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Gravitational waves Nobel discovery change tech. constraints for Star trek & UFO understanding

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posted on Oct, 9 2017 @ 04:55 PM
The Peace of God to all that belong to the light,
Dear Readers,

A series of historic observations that had taken place since January of 2016 to September of 2017 by a group of Scientists of Caltech and MIT that have confirmed beyond any reasonable doubt the existence of the Gravitational waves that were long time ago predicted by Albert Einstein are opening an entirely new horizon of understanding of the Universe.

Please read:
What is a Gravitational wave?

In particular this discovery will represent a dramatic change of mapping the cosmos in astronomy, enhancing the knowledge of it exponentially, and could change also the limits that at present exist in propulsion technology to travel interplanetary distances and propose mind blowing new ways to travel stelar distances across the cosmos never dreamed by anybody in the past or present.

The Scientists that made this possible, two American born and one German born, Reiner Weiss, Barry Barish and Kip Thorne with affiliations to CalTech and MIT have this week crowned their careers thanks to this finding with the Nobel of Physics.

Pls check:

No doubt this is a major historic achievement for astronomy technology, in terms of improvement of the observation of the cosmos enhanced using a spectrum with an extremely large wave length (600 000 km, or 47 times the diameter of the Earth), due to all the extra information that will provide us of corners of the today known universe that no body never before was able to see.

Please check:
Ligo Gravitational wave discoverers win Nobel Prize

Now, what are the implications that can be derived of this discovery to the researchers in UFO phenomena?

1) At first glance are certainly huge since we have at hand now a technology that will complete maps of the cosmos that will reach distances that neither light, x rays, radio waves or Infrared rays can reach at all.

2) New more efficient astronomy technology necessarily will give us the possibility to watch but perhaps at some point also to detect activity in the new worlds that may sustain intelligent life.

3) The most important consequence is that this is giving solid base to new technologies that have been proposed that will enhance dramatically the distances and the velocities on which interplanetary and interstellar trips can achieve at future.

I want to refer here about the third possibility, since for decades there was a reasonable skepticism on the UFO phenomena, headed by extremely eminent and disciplined scientific minds, even the ones that were relatively open to the possibility of existence of life in other points of the cosmos, Like Carl Sagan.

Academic Scientists smartly objected that it seemed impossible that somebody ever had actually watched a close encounter with an alien exploring mission, due to the fact that there was not known technology able to make such a trip feasible in the life span of any form of life along distances that in speed light would take years to travel.

This skepticism was based on the idea that all the propulsion technologies that were known and even the ones proposed to be developed for missions to be sent to the outer solar system and beyond the limits of it were unable to provide the necessary reach to make a trip possible from/to another solar system from/to ours and to allow any travelers to live to enjoy it.

Nevertheless, gravitational waves as a reality have opened a new horizon also of technologies that we didn't know were certainly achievable and may allow intelligent beings to cross the universe in times that make it possible for them to visit other worlds, like the earth.

For instance let me propose the analysis of the following papers to initiate here in this forum a discussion on the implications that will come for the UFO research community from these new Science findings.

Please check:

Directions of Gravitational waves propulsion, By Giorgio Fontana, University of Trento, Italy.

Robert Baker patent of gravitational wave propulsion

Antigravity and the ultimate spacecraft propulsion system by Noel Huntley

An asymmetric gravitational wave propulsion system by Jefrey Cameron

Of course these papers are just a very small sample of the many projects that have been already developed by engineers or scientists willing to develop new more powerful thrust systems that might change our knowledge of space trip, so I expect anybody taken part in this discussion may contribute with other important bibliography in the topic.

Thanks for your attention,

The Angel of Lightness
edit on 10/9/2017 by The angel of light because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 9 2017 @ 04:57 PM
Surf's up!

Watch out for that inside section though. It's gnarly.

edit on 10/9/2017 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 9 2017 @ 05:17 PM
a reply to: The angel of light

The best thing about science is it keeps silly superstitions in their proper place. If it can be measured or experienced then it's not real.

I thought gravity waves measured came from merging black holes or some such oddity. I'm not sure gravity waves are confirmation UFOs exist and are real.

edit on 9-10-2017 by dfnj2015 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 9 2017 @ 05:27 PM
a reply to: dfnj2015

Well, under the new paradigm that this discovery is opening at least make it possible and so believable.

That is something that is a consideration that for decades was almost impossible to think the scientific establishment might show interest or decision to open in discussion.

This benefit of doubt in favor of the possible existence of other propulsion technologies thousands of times more efficient than the one our civilization have developed I am sure many thought was not going to be given to Ufology in our generation.

This may mean a giant leap toward understanding how Alien contact has been possible.


