Good day ATS.
I have a couple questions in regards to Vitiligo. Of course I could join a health forum to ask these questions, but I'd rather my friends here.
Over the course of the summer, while working on a few hobby vehicles I have, I noticed one day that I was developing white blotches on my hands.
I thought to myself, "I must have gotten some sort of chemical on my paws, or just caught some sun with some very dirty mitts the other day"
I went to the bathroom and started scrubbing...and scrubbing and scrubbing. This is odd, maybe it will go away, I said to myself.
Over the course of the next few days I kept an eye on it. But it wasn't going away.
I made a point of trying to get my hands to get tanned to see if, like I mentioned I had dirty on my hands and caught a tan.
No such luck. It just made the white parts on my hands turn bright pink and stand out more.
Now I started to get worried.
I was thinking is this going to spread to my face? Is it going to cover my entire body? How does this happen? How is it both my hands have this
starting at the same time?
I decided to take a picture of my hands to see if it was spreading, and compare with daily.
That was back in early August. A few months later and I haven't seen any sign of this clearing up.
I made a dermatologist appointment back at the end of September. But due to the lack a specialists in my city, my appointment isn't until December
6th. So I still have some time until I can get some answers and hopefully start some sort of a treatment. But I've also read, there isn't much that
can be done. In fact, it's not really known why this starts. The medical professionals know how it works, that the pigmentation dies off and that's
how it comes to be, but why?
Do any of you fine folks have Vitiligo? If so, what treatments have you tried and was here any success?
I personally can't really tell if it's spreading, but below is the first picture I took at the beginning of August, and the following picture is of
today. Can anyone of you sharp eyed members see any spread?
From August 3rd:
From today:
I appreciate anyone taking the time to help out.
Thanks ATS.
edit on 9-10-2017 by Macenroe82 because: (no reason given)