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Is karma the reason for our existence?

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posted on Oct, 1 2017 @ 04:07 PM
Hi, are you familiar with the term karma?

I had a peculiar experience this evening which made me ponder upon the idea. Could karma be the reason for some mental illnesses like psychosis and shizophrenia? We are born and are taught the things of this world, but along the way sometimes the true meaning of our existence comes to the surface. You have a purpose, and this purpose is karmic.

I'm not saying this is caused by past lives, I'm open to the possiblity we are just born with these karmic imperfections, that it is in our nature.

There is a purpose to our lives, some things are destined to be I believe, if you have faith, the confidence in what we hope for.

Yes, I feel like the meaning of my life just kicked in. In another thread I posted that the truth is the meaning of life.
I believe each can have his/her own truth, his/her own purpose and you would know it.

I've always known my life was peculiar, and I assume if mine is so than yours is too.

I hope for you too one day your life will have meaning, I feel like I know now there are things to come.

Sometimes you accidently bump into someone and both apologise to eachother, what would be the reason?

One day you're built for the cause.

posted on Oct, 1 2017 @ 04:18 PM
a reply to: Out6of9Balance

Karma, I try to live my life by it. It does not care about the laws of man or religion, it is what it is.

I view karma as simply being reality itself. Karma is your environment, the people you allow to surround and influence you. Like feeding the two wolves, if you wish to feed a certain side, that is the side that will manifest to become your current reality.

The fascinating thing for me is karma is observable. Once I figured this out, it is now like a giant spotlight that helps me better understand this reality.

posted on Oct, 1 2017 @ 04:29 PM
everthing follows the universal law of cause and effect

Karma is simply the effect. in itself it is not a reason

posted on Oct, 1 2017 @ 05:10 PM
Well, theres the Dharma which might go hand an hand with Karma, where all the karma(action, choices) we make ether serves or bottlenecks at certain points in time.

Only the dead could tell us if there is an other life, an how implicated ones actions in a previous would explain burdens or flaws. Is it Gods way of second chances, who knows?

However karma supposedly was used as a beleif system as well, like being born into royalty or wealth meant one did alot, and unpleasant circumstances meant they deserved it. I wondered how long that pov lasted?

Anyway, at the end of it, Karma at the end of the day is always a Bitch. The fact that Karma and God go hand an hand metaphorically also...well I wouldn't have thought the Father was a Bitch?

I feel that dark ominous cloud walking over my grave already.

edit on 1-10-2017 by Specimen because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 1 2017 @ 05:17 PM
a reply to: Out6of9Balance

To me, karma is the belief that everybody gets what they deserve or that some supernatural force is keeping tabs and divvying out rewards and consequences based on your deeds. I for one do not think that. I feel a lot of good people get some #ty results out of life, and I have seen some really #ty people catch some pretty sweet breaks. If you believe in karma, then you think every child who gets bone cancer deserves it. If you don't Think kids deserve to die horrible death's then you don't actually believe in karma. And if you think Donald Trump deserves to be the president then you believe he earned it through karma. You can't have it both ways. A lot of people are happy to think of their own lives and apply Karmic rules to it, but when you start applying those karmic rules to children and or terrible people,then most people back off of it pretty quick.

Practical consequences do not equate to karma.
edit on 1-10-2017 by Woodcarver because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 1 2017 @ 05:21 PM
I love watching those "Instant Karma" videos.

I believe various conditions lie Schizophrenia are due to incorrect wiring in the brain such as visual field information being mapped into audio or vice versa.

posted on Oct, 1 2017 @ 05:32 PM
a reply to: Woodcarver

But with that explanation, you are assigning good/bad intentions to karma. What if karma is not good or bad but simply a reflection of personal choices?

Your underlying assumptions of what this reality is must be currently structured in a way that will not allow the view of karma to exist. You simply paint it as bad and dismiss it.

What if this reality simply exists to allow us, through our physical bodies, to experience something that we wouldn't be able to on the spiritual plane?

You view the child with cancer as something evil and wrong. By my belief, the simple fact that they even had the chance to draw breath and experience this reality, is a win. What if this person, disease free, would have grown up to be a tyrant and stained their soul. But by being born with a handicap or ailment allowed them the wisdom to view life as something else and appreciate things they would have never been able to before.

A person's views and beliefs are also related to or tied to karma, as it forms their reality.

I wonder, maybe karma is completely settled before a person leaves this reality.

What if your values and beliefs are not the same as the person you are viewing? You are projecting your desires onto someone who may have a completely different belief system. So something bad to you may not be bad to them. Something that you think would be a reward could be a curse to someone else.
edit on 1-10-2017 by ClovenSky because: Added info

posted on Oct, 1 2017 @ 06:11 PM

originally posted by: ClovenSky
a reply to: Woodcarver

But with that explanation, you are assigning good/bad intentions to karma. What if karma is not good or bad but simply a reflection of personal choices?