The Angel of Lightness

posted on Oct, 9 2017 @ 05:39 PM
a reply to: The angel of light

RE: "scientific establishment"

I invite you to join the fight in inventing gravity based technologies. Support the sciences in your local community.

posted on Oct, 9 2017 @ 06:11 PM
a reply to: dfnj2015

Humanity is skeptic by its nature, that is in our mentality, we need to touch and see with our own hands and eyes to believe, that is perhaps why only few privileged minds have the powerful intuition to break rigid paradigms that have prevailed for centuries.

Once again with this finding, Mathematical thinking has showed its tremendous power to push science ahead since what physics technology of 2017 has just confirmed was already foresaw and even well defined using entirely analytical methods by Albert Einstein in 1915.

Please check:

This discovery will move governments and private corporations no doubt into this research field as honey is able to attract flies, so It is not difficult to predict that what has been an act of scientific heroism for our generation will promise to be a fecund horizon of work with a lot of funding for the following.


The Angel of Lightness
edit on 10/9/2017 by The angel of light because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 9 2017 @ 06:46 PM
a reply to: The angel of light

Nice thread.

I think that it may link up nicely with a thread from dfnj2015

Exciting times indeed.

posted on Oct, 9 2017 @ 07:02 PM
Gravitational waves as a method of crossing space ?
In what respect ? i.e. how ?
Honest question

posted on Oct, 9 2017 @ 07:42 PM

originally posted by: dfnj2015
a reply to: The angel of light

RE: "scientific establishment"

I invite you to join the fight in inventing gravity based technologies. Support the sciences in your local community.

But gravity is not the problem. The anti-mass examples we see in the classic UFOs have already disclosed that standard physics can be side-stepped. So we can safely assume that gravity waves are perhaps not even a consideration in exotic space flight as usually adhering to in Einstein's work.

Imagine if you can that you have been betrayed by science for many decades about what is possible in space flight given the proper influences of a massless drive.

posted on Oct, 10 2017 @ 12:13 AM
Not to mention stargates, wormholes and hyper space. There are many methods. I don't believe each group uses the same ones, there would be diverse tech involved, and diverse on each level of tech, from tech we might consider thousands of years ahead of us, to tech that is billions, ie Zeta Reticuli is billions of years older than our star, though the concept of red shift and aging stars is not necessarily correct, which puts pleiades in a different light as well, yet again to tech from those who have graduated Beyond, and any concept of duality, possibly countless kazillions of years ahead.
edit on 10-10-2017 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 10 2017 @ 02:44 AM
Many Questions:

And how relate Gravitational waves in relation with Higgs-bosons ? I mean mass is related to gravity.
Higgs-boson a particle , dealing out mass to certain particles. Am I right to assume that a gravitational wave is a property on it's own a 'field'. Is the field fluctuating or is mass fluctuating , or is it just a mathematical concept applied to observations? And doesn't that (Gravitational wave) rule out the existence of gravitons ? What exactly is propagating the wave , or is it a property of spacetime ?

posted on Oct, 10 2017 @ 04:55 AM

originally posted by: frenchfries
Many Questions:

And how relate Gravitational waves in relation with Higgs-bosons ? I mean mass is related to gravity.
Higgs-boson a particle , dealing out mass to certain particles. Am I right to assume that a gravitational wave is a property on it's own a 'field'. Is the field fluctuating or is mass fluctuating , or is it just a mathematical concept applied to observations? And doesn't that (Gravitational wave) rule out the existence of gravitons ? What exactly is propagating the wave , or is it a property of spacetime ?

There is no relation between Higgs and gravitational waves.

Energy is related to gravity. The Higgs field gives certain particles their rest energy (mass).

Quanta of the Higgs field are Higgs bosons. Quanta of the gravitational field would be Gravitons.

All interactions are limited to the speed of light. So is gravity. The gravitational wave is the change of gravity somewhere else reaching us.

posted on Oct, 10 2017 @ 05:44 AM

originally posted by: Phage
Surf's up!

Watch out for that inside section though. It's gnarly.

I hang 10 near the event horizon.

posted on Oct, 10 2017 @ 07:23 AM
a reply to: dfnj2015

You are close to the mark there.

Noticeable gravitational waves, such as those detected by LIGO, could come from any number of extremely massive objects coming into close proximity, and spiraling toward one another. This includes things like black holes, and also neutron stars.

You are also correct that the existence of these waves, the detection of them, the recording of them and the results of the experiments which seek to record these things, do not, in and of themselves, prove the existence of extra terrestrial life, intelligent extra terrestrial life, or prove that UFO generally, or in any specific case, are craft or drones, sent by extra terrestrial intelligences, into our solar system, for the purpose of contacting, observing, monitoring, or cataloguing our species.

