posted on Feb, 10 2005 @ 02:06 PM
Anyone know exactly what is required for a Tornado to form ?
I was presented with an interesting theory about "free energy" and that it must be formed during a constructive or "implosion" cycle and according
to what I was told that is exactly how tornado's form. They told me that if you can master the dynamics of how a tornado works you will have unlocked
the key to "free energy". The resulting energy? that is created should therefore be "colder" then the initial energy input.
A tornado is a self accelerating energy form that requires a little initial energy input (in potentional energy difference ie Negative charged ions vs
Colder?warmer? positive charged ions). Which seem to be abundant in the atmosphere as the two (ion clouds???) collide the resulting effect creates a
vortex that exponentially increases until ....... how exactly does a tornado "stop" from a ground disturbance ??? from running into a warmer or
colder air cell ??? from an evential ground potential loss of energy simply by touching the ground ie the Tornado build up to a potential energy
maximum then discharges some by moving and "spinning off" and eventually its constant contact with the surface "drains" off the energy charged in
the vortex ?? I don't know the answer
But please anyone who knows something concrete about Tornado's please respond.