Your underlying assumptions of what this reality is must be currently structured in a way that will not allow the view of karma to exist. You simply paint it as bad and dismiss it.

What if this reality simply exists to allow us, through our physical bodies, to experience something that we wouldn't be able to on the spiritual plane?

You view the child with cancer as something evil and wrong. By my belief, the simple fact that they even had the chance to draw breath and experience this reality, is a win. What if this person, disease free, would have grown up to be a tyrant and stained their soul. But by being born with a handicap or ailment allowed them the wisdom to view life as something else and appreciate things they would have never been able to before.

A person's views and beliefs are also related to or tied to karma, as it forms their reality.

I wonder, maybe karma is completely settled before a person leaves this reality.

What if your values and beliefs are not the same as the person you are viewing? You are projecting your desires onto someone who may have a completely different belief system. So something bad to you may not be bad to them. Something that you think would be a reward could be a curse to someone else.

Buddhists believe that karma can be carried over to your next life through reincarnation. But there is so much cause and effect due to the physical world. How many times have you heard people say "I'd wish I had listened to my friends" or "I wish I had read the manual" or "I wish I had read the small print".

Quantifiable real world karma happens due to obeying the law, reputation and avoiding being impulsive.

posted on Oct, 1 2017 @ 06:27 PM
a reply to: Out6of9Balance

Congrats on your meaning of life just kicking in, I think mine is starting to do the same.

posted on Oct, 1 2017 @ 06:32 PM
a reply to: Out6of9Balance

The reason we exist is we are God's way of experiencing the thrill of having limitations by sharing our experiences.

posted on Oct, 1 2017 @ 06:33 PM
a reply to: stormcell

I will always honor karma over man made laws. For example, if a man made law tells me something is A-OK but my gut instinct says differently, I will obey my instinct.

Say for example someone through trickery is able to obtain an item that does not belong to them, that they didn't obtain honestly but the law says they can keep it, I will not honor the law and instead view it as theft.

If the law tells me I have to do something that goes against my conscience, I will gladly suffer the consequences of going against the law.

I think karma is pretty simple. Do not transgress on someone's free will. If I do, say to prevent harm against someone else, I will acknowledge and accept any karma from that action. Do not speak falsely. Do not willingly deceive another person. Do not take advantage of another peron's weaknesses. Take full responsibility and accountability for ALL of your actions. Love and honor freedom. A person's ignorance does not excuse them from karma.

As for karma carrying over past our time in this reality, I am not sure. I am still trying to find a way to settle my views of that for this reality. Currently I think that we all have the same amount of points to spend on attributes before being born into this reality. It is completely up to us on how we allocate those attributes. Through past lives we could possibly learn how to assign those attributes to accomplish what we needed or wanted to during our time in this reality. We are still completely responsible for ourselves, even the bodies that we currently own are our creations.
edit on 1-10-2017 by ClovenSky because: spelling

posted on Oct, 1 2017 @ 06:36 PM

originally posted by: Woodcarver
a reply to: Out6of9Balance

To me, karma is the belief that everybody gets what they deserve or that some supernatural force is keeping tabs and divvying out rewards and consequences based on your deeds.

I believe there exists a karma repository that exists outside the time-space continuum. And based on my life, there's some really bad things I'm going to do in the future!

posted on Oct, 1 2017 @ 06:48 PM
a reply to: dfnj2015

What if the point of this reality is to learn or even just to experience?

What if those bad things happening to you actually allows you to grow and mature to become something greater, more noble compared to what you were before?

What if pain and suffering are not always bad and what truly matters is how you respond to those stimuli?

If your experiences were only good and we never had to strive for anything, what would happen? If you never experienced anything bad or negative, would you be able to recognize the good and positive?

Man, I try to take this reality and absorb it all, loving both the good and the bad.

But I probably have some type of neurosis. Probably multiple types. The majority of what I hear from other people is to love this reality is not healthy and is definitely not normal. Well F*(#(*( them.

posted on Oct, 1 2017 @ 06:58 PM

originally posted by: dfnj2015

originally posted by: Woodcarver
a reply to: Out6of9Balance

To me, karma is the belief that everybody gets what they deserve or that some supernatural force is keeping tabs and divvying out rewards and consequences based on your deeds.

I believe there exists a karma repository that exists outside the time-space continuum. And based on my life, there's some really bad things I'm going to do in the future!

Aren't the karma/soul boxes on the moon? They're like goodwill boxes where you can donate your old clothes and toys.

Zen flesh, Zen bones....
edit on 1-10-2017 by olaru12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 1 2017 @ 09:26 PM
Like another poster postulated, karma is just cause and effect imo. Nothing magical about it.

I think that often times people are generators of self serving prophecies, which can also be mistaken for a magical karmic force or even the magical "secret" force.

