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Accused of Racism For Mentioning the 'I' word

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posted on Oct, 1 2017 @ 11:50 AM

originally posted by: GeneralMayhemIn fact anyone from anywhere reading this - welcome to england

Been to England once. London, years ago. Me and my friend were talking in Finnish in the subway, and when we started to walk away, in the station, a skinhead started following us. Not that old-school "working class, beer, football" type of skinhead but a racist bonehead. He took his knife out and shouted stuff about how all foreigners need to die. We ran pretty fast and got away.

However, i don't think that dude represented the majority of English people and their mindset.

posted on Oct, 1 2017 @ 11:59 AM
a reply to: Finspiracy

Well if the authorities catch the "racist bonehead" with a knife he will get upwards of 6 months in gaol just for possession these days and if found to be wielding or threatening members of the public could quite possibly get a whole lot more.

The mindset of a skinhead has little to do with nationality and a lot more to do with racist Nazi ideology really.

posted on Oct, 1 2017 @ 12:08 PM
a reply to: ketsuko
You're both right , because it is too easy to use the term racist for some , and I forgive it as their lack of learning
But , it really does melt your bones when you know you're being falsely accused .
It boiled down to we'll call you racist if you talk about innocents, which is about where those imagining some convoluted form
of social justice have got in their understanding so far . Someone or something must be helping them into that bubble . It doesn't seem particularly wrong to be instantly defensive of innocent members of the community , but they a carry a weaponized sting around for the job

posted on Oct, 1 2017 @ 12:21 PM
The problem is, what does one do if the majority of people around oneself are in this mind set to varying degrees? I'm in the belly of the beast as far as establishment liberalism: professionally, socially, and location-wise (NYC). I can't just walk way.

Because I'm beginning to question some of the tenets of Democrat type liberalism, especially identity politics and the anti-Trump hysteria, I am very gradually being phased out of the echo chamber, but that is a very gradual process.

a reply to: TheRedneck

edit on 1-10-2017 by Quetzalcoatl14 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 1 2017 @ 12:22 PM

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: Finspiracy

Well if the authorities catch the "racist bonehead" with a knife he will get upwards of 6 months in gaol just for possession these days and if found to be wielding or threatening members of the public could quite possibly get a whole lot more.

The mindset of a skinhead has little to do with nationality and a lot more to do with racist Nazi ideology really.

Nationalist, that term has even been hijacked to mean something it does not. I am a Nationalist, ie I love my country. I will gladly belly up to the bar with a fellow US citizen who is a black nationalist, red nationalist, yellow nationalist etc etc.

There is nothing wrong with an individual loving ones country. However, I am a White Nationalist, so therefore due to the attack on those who want to live in a sovereign nation versus this new wave of the New World Order which is being accomplished thru Communism, I am a White Supremacist, Nazi, Racist, etc etc. This is exactly how Mao took over China!

edit on 1-10-2017 by seeker1963 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 1 2017 @ 12:35 PM
a reply to: DBCowboy

I agree its important to know what a racist really is A very extreme point of view

Definition of racism 1 :a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race 2 a :a doctrine or political program based on the assumption of racism and designed to execute its principles b :a political or social system founded on racism 3 :racial prejudice or discrimination

edit on 1-10-2017 by GeneralMayhem because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 1 2017 @ 12:47 PM

originally posted by: GeneralMayhem
a reply to: ketsuko
You're both right , because it is too easy to use the term racist for some , and I forgive it as their lack of learning
But , it really does melt your bones when you know you're being falsely accused .
It boiled down to we'll call you racist if you talk about innocents, which is about where those imagining some convoluted form
of social justice have got in their understanding so far . Someone or something must be helping them into that bubble . It doesn't seem particularly wrong to be instantly defensive of innocent members of the community , but they a carry a weaponized sting around for the job

Its not because of a lack of learning, in fact this is the "high information" they're talking about. All of the social engineering (propaganda induced brainwashing / indoctrination) has them looking down on the others (the outgroup = everybody else) whom haven't been what we might call 're-educated' given the gravity of it all. Their 'high information' has at its core the convergence of their deepest seated tribalist identities (sex, sexuality, gender, race, worldview (globalism, instead of nationalism), etc, now merged as ONE unshakable ideological (party) identity.

