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Is something contacting me through dreams?

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posted on Sep, 29 2017 @ 03:27 PM
A couple of weeks ago, I had a strange dream. I was in a dark room next to an open coffin. Inside the coffin there was a dressed corpse, with his eyes closed. I walked towards the coffin to get a better look of it and suddenly the corpse whispered. "I have been waiting." I then asked "waiting for what?" And he just repeated himself. Then I woke up.

I don't usually have dreams like this. I usually just follow whatever happens in them but I am never aware it is a dream. I never doubt the people in them either. But I did with this one.

Later I had another dream in which I was talking to someone and they told me "if you wanna wake up, just wake up." And I thought "oh true this is a dream." And woke up.

Finally, two days ago I dreamed I was in another dark room. There was only one dim blue-ish light that came from above, and illuminated directly upon me. I was sitting in front of another person. This person had dark clothes, like some kind of robe and their face was covered with a thin layer of what appeared to be ice. I wasn't paying much attention to them so this person softly grabbed my face with both of their hands and directed it towards them. Their hands were cold, I could feel them freezing my face.
So they looked straight at me and they said "The silence will fall. ------ ------ froze. And ------ ------ will rise." In the "-" spaces they named something I can't remember but it didn't sound like a typical name. It felt like some sort of arrangement of consonants in an odd way which was hard to pronounce. For some reason I couldn't hold the name in my mind.

I am still hoping this person appears in my dreams again cause I have so many questions. Anyways, any idea of what this might be? If anyone has experienced something similar please share. Any ideas, thoughts? Feel free to share them as well.

posted on Sep, 29 2017 @ 04:20 PM
I think they call that a nightmare. It could be shared subconsciousness with someone else, I won't rule that out.

posted on Sep, 29 2017 @ 04:56 PM
a reply to: Tjonskadi

Sometimes we meet with spiritual teachers on the inner or dream state.

Only you know for certain.

posted on Sep, 29 2017 @ 05:13 PM
a reply to: rickymouse

I also thought about that but this didn't felt like a nightmare tho. None of those dreams. I wasn't scared, upset nor disgusted. I was calmed and peaceful sitting next to that person. So idk. It is just weird.

posted on Sep, 29 2017 @ 05:14 PM
a reply to: Metallicus

It would be interesting if they appeared again.

posted on Sep, 29 2017 @ 05:15 PM

originally posted by: Tjonskadi
a reply to: rickymouse

I also thought about that but this didn't felt like a nightmare tho. None of those dreams. I wasn't scared, upset nor disgusted. I was calmed and peaceful sitting next to that person. So idk. It is just weird.

Someone you may be connected with could have been watching a TV show similar to what you saw and transmitting the info and you picked it up.

posted on Sep, 29 2017 @ 06:00 PM
a reply to: rickymouse

Woah i never thought of this. Thanks for sharing the idea. :3

posted on Sep, 29 2017 @ 06:11 PM
I believe that there are good and evil using our minds randomly. They can shape our dreams
Ive had vivid visuals like people frozen floating down as if they were being placed in the dream.

posted on Sep, 29 2017 @ 06:21 PM
a reply to: anotherside

I've had various vivid dreams but never been aware of being there. This has been the first time for me. Interesting concept tho of other entities having control over our dreams.

posted on Sep, 29 2017 @ 06:43 PM
a reply to: Tjonskadi

I've had very similar dreams, espsecially with the dim bluish lighting. Don't take what they're saying seriously. They like to lie to us and plant false ideas in our minds. If they really had something important to communicate, they wouldn't be so cryptic and mysterious about it.
edit on 29-9-2017 by BELIEVERpriest because: typos

posted on Sep, 29 2017 @ 06:57 PM
Start out with the most normal, like "Wow is my subconscious going out of it's way to get my attention!"
Someone dead and another cold as ice trying to communicate with you can be anything from someone in your everyday life you see as "dead" and you trying to find a way to reach them. Like a emotionally unavailable person? Best I can describe it.

Then Rickymouses suggestion, altho it's possible it can be bleed thru from other things, cell phones, traffic outside ect....
Just cause we still can hear while we're asleep an our brains will try to make sense of it. I've had a passing train translate into dreaming about a thunderstorm. Which woke me up cause I hadn't closed the windows an turns out I didn't need to cause, train. Duh!

I wouldn't see it as an entity trying to communicate without ruling everything possible out first. From wonky wiring in the room to new cell tower in the neighborhood, to unresolved issues, to new background noises in your neighborhood that can be unsettling during your sleep time.

Practical things first, weird stuff last!

posted on Sep, 29 2017 @ 07:13 PM

I was just watching this an hour ago.

I have precog dreams. What you are describe, how you feel about it sounds familiar.

posted on Sep, 30 2017 @ 03:11 AM
a reply to: Tjonskadi

You ask for a lot of information.

Dreams and visions from heaven and hell comes from both sides..... during Lucid dreaming. Something made contact with you. Now you will have to figure it out.

Remember this.... the blue light in your dreams .... is the light from hell not heaven (bright light - white light = heaven light)

If this keeps up, the messages will become more bolder and in your face...until physical contact occurs or the dreams stop.