But really, it's just cause and effect.

If you think that everyone is out to get you, your body language and everything about you will be closed off and people will sense that, even if subconsciously, and then treat you differently because of it... with more distrust likely, which then will reinforce your thoughts that everyone is out to get you. And that's the cycle/loop of self serving prophecies that people get stuck in. People can generate positive cycles and loops to get stuck in as well.

The idea that karma being carried from generation to generation is not unlike the idea of passing down certain genes and, with those, certain genetic dispositions to specific health conditions.

There is some evidence that suggests epigenetic changes can be passed down from one generation to another. From what I read, epigenetic changes are like what the environment imprints on your genes and during times of trauma it may be permanent and passed on to your children- like people with PTSD may pass down some predisposition to some illnesses due to the trauma they experienced (like alcoholism, heart disease, depression, diabetes and some auto-immune disorders).

But, from what I've read, the study results show that adults who experienced trauma show epigenetic changes that reverts back- it's like since the body knows a previous better state to live in, it reverts back to that/heals itself, but it leaves a scar still showing that some epigenetic change happened. Younger people are not as lucky, from what I read. Those who experience trauma at a young age show epigenetic changes that may be more permanent. Since trauma struck at such a young age or still in the development stage, it's like the body doesn't know any better state to revert back to... because the body never had it to begin with.

These ideas are also not unlike the biblical idea about sins being passed down from generation to generation, too. There's so much we don't know and understand yet... but it's almost like somebody learned all this stuff at some point, and then passed on the knowledge. And it ended up in religious texts that try to give us civilization and wisdom.

In a way, if karma is the effect part of cause and effect... then it is the reason why we are living. We're all here because of the original force that set everything into motion, we're all here because of the "cause." Lol.

Guys, I'm getting deep af lately.

And I like it.

So thanks to the OP for helping inspire discussion on these topics that I am apparently obsessed about.

posted on Oct, 1 2017 @ 09:32 PM

originally posted by: dfnj2015

originally posted by: Woodcarver
a reply to: Out6of9Balance

To me, karma is the belief that everybody gets what they deserve or that some supernatural force is keeping tabs and divvying out rewards and consequences based on your deeds.

I believe there exists a karma repository that exists outside the time-space continuum. And based on my life, there's some really bad things I'm going to do in the future!
Why do you believe that though? There is no real reason except that you have a wild imagination.

posted on Oct, 1 2017 @ 09:34 PM

originally posted by: ClovenSky
a reply to: Out6of9Balance

Karma, I try to live my life by it. It does not care about the laws of man or religion, it is what it is.

I view karma as simply being reality itself. Karma is your environment, the people you allow to surround and influence you. Like feeding the two wolves, if you wish to feed a certain side, that is the side that will manifest to become your current reality.

The fascinating thing for me is karma is observable. Once I figured this out, it is now like a giant spotlight that helps me better understand this reality.
You do know that karma already had a definition before you came along in all your wisdom. Why are you trying to redefine karma?

posted on Oct, 1 2017 @ 09:42 PM

originally posted by: ClovenSky
a reply to: Woodcarver

But with that explanation, you are assigning good/bad intentions to karma. What if karma is not good or bad but simply a reflection of personal choices?

Your underlying assumptions of what this reality is must be currently structured in a way that will not allow the view of karma to exist. You simply paint it as bad and dismiss it.

What if this reality simply exists to allow us, through our physical bodies, to experience something that we wouldn't be able to on the spiritual plane?

You view the child with cancer as something evil and wrong. By my belief, the simple fact that they even had the chance to draw breath and experience this reality, is a win. What if this person, disease free, would have grown up to be a tyrant and stained their soul. But by being born with a handicap or ailment allowed them the wisdom to view life as something else and appreciate things they would have never been able to before.

A person's views and beliefs are also related to or tied to karma, as it forms their reality.

I wonder, maybe karma is completely settled before a person leaves this reality.

What if your values and beliefs are not the same as the person you are viewing? You are projecting your desires onto someone who may have a completely different belief system. So something bad to you may not be bad to them. Something that you think would be a reward could be a curse to someone else.
That is a whole lot of what ifs? Can you back any of it up or do you always think from the hip?

posted on Oct, 1 2017 @ 10:41 PM
a reply to: Out6of9Balance

No. Karma is of no vibratory, energetic resonance. It is a word. The thoughts created when one hears, reads of or presumes to , sense a "karmic" event ARE vibrations of energy resonance and have results. The act of creating is the cause. We are creators.

posted on Oct, 1 2017 @ 10:48 PM
a reply to: Out6of9Balance

Could karma be the reason for some mental illnesses like psychosis and shizophrenia?

Well I think you're absolutely right. I see karma more like a script. And some of us are dealt scripts that inherit imperfections. Every script is a lesson and some lessons are very though I guess.

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