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Excessive download

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posted on Oct, 9 2017 @ 08:59 PM
I have recently started with another internet service provider called Teleron. I have had two complete months with them and I have just started my third month.

My deal is 50 gigabytes a month. With my previous ISP I was on 15gb per month. (I actually got this deal for $10 per month less.)

My browsing and download habits have not changed from the old provider to the new provider. I visit much the same websites and download about the same amount of data including documents, images and videos.

My new month started two days ago and the only vids I've downloaded are those to do the Mandalay shootings which have been posted in the threads on the subject, plus one or two others. I have not downloaded any video longer than 20 minutes and only a 2-3 of that length.

I've used Firefox for years and I'm still using it now.

In my estimation and going by experience, I am getting only a little more download than I got with the previous ISP.

Here are the figures for the first few days of the billing month which I got as soon as i got on the net this morning.

Anniversary period 2017-10-08 to 2017-11-08
Data downloaded 1099.78 MB
Data uploaded 35.54 MB
Monthly quota 50000 MB
Percentage of quota used 2.27%
Shaped Normal
Shaping anniversary 8th of the month

Is this amount of usage normal? I have strong doubts it is?
I am wondering if there is a program I have that is constantly downloading data?

While I have run win 7 for several years, I now have some more recent versions of Win 7 and office ware that have been sourced from 'get into PC" and a similar site to that. Would these programs impact on data download? If so how?

I Appreciate any insight into what might be causing so much data use. Its not Microsoft updates as I have turned them off and have had them off for a week now. With my last ISP i only downloaded MS updates if i had data left over on the last day of the billing cycle.

Thanks for all contributions. its morning time for me and I will check back again tonight.

posted on Oct, 9 2017 @ 09:04 PM
a reply to: Azureblue

BTW, nearly all of my video downloads are in standard definition.

posted on Oct, 9 2017 @ 09:10 PM
Did u download a update
Also unless u actually downloaded the videos every time u play them is a new download even rewinding is a new download due to the nature of streaming
edit on 9-10-2017 by markovian because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 9 2017 @ 09:54 PM
a reply to: Azureblue

If you are actually downloading/saving the videos on your computer, you should be able to check the file sizes.
But either way, saving them or streaming them, they will account for the same amount of data per a single viewing while streaming them.
You are asking if that amount of usage is normal?...I would say abnormally low really, at least by my internet usage anyway.
I have Xfinity and I just checked my usage as I was curious and last month it was 162GB, but I have a 1TB limit.
I did not know my limit was that high, I thought it was 500GB.

posted on Oct, 9 2017 @ 10:14 PM

originally posted by: RazorV66
a reply to: Azureblue

If you are actually downloading/saving the videos on your computer, you should be able to check the file sizes.
But either way, saving them or streaming them, they will account for the same amount of data per a single viewing while streaming them.
You are asking if that amount of usage is normal?...I would say abnormally low really, at least by my internet usage anyway.
I have Xfinity and I just checked my usage as I was curious and last month it was 162GB, but I have a 1TB limit.
I did not know my limit was that high, I thought it was 500GB.

XFinity Extreme Blast here...1Tb and 2 free months if I go over. Hard to do , even with my Steam and Gog accounts.
But , I think the OP has some form of mobile device , not a laptop or PC

posted on Oct, 9 2017 @ 10:31 PM
I think the amount of data you downloaded was abnormally low for a month of use, it is only 1 GB out of your 50 GB limit. As a comparison, I buy one or two Xbox One games a month, and those are each around 50 GB downloads at times. Add to that binge-watching on Netflix, Hulu, and CrunchyRoll, add to that possible free steam games that are at least 10 GB each, add to that whatever else happens to be downloading on my PC, and I use way more than 50GB.

posted on Oct, 9 2017 @ 10:59 PM

originally posted by: Gothmog

originally posted by: RazorV66
a reply to: Azureblue

If you are actually downloading/saving the videos on your computer, you should be able to check the file sizes.
But either way, saving them or streaming them, they will account for the same amount of data per a single viewing while streaming them.
You are asking if that amount of usage is normal?...I would say abnormally low really, at least by my internet usage anyway.
I have Xfinity and I just checked my usage as I was curious and last month it was 162GB, but I have a 1TB limit.
I did not know my limit was that high, I thought it was 500GB.