One of those two options will occur.

posted on Sep, 30 2017 @ 05:43 AM
a reply to: Tjonskadi

According to Freud, every dream character is you. If that's even half true, it wouldnt be antiquated to believe you're attempting to awaken yourself.
edit on 30-9-2017 by ADSE255 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 30 2017 @ 07:03 AM
its my view that 90-some % of dreams are symbolic communications with your sub-conscious self/ 'deep'-self...

the entities could be (symbolic language) of your systems or processes which keep you alive as an autonomous, living, person.....

for instance all the entities you encountered are dark-shadowy figures without faces... consider that unidentified 'stranger' as a intelligence, but perhaps not a 'person'...instead the dark-shadowy figure could very well be the whole combined mixture of gut microbes and pro-biotic flora in your digestive tract (behaving as a single-intelligent-Entity which your dream presents as a human Stranger

extend the example I presented to your neural-network or other body function which relies on internal parasites or symbiotic bacteria that perform life sustaining processes that are necessary for your continued health and sustainability... i'm not so much of the mind that the figures you dream are demons or spirit beings coming to distress you psychologically


about your post :

originally posted by: ADSE255

According to Freud, every dream character is you. If that's even half true, it wouldnt be antiquated to believe you're attempting to awaken yourself.

fits well with my explanation, thanks for that post content
edit on th30150677377130162017 by St Udio because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 1 2017 @ 03:36 AM
a reply to: St Udio

posted on Oct, 1 2017 @ 03:56 AM
A succubus is a quantum traveler. Consciousness freed from the space-time continuum (has died) uses the threading material which is space-time to weave around mind-to-mind. People that have come within effective range of one another while in space-time, each projects their half of a quantum bridging mechanism we recognize as love or hate. If both people project their halves of the bridge at each other, the bridge is completed much like wiring power from the street house to house to house.

That's the theory behind that whole "Jesus thing" where He projects to love toward all first and others just need to complete the bridge by loving back. Quite simple actually. If you don't exit space-time through the Door, your "hell" is as a succubus prison.

posted on Oct, 7 2017 @ 10:49 AM
Just be sure to ask it's intentions for humanity, there is a rise in vivid dreams and lucid messages.
Let's just hope some won't act out on them and think it's the actual Almighty talking to them, because if this occurs we could be facing a bit of a few large problems.

Either way, probe it with questions.

posted on Nov, 28 2017 @ 08:37 AM

originally posted by: Tjonskadi
A couple of weeks ago, I had a strange dream. I was in a dark room next to an open coffin. Inside the coffin there was a dressed corpse, with his eyes closed. I walked towards the coffin to get a better look of it and suddenly the corpse whispered. "I have been waiting." I then asked "waiting for what?" And he just repeated himself. Then I woke up.

I don't usually have dreams like this. I usually just follow whatever happens in them but I am never aware it is a dream. I never doubt the people in them either. But I did with this one.

Later I had another dream in which I was talking to someone and they told me "if you wanna wake up, just wake up." And I thought "oh true this is a dream." And woke up.

Finally, two days ago I dreamed I was in another dark room. There was only one dim blue-ish light that came from above, and illuminated directly upon me. I was sitting in front of another person. This person had dark clothes, like some kind of robe and their face was covered with a thin layer of what appeared to be ice. I wasn't paying much attention to them so this person softly grabbed my face with both of their hands and directed it towards them. Their hands were cold, I could feel them freezing my face.
So they looked straight at me and they said "The silence will fall. ------ ------ froze. And ------ ------ will rise." In the "-" spaces they named something I can't remember but it didn't sound like a typical name. It felt like some sort of arrangement of consonants in an odd way which was hard to pronounce. For some reason I couldn't hold the name in my mind.

I am still hoping this person appears in my dreams again cause I have so many questions. Anyways, any idea of what this might be? If anyone has experienced something similar please share. Any ideas, thoughts? Feel free to share them as well.

Most dreams/nightmares like to disguise themselves under something more threatening or something misleading. It's basically dream symbolism. I've had a dream of being back in school and it was like after a test or something. The teachers walked up to me and handed me a paper with a very low grade on it. I wondered if it meant I should go back to school, but later found out that I wasn't doing my best as a person morally and mentally and needed to work harder.

I've had a similar dream but It was in a different situation very recently. Everything's normal, as I'm going throughout my day but as I'm getting in my car I begin to get a call from a strangely familiar number. As I'm picking it up, I'm pulling out of a gas station with my car. After I answer the phone, nothing is said. I only hear slight breathing. After a few moments, I see a car going fast down the wrong side of the road, on my side of the road. I manage to swerve out of the way in time but as soon as it flies by I hear gunshots and everything goes black and I begin to feel very, very cold. In this black void I'm now in, I still hear the breathing, but It's all around me this time and It keeps getting louder, and louder. After a couple more moments, this shadowy figure appears in front of me and speaks to me of something coming, that will destroy and conquer and that I will be involved in some way. That's all I really remember from that conversation. Eventually I wake up and I notice I'm breathing really heavily and fast, and my heart is pounding really fast.

This has me really paranoid, because most other dreams/nightmares I have, In some form, come true. Every time something I dreamt of before happens I feel an odd sense of Déjà vu. But 9/10, I haven't done this before. But then I remember a dream or nightmare I may have had. I've also had this strange reoccurring nightmare of my mother dying in my arms. I've had that dream since I was 4, and every time I wake up crying.

One more thing I noticed is that when people usually dream of the future, the dreamt event usually happens either in the next couple days, or the next 2 weeks. I've done research on people who have had dreams like this, and almost every time it's been 2 weeks.

posted on Nov, 28 2017 @ 09:53 AM
a reply to: Tjonskadi

it is forecast (in Acts 2) :

""'In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams." "

evidently your being contacted and a communication link is being created...from the out-world / Angelic Realm through what we term 'dreams'

keep on in developing your Lucid Dream state Symbol recognition...(It's like learning another language)... you are being imparted with some sort of valuable information, perhaps for Survival or for other Preparation Procedures for an event to soon occur in the future

just my recommendation for response to eerie dream activity in your life

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