However, the existence of gravitation waves does prove that space warping is an actual mechanism which does exist in the vast clockwork of the universe, which was merely theoretical at one stage, but is now a proven phenomenon. Now that we know it exists, is not just a quirk of equations done many years ago, we can more accurately and more reasonably speculate about how a species (including our own, I might add) might utilise space warping for its own ends, assuming they possessed the know how to make it happen on their own terms, perhaps by some method of controlling the concentration of the Higgs field in given locations, to create waves they might ride, rather than waiting for ripples in space time which appear to head in their desired direction!

posted on Oct, 10 2017 @ 07:59 AM
a reply to: moebius

Thanks mate for clearing that up , The universe ... sooo simple.

posted on Oct, 10 2017 @ 07:59 AM
a reply to: dfnj2015

but it at leasts provides us with more factual information to which aids any alien visitors actually getting here if waves are real then they would likely use this technology.

So without an effective way to measure say consciousness then its not real according to science.

Just because we dont understand something or cant measure something doesnt make it not real!

Aliens despite not being here physically and we cant prove their existence, they are very real in the sense that humans have created an entire universe full of aliens , living along side of us doing what the aliens do!

Just because science cant measure the afterlife , or god or any other such thing doesnt make it not real
it's as real as anything else we have conjured up in the mind of humanity

posted on Oct, 10 2017 @ 09:03 AM
As far as I can tell, this finding has no real application to any futuristic near-light-speed drive.

But it confirms what was proposed by Einstein, meaning that it supports some other possible near-light-speed drives, because it shows that the relativistic equations used to finagle such drives are most probably correct.

One of the linked sources linked to a news article about a new solution to Einstein's relativity equations that involved the gravitational field of a mass moving at a large percentage of the speed of light.
The solution revealed an antigravity field extending out in front of such an object.

Speculation on this is that such an antigravity field could be used to drive a space probe, or even a spaceship.

But there are problems, such a accelerating a large enough mass to a large enough velocity to begin with. That almost puts you back at square one, except the use of the antigravity field would mean no stresses on the probe or ship, unlike just accelerating the probe itself.

Also, there is the problem of time dilation. The faster you go, the more time passes in the reference frame you started from (Earth, in this case.)

Observed from here, if you get a probe up to half of light speed, it can go from here to the nearest star in a little over two years, Earth time. The trip would be much shorter for the probe's clock.

Of course, that doesn't include deceleration to stop at the star. It's more complicated when you take that into consideration.

Even at 50% of light speed, we wouldn't be able to explore much of our own galaxy. At that speed, it would take 100,000 (Earth) years to reach the galactic center.

But it would get us, or our instruments, a flyby of some of the more local stars around us.

I think the Alcubierre warp drive would be more promising. But it requires the expenditure of more energy than is available in our entire solar system. For now.
I mean, when it was first proposed, it was shown that it would take more energy than was available in our entire visible universe, so that figure has come down with further refinements in the concept.

Maybe there will be enough refinements at some point in the future to make it possible.


posted on Oct, 10 2017 @ 10:00 AM
a reply to: Harte

Even if exploring our own galaxy will still take eons with speed of light travel
we can at least populate our own solar system and to me this resolves the "eggs in one basket" scenario
for the end of the humanity.

With the speed at which we could travel with the help of this discovery
we could be to pluto and back in no time at all.

We take one step at a time, we get our eggs out there on different baskets, and we send probes out further than we ever have before!

I just wanted to ask , when travelling at the speed of light , we need to accelerate the mass to that speed

in a gravitational warp field , bubble pocket. Why do we not accelerate the space itself rather than the mass of the ship or craft or object we want to travel in.

posted on Oct, 10 2017 @ 10:34 AM

originally posted by: sapien82
a reply to: Harte

Even if exploring our own galaxy will still take eons with speed of light travel
we can at least populate our own solar system and to me this resolves the "eggs in one basket" scenario
for the end of the humanity.

With the speed at which we could travel with the help of this discovery
we could be to pluto and back in no time at all.

I have no doubt that we will, in the near future, be able to explore our own solar system with much greater facility.
But I doubt that will be accomplished with any technology derived from the discovery of gravitational waves, since there currently is no such drive associated with that discovery.

originally posted by: sapien82We take one step at a time, we get our eggs out there on different baskets, and we send probes out further than we ever have before!

I doubt there'll be any "eggs" in the foreseeable future, but probes - absolutely.

originally posted by: sapien82
I just wanted to ask , when travelling at the speed of light , we need to accelerate the mass to that speed

in a gravitational warp field , bubble pocket. Why do we not accelerate the space itself rather than the mass of the ship or craft or object we want to travel in.

That's the Alcubierre warp drive I mentioned earlier. It's not associated with this finding, but the finding does confirm that gravitational waves (warped space time) exist.

We already knew that gravity warps spacetime, so the Alcubierre drive didn't need this finding. But, yes, in principle it works like you say.


posted on Oct, 10 2017 @ 12:20 PM
It's one thing to measure a gravity wave, which most science fiction has accepted as a thing for decades, than to be able to make or manipulate a gravity wave because of the massive energy requirements. I don't know about you, but I'm not aware of the existence of any engine powered by a couple of colliding supermassive black holes.

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