Racial Identity = Political Identity = Religious Identity = Sexual Identity = Gender Identity = World Identity = Me = Racial Identity = Political Identity = Religious Identity = Sexual Identity = Gender Identity = World Identity = Me =

Individuality = Racist

And the induced obsessionism in fallacious tribalism, which is like the atomic bomb of peer pressure, its driving them out of their minds.

To outsiders they look literally insane.

Last year I wrote about it being de-evolutionary as its all based on raw appeal to our evolutionary inherited subconscious tribalistic urges. Compare it to how SEX, lust, subconsciously wages constant war on our civilized moral self, and how marketers wage psychological warfare (marketing) campaigns against us bent on exploiting that force. Well all PR driven political parties inherently do the same regarding our primitive tribal urges, on some level, as it just comes with the territory of organization groups. And then then every so often we see political parties weaponize this force by making the ideology ALL about mass group identities on the surface, with them all united as ONE at the core of the doctrine. The Soviet's did it but more about their new utopian culture itself as opposed to se race, and the state in place of religion (direct enforced overt substitute). Then the Nazi's did it with race+religion+national identity+ethnicity+culture+party. That's the perfect union, total blind loyalty mind control. Give that group an enemy and they'll build gas chamber oven train depots to haul them to. Pretty hard to beat the combo the Nazi's pulled off on their countrymen... Now note how the liberal identity politick has incorporated even orgasm into their group identity complex. I cant even make this stuff up.

edit on 1-10-2017 by IgnoranceIsntBlisss because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 1 2017 @ 01:52 PM
Keep SJWs at arms length. You can't reason with them. It's not possible because their ethos is it's own kind of religious zealotry, and their approach is very similar to what we've seen from religious fundamentalists over the years.

posted on Oct, 1 2017 @ 01:54 PM
a reply to: IgnoranceIsntBlisss

I'm starting to see what you mean , thinking of the 'if you're not with us you're against us' sense of union, human animal and pack behaviours . Collectively , they are dangerous ,their approach is self-confirmed and outside the pack they/we are vulnerable . I'll read more

posted on Oct, 1 2017 @ 01:56 PM
Some of you have stated that over-usage of word "Racist" and "Racism" has caused an "inflation" to the true meaning... What i am trying to say is that real racism is a real problem, but if all of us who were called racist at some point, would actually be racists, this world would only have racist people.

posted on Oct, 1 2017 @ 02:06 PM
a reply to: seeker1963

You are confusing nationalism with patriotism. Nationalism was important when regions were governed by distant imperial capitals that did not share the local language and culture. Nationalism served to unite society in a move towards self determination. Once stable nation states have formed, however, nationalism becomes a form of primitive tribalism which seeks to identify and expunge those it has defined as "other." This form of nationalism can serve to justify wars of conquest and genocide. Patriotism is the love of country and the people you share it with. Patriotism unites people of differing races, religion, and culture in a shared love of country. Which did you mean?

posted on Oct, 1 2017 @ 02:10 PM
This is like saying it is racist to state a true fact like, there are a lot of blacks in prison, it's not racist.

posted on Oct, 1 2017 @ 02:14 PM

originally posted by: TinfoilTP
This is like saying it is racist to state a true fact like, there are a lot of blacks in prison, it's not racist.

Valid statement. There are a lot of blacks in prison (at least in the U.S.A) well oh... there are a lot of black businessmen and businesswomen also who contribute a lot to their community via taxes.

posted on Oct, 1 2017 @ 03:16 PM
a reply to: seeker1963

I white also but as to nationalist well i cant really see the point, divide and conquer being the definitive rule of the day since time immemorial.

End of the day "we are all Jock Tamson's bairns" and the sooner we realize that fact and stand united against the class divide and religious intolerance that separates our species perpetrated by those that run the system and rule from behind the proverbial curtain aka the bankers and their political pawns, the better off our race will be as a whole.

