :/

right on point
edit on 10.11.2017 by Zarniwoop because: Removed link

posted on Oct, 11 2017 @ 12:52 PM
a reply to: dug88

yeah right tottally gonna believe that

posted on Oct, 11 2017 @ 01:19 PM
a reply to: EvillerBob


You got a laugh out of me from that.


posted on Oct, 11 2017 @ 02:28 PM
a reply to: dug88

Fiction, every bit of it. Presenting horror as true stories is an age-old tradition, and the kind of people who go casually poking around the "dark web" are usually the credulous sorts who'll believe it.

posted on Oct, 11 2017 @ 03:26 PM
a reply to: humanoidlord

Isn't it interesting that the "premier conspiracy site" on the clearweb has users who are starving for new information?

The conspiracy dialogue on the clearweb has been fixed, its boundaries clearly defined.

How dare you claim Sandy Hook didn't actually happen.

This is why the prominent ATSers of ten years ago have all but disappeared. They're on the darkweb avoiding the censorship imposed on them by a site they helped make.

posted on Oct, 11 2017 @ 05:04 PM
a reply to: dug88

Cannibal Cafe, where that famous German cannibal story of the guy that posted an ad looking for someone to volunteer to be slaughtered and eaten (and found a willing participant) wasn't on the darknet. There are thousands of those sites all over the surface web. Look into the NYC cop that was arrested for his use of those sites.

The church of euthanasia is an extremely dark joke, again with a presence on the clearnet. I'm pretty sure the clearnet site actually existed first. Whether or not it is still around, I couldn't say as I dismissed it as a game less version of cards against humanity and never cared to dig deeper.

The medical experiment site is one I hear referenced often. I actually stumbled on it in its infancy. Thing is, it wasn't ever updated and then disappeared only to have several other versions, copied and pasted, pop up in other places. I sincerely doubt there's any truth to it as I remember reading on somethingawful years ago that it was something created by one of the members there. Much like Slenderman and the Russian Sleep Experiment creepypasta.

Don't get me wrong, I'm sure there's things down there that would make your skin crawl. It just happens that the most frequently cited things just... Aren't true. Or at best are scams. Either way, same as I said for everything else, whatever sick things there are down there can be found with (probably a little less effort than to find an onion version) on the boring old clearnet.
edit on 10/11/17 by Magnivea because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 11 2017 @ 05:07 PM
a reply to: NthOther

Starred because... Well, that's why I use darknet conspiracy sites. You'll find a lot of former members of some well known sites down there.

posted on Oct, 11 2017 @ 05:17 PM
a reply to: darkbake

If people develop super powers in the near future (I'm being serious)
Then I think this place should be the first place they should go to find people to bring to justice.

I mean... Really...things just keep getting worse and worse in this world...and if regular humans actually could have stopped it by would be stopped.

Its just keeps going and going...
One GOOD thing that a cashless society where every transaction can be recorded and investigated would be that these transactions on the dark web could be tracked down our not allowed in the first place...

Only thing aside from that is literally...super humans who are good hearted... To erase this sickness from the world..

Think about literally WON'T END until super heroes happen...

edit on 10/11/2017 by prevenge because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 11 2017 @ 05:22 PM
a reply to: MorpheusUSA

I just figured I'd finally take a few minutes to say something about these kinds of ZOMG DARKWEB posts and YT videos. Its been something thats bothered me for quite some time but i never took the time to reply to.

I think I will assemble some things. Fair warning, it's probably going to take a few days as things in my life are all over the place with my wife's immigration status, gaining custody of my daughter from my ex and a mountain of other crap. I haven't created a real thread since... I don't even know when and I don't think I've ever created one of any conspiracy value on this account (older account I can't access anymore, not multiple, in case a mod stumbles across this comment.) In the meantime, feel free to PM me with any ideas or suggestions.

a reply to: humanoidlord

Hey! Same as I said up there. Feel free to PM me any ideas or requests and I'll do my best to see what I can find. There's a little bit of everything down there and sometimes it takes a bit of digging through Russian language sites (holy hell, there are what seems to be a disproportionate number of Russian language conspiracy sites down there, I forgot to mention that... Maybe that's a conspiracy in itself or maybe just censorship? I dunno...) but I'll do what I can. Maybe if I can get things straightened out in my personal affairs I'll start a series... Maybe I'm getting ahead of myself.

posted on Oct, 11 2017 @ 05:33 PM
a reply to: prevenge

Except for the part where none of this is any more true than it is for the clearnet. I'm not even going to address the nanny state comment about tracking everything. Some people suck. Some suck a lot. Taking away the right to privacy for everyone because of a select group of scumbags is a brainless, draconian solution. Scumbags gonna scum, no matter what you do to prevent it. There will always be ways to circumvent new regulations.

I mean think about it. This is like me saying "hey prevenge, I don't believe you've done nothing wrong in the past X number of months. Please post a full list of all of your cash transactions, signed and notarized, along with bank and credit card statements for that X number of months. I'll wait." Does that seem reasonable?

Damnit, I lied. I guess I did address the nanny state comment.
edit on 10/11/17 by Magnivea because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 11 2017 @ 05:44 PM
a reply to: darkbake

It's not the dark web that is a horrifying place, the web isn't a place. It's the world that you inhabit which is horrifying.

edit on 11-10-2017 by GusMcDangerthing because: sp

posted on Oct, 14 2017 @ 07:06 PM
a reply to: darkbake
You don't really need the TOR browser but it would be a one click solution making it easier as the browser is configured to proxy out IPs in an almost constant rate. TOR also has a browser plugin that can do all this and more when configured properly. Then there are proxy servers that claim to keep you anon but the really good ones are going to cost you.

