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what is the deal with john hutchison

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posted on Oct, 1 2017 @ 11:54 AM
so from what i can find in the internet (the information in him is very sparse) , this man made an amazing machine in his garage, which not even he knows how it works.
this machine used an strange effect wich he found, he named it after him: hutchison effect.
the machine could do bizzare things, like melting metal without heating it, distorting metals and plastics, causing strange changes of temperature, causing lights anomalies, launching heavy objects in the air and even making stuff float
he did a bunch of experiments with it and some of his videos can be found in youtube (example:
he also had an website though i am pretty sure its 404'd now
and then one day he simply disappeared from the web and none ever heard of him again
i really find this story too good to be true, though i still cant see how he could have faked it, and some of his claims are pretty dumb, like: "the hutchinson effect power ufos", wich isnt true becasue the effect is too unstable
so what do you think? theres not many information about him in the web

posted on Oct, 1 2017 @ 12:06 PM
Haven't there been issues with the lack of successful reproducibility of his experiments? And allegations of the levitation launching videos simply being filmed upside down? That's been my understanding anyway.
edit on 1-10-2017 by Monsieur Neary because: Clarity

posted on Oct, 1 2017 @ 12:07 PM
a reply to: humanoidlord

i really find this story too good to be true

Good because It doesn't work , the Hutchison effect isn't real.

edit on 1-10-2017 by gortex because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 1 2017 @ 12:13 PM
I heard that it had to do with microwaves and radar. He messes around with the frequencies until the right mix of microwaves and radar makes something happen but an exact method or calculation of how it works hasn't been achieved yet.

I'm skeptical of it because he is a total nut case. He has a youtube channel that he post on fairly regularly. It's clear that he has some editing skills. Here is a video from a couple of weeks ago with some edited special effects

posted on Oct, 1 2017 @ 12:16 PM
a reply to: Monsieur Neary

the fact that it takes a while for the object to fall kinda debunks the upside-down theory
but yeah john dissapeared and i have heard nothing about him in years

posted on Oct, 1 2017 @ 12:17 PM
a reply to: gortex

its probally not real, im just looking for how he faked it

posted on Oct, 1 2017 @ 12:28 PM
a reply to: gortex

It's real, more than you think it is.

posted on Oct, 1 2017 @ 12:35 PM
a reply to: xenon129

Hmm, if that is the same guy I think we might have a little insight into his character, wacky being a word I would personally use. Definetly a story in there somewhere but I doubt that levitation is possible and this guy has not bothered to do something with it, even if just levitating his youtube channel...

posted on Oct, 1 2017 @ 12:35 PM
a reply to: xenon129

oh so thats why its so unstable
but yeah i aint convinced its real

posted on Oct, 1 2017 @ 12:35 PM
a reply to: brokenghost

explain it then

posted on Oct, 1 2017 @ 12:37 PM
a reply to: UpIsNowDown

antigravity is possible, though i dont think thats what we are seeing here

posted on Oct, 1 2017 @ 12:40 PM
a reply to: humanoidlord

Look, I'm not going into detail because I don't give 2. But a good friend of mine knew him well and the experiments he did were compared to teslas on some level by people who knew him.

posted on Oct, 1 2017 @ 12:43 PM
here, an old news article about it. The guy had military units at his freaking apartment everyone saw it.

Believe it or not, don't care, I just saw your posting and wanted to add in my two cents on it.

posted on Oct, 1 2017 @ 12:50 PM
a reply to: brokenghost

But a good friend of mine knew him well


posted on Oct, 1 2017 @ 12:50 PM
a reply to: humanoidlord

Hutchison Effect UFO , if you watch in full screen you can see the wire as he juggles it about.

An effect that can't be replicated , even by the inventor , is not much of an effect.
A special effect perhaps.

posted on Oct, 1 2017 @ 12:55 PM
a reply to: humanoidlord

Some people are ignorant and just flap their trap without knowing the guy or anything about what he does. Pisses me off at how many people piss on stuff they know nothing about.

This would be the fourth time his equipment is confiscated by the government. Another instance occurred when he was trying to move to Germany to more favorable surroundings. His machines were confiscated by the Canadian government at the dock. What is strange about the recent harassment is that John has had this equipment on the balcony there for seven years, and had the city inspect his flat in 2000, and "everything checked out."

posted on Oct, 1 2017 @ 12:59 PM
Need more?

Hutchinson's bright day in the sun was nearly twenty years ago when he invented a battery that never needs recharging. Several copies are found in various placed around the world in private ownership. There is one on public display in Japan that is still running. It doesn't put out that much electricity -- maybe enough to power a laptop computer -- but it never stops; never needs recharging.

Hutchinson went on world tour showcasing his technology. He was visited by both the U.S. and Canadian governments who wanted him to work with them. He has received so many offers of funding and support that he has stopped counting. But after all these years, none have come through as promised.

"They just came, looked, and then stole his technology," says Louise. "It's not that complicated, and someone who has the right background can look and know what they are seeing." She says Hutchinson's work is "at the root of what is being done in the military industrial complex," and that they are not sharing it with the civilian population.

In fact, she cautions inventors about getting patents on revolutionary things because they have to be passed by the Department of Defense first, and if the DOD thinks there is an application there for them, the inventor will get a notice and the technology will be sequestered.

posted on Oct, 1 2017 @ 12:59 PM
a reply to: brokenghost

i can see why they would hate him
that technology should not fall in the wrong hands

posted on Oct, 1 2017 @ 01:02 PM
a reply to: gortex


posted on Oct, 1 2017 @ 01:02 PM
a reply to: gortex

oh i think i see it, do you mean the white line at upper-left corner?
this is beggining to look like an hoax

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