XFinity Extreme Blast here...1Tb and 2 free months if I go over. Hard to do , even with my Steam and Gog accounts.
But , I think the OP has some form of mobile device , not a laptop or PC

Extreme Blast is what I have also.
And I just saw that 2 free months myself when I checked earlier.
I have been trying to think of a way to try to hit it LOL, just to see if I can.
Last year I think it was, I did hit like 350GB usage when I downloaded a bunch of movies.

posted on Oct, 9 2017 @ 11:22 PM

originally posted by: RazorV66

originally posted by: Gothmog

originally posted by: RazorV66
a reply to: Azureblue

If you are actually downloading/saving the videos on your computer, you should be able to check the file sizes.
But either way, saving them or streaming them, they will account for the same amount of data per a single viewing while streaming them.
You are asking if that amount of usage is normal?...I would say abnormally low really, at least by my internet usage anyway.
I have Xfinity and I just checked my usage as I was curious and last month it was 162GB, but I have a 1TB limit.
I did not know my limit was that high, I thought it was 500GB.

XFinity Extreme Blast here...1Tb and 2 free months if I go over. Hard to do , even with my Steam and Gog accounts.
But , I think the OP has some form of mobile device , not a laptop or PC

Extreme Blast is what I have also.
And I just saw that 2 free months myself when I checked earlier.
I have been trying to think of a way to try to hit it LOL, just to see if I can.
Last year I think it was, I did hit like 350GB usage when I downloaded a bunch of movies.

I formatted my drive and reinstalled Windows 10 Insider. Between GoG an Steam I have over 500gb of games . Plus downloading the OS , drivers, programs and installation , game mods, I still didnt get close.
I know , it is Comcast . But I have tried em all .And found all others lacking....

posted on Oct, 9 2017 @ 11:30 PM

originally posted by: Azureblue
My browsing and download habits have not changed from the old provider to the new provider. I visit much the same websites and download about the same amount of data including documents, images and videos.

You haven't mentioned speed of your ISP service.

Be aware, that if you get a "faster service", then when you visit places like YouTube, you'll get a different version of the same video, usually a higher resolution version, which is much larger than the low resolution versions. Then you will be downloading much more bytes even when watching the exact same content.

It can also happen if you get a service with approximately the same overall download speed, but just has a faster "ping" time, since a high speed with slow ping could be treated like a low speed service and deliver you a smaller size video file.

So, if your new ISP is just physically closer to the data centers you visit to watch these videos, you could get the larger version of the videos too.


to check your "ping", "download speed", and "upload speed", and compare with your old service if you can to diagnose the issue.

posted on Oct, 9 2017 @ 11:41 PM
a reply to: Azureblue

That pretty standard data usage if you go near YouTube at all..

But maybe you are more careful?

Clicky picture for a good idea on YouTube videos per minute:

Do you have automatic update turned on?
Also I'd turn the internet off when not in use.

My phone service was 10g and it seemed to last all month most of the time, but I avoided long videos of course.

So it says you used 2.2% of the total in a day is it? So in the month you'd use 60.6% and still have the rest left over..

Or did I miss something?

Check auto update for sure on ALL programs. Maybe your antivirus got new definitions or even a new version? Or windows patched?

edit on 9-10-2017 by Reverbs because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 10 2017 @ 03:33 AM
Check out glasswire data usage monitor. Tells you who and what every bit of data coming and going from your computer.

posted on Oct, 10 2017 @ 06:12 AM

originally posted by: markovian
Did u download a update
Also unless u actually downloaded the videos every time u play them is a new download even rewinding is a new download due to the nature of streaming

I tend to play a 30 seconds or so of the video to see what its like, audio quality, content etc. If its oK I will then download it.

posted on Oct, 10 2017 @ 06:29 AM

originally posted by: RazorV66
a reply to: Azureblue

If you are actually downloading/saving the videos on your computer, you should be able to check the file sizes.
But either way, saving them or streaming them, they will account for the same amount of data per a single viewing while streaming them.
You are asking if that amount of usage is normal?...I would say abnormally low really, at least by my internet usage anyway.
I have Xfinity and I just checked my usage as I was curious and last month it was 162GB, but I have a 1TB limit.
I did not know my limit was that high, I thought it was 500GB.

