Hello friend, I would like to start out by saying..
Your OP was beautifully laid out and explains the rules clearly. The fire is burning and table set like you said. Don't let the Trolls get to you.
They know what this is too.
So. I was once a flooring installer, experienced in all types of floor and wall coverings. Especially tile.
One time I was at a job in somebody's house, finishing up the grout in a massive tile backsplash in their kitchen. A large doorless opening separated
the kitchen from the living room. I put 3mil semi-transparent plastic from floor to ceiling and wall to wall to isolate any dust from the work from
the living room and the rest of the house.
The owner was on vacation and I was the only person at the house.
While applying and washing the grout I began to notice some extremely weird things going on in there. My work was very quiet and the only real noise
was from squeezing a sponge into a bucket of water... The ultra thin plastic sheet never moved unless I happen to walk past it, when I did it was loud
and crinkley..
I'm sorry this is long winded bear with me, these details are relavant.
There was a wood floor throughout the house. As i was working a heard a clear footstep behind the plastic in the living room. When I froze and turned
around i didn't see anybody, although I could see the blurry outlines of all the furnature and would certainly see someone through the plastic, if
there was...
I continued working and I heard another louder step. Immediately after the plastic sheet began to ruffle, exactly as it does when you walk past it.
Just for a couple seconds.
I yelled out "hello" "is there anybody else here??"
Then I decided to make a quick search of the house just to be sure. Nobody else was in there.
So I went back to work. And I heard more steps every now and then. Just one step, sometimes followed by the plastic again. But no movement of plastic
unless a step before. Eventually I was almost used to it. At that point I would just stop to spare a quick glance just in case, thenjoy ignore and
continue working..
Then the really bonkers thing happened.
Every step so far had definitely come from the other side of the plastic wall.
Suddenly I hear one directly behind me, on my side of the plastic. I casually turn and look over my right shoulder...
And I see a woman standing there, in a very menacing way, staring at me with black dead eyes full of hate.
....it was just like that chick from The Ring....
And she was making a face similar to this...
.....so it took a second to sink in. I stared for a full second before I screamed and instinctivly jumped perhaps 2 feet into the air and 4 feet
closer to my tools, counter clockwise spin. Now she is gone. From step to appear to dissappear was less than 4 seconds.
I have never seen anything like that. Or any ghosts or whatever the hell that was.
Immediately I went down the possibilities...
Time traveler
Chick from the ring
Or hallucination. But the plastic that had inexplicably been moving after the steps.
Whatever is was I git the impression it wanted me out. I finished my work and left and never returned.
I have only shared this a couple times.
This is far from the strangest thing I've made it through.