posted on Oct, 6 2017 @ 11:41 AM
a reply to:
network dude
By all means, let's talk about Clinton and her tweet.
I see that we can discuss her tweet from a number of different angles, or contexts. As page one of this thread will attest,there is the context of
''Clintons bad'' let's poop all over them calling them names and slinging cute little aspersions at them.
There is also a context that sees her as a public figure who has demonstrated foolishness by being drawn in to a false interpretation of a news story
and then tweeting it, knowing that she most likely has a large number of people who follow her tweets. It was a moment of immaturity and foolishness,
possibly only one moment in a life of immaturity and foolishness. I think this one is the context from which you are addressing the issue.
There is another context that sees it as not just a specific example of gullibility or foolishness but rather just one example of a more general trend
in our modern cyber world. People being taken in by false narratives that seem to demonstrate or prove their personal fears are becoming reality.
It is within this context that I chose to address the event and in doing so used another example of people who are taken in by false narratives and
then spread them further into the cyber world. My example was some members here on ATS. That was a broad and general example.
You then replied with a response from the ''public figure'' context and at the same time calling the reply from within that third context as
''laughable'' while at the same time defending (''Yes, but in the ATS members defense'') ATS members. You then continued the defense by stating ''
comparing her to us is laughable.''
I can understand it being laughable from the ''public figure'' context, but not from the ''it can happen to any of us'' context. Why? Because it can
happen to any of us as my general example suggested. Again, I said ''some'' members, not all members.
I do not deny the ''public figure'' context and think it is one that needs to be taken into account while assessing the relative value of attention we
place on these matters. But that context is not the ONLY context.