posted on Oct, 6 2017 @ 10:41 PM
Ok, Never heard of him....her....whatever. Too bad he...she was funny.
Dats one big Mumma doe.....or Pappa.....lucky to live to 45.
So, a quick search of Ralphie suggests "they" think they is a black African AMerican from Da Hood in a large version of a white...person....that may
or may not as in Ralphie May or may not be ....Ralphina?
Just out of curiosity, is it may or May not? or May might be .... only the coroners photos will tell for sure??
Recently saw Chaz Bono on an episode of American Horror....whom people may or may not know......that she/ I mean he is Chers Daughter/Son.......ah
Sometimes I think I am a Hamburger, and just want extra mayo..........