At any rate one would be well advised to make sure they had a pretty good understanding of IT security. I wouldn't even think about it with a machine that might have some sensitive data in it anywhere. I know a few that use a separate machine like a laptop that has never had any type of data that could cause them an issue down the road.

The Dark/Deep Web can be really dangerous for those that are not really savvy in IT. And the payback would probably not be worth the trouble for most people.

posted on Oct, 14 2017 @ 07:15 PM

originally posted by: infolurker
a reply to: darkbake

As a sane individual... Why the Hell would I want to go there.... ever?

Sounds like a bunch of hacker predators, perverts, and criminals.... and you are the prey.

That's what I was thinking. It's like saying, "The sewer filled with alligators who rape you is a bad place you shouldn't ever visit."

Ya, no sh*t. That should be pretty self evident. I mean what exactly are you looking for that would bring you there to begin with that made you think it wasn't going to be what it is?? You go to the sewer expect to get crap on you. Or raped by alligators or something.

posted on Oct, 14 2017 @ 09:49 PM
a reply to: GusMcDangerthing

I have been doing more research on the dark web, including watching a YouTube series called Deep Web Browsing. It seems like there are lots of people who use the deep web to publish media and services that the government doesn't want out there. I could see this being a legitimate use of the deep web, as some of the content isn't too nefarious.

There are tons of different kinds of websites that aren't necessarily illegal, including extremely detailed sites with topics ranging from Flat Earth to Satanism - there are tons of conspiracy sites that are more detailed than what I see on ATS, although I believe most of them are bogus. Some people even post photo albums on the Deep Web with nothing controversial in them at all.

I probably went a little overboard in the O.P. Then again, there is still a lot of dark stuff out there, for sure.
edit on 14pmSat, 14 Oct 2017 21:50:14 -0500kbpmkAmerica/Chicago by darkbake because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 14 2017 @ 11:41 PM
a reply to: mOjOm

Except the dark web is in no way analagous to a sewer, and p.s. alligators Satanists and rape cults in American sewer and storm drain systems are also bull# too....

So your answer is as hilariously correct as you could have possibly managed to make it completely unintentionally!

Unfortunately you outed yourself as a low information believer in urban legend stupid scare stories and myths made up specifically to keep the proles from even wanting to go places people don't want them!


Seriously, put the shovel down and stop digging before you make yourself look anymore foolish and gullible.

posted on Oct, 15 2017 @ 12:25 AM
a reply to: roguetechie

Wow, thanks for the harsh judgement smart guy.

I never pretended to know anything about the Dark Web beyond what I've heard about it.

So then it's not a full of child porn, illegal activity, etc.??? Why don't you enlighten us then on what's to be found there since your such an expert.

All I was saying is that since I've never heard anything good coming from the Dark Web it never seemed to be of much interest in going there, so why bother?

But by all means, if everything we've all heard about it is wrong, please correct by telling us the truth about what's there. I'm interested in hearing it.

BTW, the sewer alligators thing was meant as a joke. I thought that I made it pretty obvious.
edit on 15-10-2017 by mOjOm because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 17 2017 @ 09:46 PM

originally posted by: mOjOm
a reply to: roguetechie

Wow, thanks for the harsh judgement smart guy.

I never pretended to know anything about the Dark Web beyond what I've heard about it.

So then it's not a full of child porn, illegal activity, etc.??? Why don't you enlighten us then on what's to be found there since your such an expert.

All I was saying is that since I've never heard anything good coming from the Dark Web it never seemed to be of much interest in going there, so why bother?

But by all means, if everything we've all heard about it is wrong, please correct by telling us the truth about what's there. I'm interested in hearing it.

BTW, the sewer alligators thing was meant as a joke. I thought that I made it pretty obvious.

You're right, what people call the dark/deep web using tricks to maintain anonymity use it for a lot of bad stuff. Using tricks to hide who you are is the main item is a criminals toybox. Using the idea that it is a "place" full of criminal activity it can be seen as a sewer.

posted on Oct, 17 2017 @ 09:56 PM
a reply to: DrumJunkie

Especially when what we're talking about is the "Dark" Web. Which is really only a sub section of the larger "Deep" Web.

The Deep Web is still the same hidden part of the web as the Dark part. But not quite the same since the Dark web is specifically called "Dark" to specify it's difference from the rest for the reason of being full of illegal activity.

If it was just like all the rest of the Deep web and just non indexed material of all kinds it would just be called the Deep web like the rest of it. But there's a reason it's been renamed as Dark.

posted on Oct, 18 2017 @ 05:05 AM

originally posted by: mOjOm
a reply to: DrumJunkie

Especially when what we're talking about is the "Dark" Web. Which is really only a sub section of the larger "Deep" Web.

The Deep Web is still the same hidden part of the web as the Dark part. But not quite the same since the Dark web is specifically called "Dark" to specify it's difference from the rest for the reason of being full of illegal activity.

If it was just like all the rest of the Deep web and just non indexed material of all kinds it would just be called the Deep web like the rest of it. But there's a reason it's been renamed as Dark.

You are pretty spot on Places that cater to the kind of clientele that need their services don't want to be out in the open It used to be a dark alley, now it's the dark web.

But really the web as a whole is pretty accessible. It's just knowing where to look. It's not like you can google deep web and get a list of addys. I get asked a lot about things like this and my usual reply is if you are not up to no good you are best served to not walk around there. You hang around a barbershop long enough you are going to get a haircut.

Most all that call the dark/deep web are not much different than any other website. it's the site admins that work hard to keep their location hidden using proxy servers, TOR etc. And people looking around those neighborhoods usually do the same wit the same so that they might not be tracked.

Most people have no real use for these types of sites and if in there you are at greater risk of stepping into a pile if you're not careful. Thew risk just is not worth the reward for the average web surfer.

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