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I saw blue things, Anyone else?! I would love to know

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posted on Jun, 30 2003 @ 03:32 AM
Okay, I just registered here or whatever..nice.. Anyways. I saw blue plasma/lightning colored blue "Aliens" i wanna say.. outside with this kid named Jeff, it had just rained, 8:28 PM we were playing street figher 2 for snes n some ninja turtles n ya know cool stuff. So we walked outside and to the right sort of, because the houses were at angles, in "Rick the Rocker's" yard..cuz he had a garage band and we'd ride our bikes n try to do "tricks" aka just trying to do pop-a-wheel's higher than 3 inches while he played..and in that yard i saw two blue things.. my vision is bad though, which pisses me off.. but i saw them and so did he, we ended up leaping back through his screen, no time to open it..crying to his mom who walked us home and i only lived accross the street =\! I told my mom, she still remembers.. this was in Encinetas, California..[edited by OzChris]...was the old address i lived at.. That might be stupid to say but ok! This was when i was pretty young, over the years i've had experiences that would seem to relate to these situations..oh and first, that kid Jeff, i haven't tried locating..which i should try I just didn't know much about it cept he rented and his mom was divorced.. it'd be a kick in the wind.. but maybe he has issues with this and is on here?! or somewhere.. that night too there was this golden retriever that looked exactly liked his cept i thinkkk memory is wearY, but had a red collar, i made eye contact with this dog.cuz it just came to his door.. I try to figure out if everything had a connection, i think i had a weird feeling when i bent down.. yeah don't touch the strange dog! but okay.. it was nice.. he if it was a he, i dunno.. so that happened before i was ten years old.. probly like 8 or 9, i'm 19 now.. my parents just moved to washington n i'm living above this office thing, alone at night..and i've been having many body has been going crazy..hairs stand up and everything.. paranoid, spiders, ants, bugs are triggering weird feelings.. I still, like always know stuff before it happens, i knew i was gonna see this spider one day and i did, it was scary, cept i thought i was going to see it in the shower. Now instead of killing them.. i catch them in a cup or top to my lava lamp, lol n release them outside.. and i just thought of something else..cuz i've had a fear of spiders.. if it's a test or something i dunno, that dog.. well in kindergarten i got attacked by a golden retriever, cuz i was hitting it with this plant giant leaf did me in pretty good.. lots of stitches, 1 inch claw went into my arm =S have scar from that too.. but if that dog i saw that night had anything to do with that... anyways I'll get back on track, i saw these things..recently around christmas..i was telling me brother some of this cuz we have these deep convos of crap n what not, and he tells me he saw some "blue ball" of energy..while riding his bike like down SanTe Fe Drive, near San Diegto High School..and he turned around and went the other way cuz he said it felt so strong/ scary .. that was insane to me because all these years ..thought me and jeff were the only ones.. it was really stupid to lose touch with him too damnit..but ok.. that was like maybe 400 feet away from where i saw the two blue things, so maybe it's the area. I had a dream of them about a month ago.. n ahh hairs are standing, it ended with me being older in a yard/street like the one in Encinetas and playing hockey in the front yard then my dad yellling my name ( I hate yellinG!)... then i had this feeling come over me in the dream as i looked in the direction blue light coming from the house.. woke up.. yeah .. that feeling, i knew before... another weird time i was in my bedroom standing at my window looking out into the clouds n kept saying "Comeback" I'm ready for this and stuff...and Boom a bolt of lightning came storms or #, i ended up bolting into my mother's bedroom .. i tried to face it. that was about meH 3 years ago? 2? i dunno.. So, I've written alot..I could share more..feel like i'm having more energy and alot of things..this being alone part, is interesting too.. but okay, If you've seen this..know this Jeff kid!? His mother was divorced so yeah..n had a little sister..who if you need an event.kicked her foot through their front window on their house lol.. n we went to wild rivers or raging waters or whatever one is in irvine.. if you've seen these Blue things.. know even a better description cuz *#ty vision* I would love to hear.. [email protected] anything...please, that would be a great help to my life, or maybe a bad thing, i don't know...but I NEED and WANT to know, so thank you..n sorry it was so long, i figured the more info the better...Thanks..Seeya- John

[Edited on 30-6-2003 by OzChris]

posted on Jun, 30 2003 @ 09:00 AM
but after calming down some...the blue aliens you saw, sound like a description of Ball Lightning. It can happen after a storm, or even when a storm is not actively going on, and is a strange, but rare phenomenon.