Possibly able to address the real issues and dilemmas we face as a race as opposed to petty fighting and bickering over the diminishing resources we have left to us that we are doing right now.
edit on 1-10-2017 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 1 2017 @ 05:04 PM

originally posted by: GeneralMayhem
TBH I need some sympathy
All I did was mention that there seemed to be a disproportionately large contingent of foreign innocents in the central part of town on an infrequent visit I made to town yesterday .

Suddenly they were like " you can't say that , it's racist !"

So I was like WTF? I is no racist and you know it! ? (I have got a long history of being the opposite of a bigot or a racist) . I was just making a point of fact that were a surprisingly large number of innocents there , just way more than there used to be. No hate involved -whatsoever

And then it was , "there you go again, you effing racist!" And they were triggering big time . The time they'd heard twice they wouldn't listen to anything I said . It just got worse as I wasnt just going to take that , it s a serious accusation

I folded and walked away I am gutted . I'm thinking they've been brainwashed, pretty thoroughly . The I word is a trigger word , triggered sjw is almost definitely a thing . And the I word in any context triggers them

I am NO racist I can promise you that , could have proved that to my accusers, and they should know it anyway . They were having none of it , because,
I'd said the I word . I had quantified the I word, even worse . And now I'm Dr.Evil for even having a point of view which was purely observational.
I'm thinking I should give up political comment entirely, just never say anything about the state of the world again to anybody . Just go with the vacuous into the vacuum cleaner . I feel dirty , and like my brain has been rubbed with a grater . I wouldnt advise using that word , ever . its a trigger for hatred and I fell foul of it yesterday . I'm now a nervous wreck , and honestly I did not stick my neck out for further punishment , but by God was that being prepared . Its frightening

Punch your friends in the face and find new ones.

posted on Oct, 1 2017 @ 07:01 PM
a reply to: GeneralMayhem

You have nothing to be sorry for,these SJW's are the sorriest bunch of people on the planet,... next to a few others. You did nothing wrong only pointing out an obvious thing to a group of people who get triggered faster than Max Payne when he's in the zone.

posted on Oct, 2 2017 @ 12:56 AM
This stuff didnt start on it's own. People didn't act like this 20 years ago, so wtf changed? Immigrant is a racist word now? Do we need a dictionary of racist words not to say now? Somebodys laughing at everyone, if you listen closely you'll hear an echo.

posted on Oct, 2 2017 @ 01:11 AM
a reply to: LABTECH767

I know Southport quite well and agree with much of what you said. It lost its shine as a coastal resort and lots of jobs then vanished from the hotels and bars. Look at Lord Street now...pound shops, charity shops and what else? It used to be thriving there. The B&Bs went the same way as Blackpool by letting their rooms out to people on the dole to stay in business. It started to attract lots of East Europeans and now they stand out as a large part of the town population. The area near the ASDA and also the top end of Eastbank seems to have as many East Europeans as locals.

Part of me hankers for the days when Southport was great. Another part concedes that the migrants are only replacing all the locals who left when the jobs disappeared. I suppose they're also lifting some of the local economy too because the B&Bs would be bankrupt and closed without them. Migration eh? Good sides and bad sides.

posted on Oct, 3 2017 @ 09:08 AM
a reply to: Kandinsky

I lived in a place called Govanhill in Glasgow that has been utterly destroyed by refugees. Around 2004-2005 about 10,000 of the poor souls were essentially dumped on our doorstep with very little or no support from the authorities and community. That number has steadily increased over the years arguably to the detriment and destruction of the area in question.

Now the place resembles a war zone where old people and women fear to leave their home least the place be turned over 5 minutes after they leave or scared they will we raped, mugged or murdered on the streets.

There are brothels springing up all over the place which employed underage girls and illegals. Smack has made a big comeback and drug and alcohol containers line the closes and lanes. Gangs of immigrants hanging around the streets and lanes 40 strong smashing and destroying the local area not to mention shouting sexual references at children. Basically, the area has completely and utterly degenerated into anarchy where Police and authorities fear to tread.

End of the day we simply moved away so our children could get out to play in a safe environment without fear because it was simply no way to live or even exist.

edit on 3-10-2017 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 6 2017 @ 09:39 PM

originally posted by: GeneralMayhem
a reply to: Sillyolme

The I word . Its a hot potato . I'm not handling it again

Is that Israelis or Iranians?

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