posted on Feb, 20 2005 @ 10:42 PM
One thing that's great about the internet is that it was built and is run by hackers, and hackers tend to be anti-censorship. the gov't and
corporations ahve tried repeatedly to do stuff to make certain things illegal. The music companies want it to be ilelgal for you to record TV shows
right off of television and some music companies want it to be illegal to listen to music CDs in a public place. It is crazy. But the nice thing is
hackers always break down these new technologies that attempt to keep people out.
As long as hackers who don't like gov't control run the internet and build it, the internet will remain free.
Becoming a hacker requires learning lots of skills, from computer languages to electronics and so forth. Those who do so are usually also
anti-censorship, and don't too much become politicians. The gov't has its own hackers who work for it, which is fine, but the civilian world has an
army of hackers too. Hackers run the internet. As long as they do, the internet should be fine.
it is like that baloney with trying to control the internet porn. There's only god-knows how many different porn sites out there.