Here's a link:

[Edited on 30-6-2003 by Gazrok]

posted on Jun, 30 2003 @ 03:02 PM
Also, if such stuff was noding around, it would blow peoples heads apart every once in a while, or certainly do them harm of noticeable proportions. Maybe THIS is the explanation of spontaneious combustion!

Two birds with one stone! Lol, Thank you..That was all very informative, some vague though, because they were factualize then say "But not all of them happen like this" lol, good science, right? I really wish i had a grasp of what I saw, because I don't think what they're explaining was it, or I'm just in denial, Lol. Thank you though, I got the "weather balloon" answer..! lol .. To me, probly cuz i was so little, seemed very large and i know there were two.. and to me they looked like veins, fat ones, in figures, see through. Reason I say this is cuz after that night happened, I drew my mom a picture of what one looked like with a turcoise crayon. It doesn't explain what my brother saw or the lightning that made me bolt out of my mother's room or the weird feelings of everything driving me back to that one event, could be all mental, I wanna doubt that, but it very well could be.. I'll keep reading here for a while.. I also would like to note my body picks up alot more energy recently, out of anything, tv, music, air, thought, food, i had the albert E=M look goin the other day! I'm just gonna try to sleep better at night guessing i just saw something caused by weather, so thank you much.. time for food! seeya - John but rare phenomenon lol brother saw somethin too..he said his looked like a ball though. Must have been lucky. Thanks though

posted on Jun, 30 2003 @ 03:12 PM
It is a strange and rare phenomenon, but may be more common to where you were, in California... Not many are aware of it's existence (you won't see any specials on it or anything), but as I do quite a bit of amateur UFO research, I learned about it. Never saw it myself though, but I have seen Elmo's Fire, and that's pretty close description-wise. Glad I could put you at ease some...

posted on Jun, 30 2003 @ 03:28 PM
Well if you're ever in that area, i know the exact spot it happened. from that address i gave, it was the 2nd house over, has a garage on the left side then the yard on the right, with a cinder block wall thing in front, i haven't seen it in years, but I would like to. Maybe a half hour away, just no license at the moment =\ lol.. all the strange feelings i've been having lately, if they lead up to something, i'll be sure to let you know.. for the purpose of research. I figure it was a mental trigger of finally being on my that i mean alone which could cause all of these but sometimes i just don't know, but thank you again and seeya - John pS: Cinnamon Toast makes your mouse hard to move!

posted on Jun, 30 2003 @ 03:59 PM

I have edited your post for anonimity sake. Seeing as you don't live at that address anymore I do not think it is appropriate to publicly advertise it.

Great post....welcome aboard.


[Edited on 30-6-2003 by OzChris]

posted on Jun, 30 2003 @ 04:03 PM
Are YOU the government!? Let them see, it won't kill anyone.. it happened houses down.. It's a rented address, it won't kill anyone...BooM! *gonE* Hockey time

[Edited on 1-7-2003 by cassini]

posted on Jun, 30 2003 @ 05:46 PM
I have asked you politely.. You have no right to post an address for which you no longer live...Please respect other people's right to privacy..


[Edited on 30-6-2003 by OzChris]

posted on Jun, 30 2003 @ 06:56 PM
Yeah dude, listen to him and uh, one thing of advice, don't argue with a mod over something like that. It is polite not to tell and address out when it is not yours any longer. Thank You. (This public service announcement has been brought to by: Mac223 - For all your Alien and Paranormal Needs)




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