posted on Oct, 5 2017 @ 01:43 PM
Lost? Confused? Not sure which way to turn?
Do you, in fact, not even know which town you are in or what day it is? Or perhaps you'd like directions to a shop whose name you can't remember,
but was definitely "around here somewhere, and it had a green sign on the door"?
Maybe you've forgotten your own name and address?
Why not just get on the first bus that comes along, with no real intention of boarding, and force the driver to hold a long, vague, and totally
confusing conversation!
It will brighten up the driver's day and all the passengers will be really entertained as they sit there, stewing in silence, while you prevent them
from continuing with their journeys! I mean, it's not like any of them were going anywhere important, is it?
And breeeeaaaathe...
(Apologies for the outrageous sexism, it's just that this has happened to me at least a dozen times recently. And yes, it's always women.)