I find it strange that my download with this ISP is so high given I only had 15gb on the last ISP.

I dunno if you would agree with this or not but I tend to think that higher allowence one has the greater amount they make us use in upload. What I mean is that back in the days when I had 05 gb per month i still managed to download nearly 4gb of data. What Im referring to here is up load not as a direct and constant ratio of upload to download but a higher and higher proportion of our bandwitdth use is upload?

Cant help thinking that if I had 05 gb today i would get only about 2gb in download. You see, over the years I've come to suspect that they nudge us up into higher and higer amounts of bandwidth to keep us 'upgrading' and they do this by making more and more of our internet use is upload.

posted on Oct, 10 2017 @ 06:32 AM

originally posted by: Gothmog

originally posted by: RazorV66
a reply to: Azureblue

If you are actually downloading/saving the videos on your computer, you should be able to check the file sizes.
But either way, saving them or streaming them, they will account for the same amount of data per a single viewing while streaming them.
You are asking if that amount of usage is normal?...I would say abnormally low really, at least by my internet usage anyway.
I have Xfinity and I just checked my usage as I was curious and last month it was 162GB, but I have a 1TB limit.
I did not know my limit was that high, I thought it was 500GB.

XFinity Extreme Blast here...1Tb and 2 free months if I go over. Hard to do , even with my Steam and Gog accounts.
But , I think the OP has some form of mobile device , not a laptop or PC

No. i have a PC with win 7 which iv'e had for years. I am now using craked win 7 and office (which I am not that keen on by the way). Would that make any difference to beandwidth use?

posted on Oct, 10 2017 @ 06:41 AM
a reply to: darkbake

my apologies it seems i have poorly worded my post.

I am two days into my monthly allowence and I've downlaoded 1099 MB but I have only downloaded about 40-50 (if that) minutes of standard def video in two days, only a few PDF documents and about 6-8 photos.

Anniversary period 2017-10-08 to 2017-11-08
Data downloaded 1099 MB
Data uploaded 35.54 MB
Monthly quota 50000 MB

I am happy with the small amount of upload, its the Data download of 1099 MB in two days that concerns me.

posted on Oct, 10 2017 @ 06:43 AM
a reply to: RazorV66

Giga bytes must be very cheap where you are

posted on Oct, 10 2017 @ 06:47 AM

originally posted by: AMPTAH

originally posted by: Azureblue
My browsing and download habits have not changed from the old provider to the new provider. I visit much the same websites and download about the same amount of data including documents, images and videos.

You haven't mentioned speed of your ISP service.

Be aware, that if you get a "faster service", then when you visit places like YouTube, you'll get a different version of the same video, usually a higher resolution version, which is much larger than the low resolution versions. Then you will be downloading much more bytes even when watching the exact same content.

It can also happen if you get a service with approximately the same overall download speed, but just has a faster "ping" time, since a high speed with slow ping could be treated like a low speed service and deliver you a smaller size video file.

So, if your new ISP is just physically closer to the data centers you visit to watch these videos, you could get the larger version of the videos too.


to check your "ping", "download speed", and "upload speed", and compare with your old service if you can to diagnose the issue.

thanks for that. The thing is that I only download standard definition video. Would what you have said still apply?

posted on Oct, 10 2017 @ 06:48 AM

originally posted by: BadBoYeed
Check out glasswire data usage monitor. Tells you who and what every bit of data coming and going from your computer.

Something like this exactly what I wan. thanks for that.

posted on Oct, 10 2017 @ 07:01 AM
a reply to: Azureblue

It sounds about normal to me. Screen graphics take a lot of bandwidth these days. It's easy to use a gig in a day. I've done that streaming Coast to Coast episodes off of Youtube on my phone before.

Of course if you're using Micro$haft or A99le computers they might be updating without your permission. Windows computers in particular tend to call home even if you've told them not to.

posted on Oct, 10 2017 @ 08:18 AM
A good firewall would stop unwanted communications and will log everything in and out.

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