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Sen. Clinton is early presidential favorite among Dems

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posted on Feb, 10 2005 @ 11:52 AM
Three years before state contests begin to choose nominees for the next presidential election, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton of New York is the early favorite among Democrats.

Sen. Clinton is early presidential favorite among Dems
By Kathy Kiely, USA TODAY, and Michael De Dora, Jr., Gannett News Service
Three years before state contests begin to choose nominees for the next presidential election, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton of New York is the early favorite among Democrats.

The poll indicates Clinton would beat Gov. George Pataki or former New York mayor Rudy Giuliani in a head-to-head race today.
By Zack Seckler, Getty Images

Among Democrats, 40% favor Clinton in a USA TODAY/CNN/Gallup Poll taken last weekend. Last year's Democratic nominee, Sen. John Kerry of Massachusetts, and his running mate, John Edwards, trailed with 25% and 17% respectively. The margin of error is +/—5 percentage points.

In one respect, the results are not surprising: Clinton, the only former first lady ever to be elected to office in her own right, is one of the most prominent and controversial people in American political life.

But her poll status also represents a historic breakthrough: No other female candidate has had such a serious chance of winning a major party's nomination for the presidency.

Would you vote for her ? Why or why not ?

[edit on 10-2-2005 by elevatedone]

[edit on 10-2-2005 by elevatedone]

[edit on 10-2-2005 by elevatedone]

posted on Feb, 10 2005 @ 12:02 PM
I dont know if Id vote for Hillary. I think I'd rather vote for Oprah. Shes incorruptable. If the best the democrats can do is her or Kerry again, they are in big trouble.

Isnt this a little early to start up again though? Anyrate....OPRAH !!! Thats who this country needs.

posted on Feb, 10 2005 @ 12:02 PM

Originally posted by spliff4020
I dont know if Id vote for Hillary. I think I'd rather vote for Oprah. Shes incorruptable. If the best the democrats can do is her or Kerry again, they are in big trouble.

Isnt this a little early to start up again though? Anyrate....OPRAH !!! Thats who this country needs.

yeah.... why not... we'll have the first Woman and Black president at the same time...

good thinking

posted on Feb, 10 2005 @ 12:04 PM
Condi has my vote! And since I'm a New Yorker whoever runs against Hillary for her Senate seat in 2006 has my vote as well.

posted on Feb, 10 2005 @ 12:04 PM
You know as I was reading the news said the exact same thing,
I'd vote for her, it would be nice to see a female president.

posted on Feb, 10 2005 @ 12:06 PM
Hey, all the presidents are accused of being corrupt and using the office for their own personal gains. What would Oprah ahve to gain? She can't be bought. SHe has all the money she ever wants. Besides, who would give her any crap? Oprah would know how to handle Saddam. Sen in Dr. Phil and the cameras. He'd resign over guilt and goto therapy.

In all seriousness though, I think shed make a good pres. What a statement to the world if we elected a woman. That would be the ultimate statement. Especially when the Muslims got their a-ses handed to them, by an "inferior" woman...Id love it.

posted on Feb, 10 2005 @ 12:32 PM
See what happens if she gets elected, I can promise you it won't be good...

posted on Feb, 10 2005 @ 12:36 PM
Oprah can't be bought? Look at Martha Stewart, she had money, but people always want more!

Anyways, go Clinton, finally, have a mans man in the whitehouse, not this fake texas tiger cowgirl.(that is a diss on both)

posted on Feb, 10 2005 @ 01:40 PM

Originally posted by James the Lesser
Oprah can't be bought? Look at Martha Stewart, she had money, but people always want more!

Anyways, go Clinton, finally, have a mans man in the whitehouse, not this fake texas tiger cowgirl.(that is a diss on both)

No, no..Martha lied to investigators...Oprah asnt been investigated, and plus..Oprahs got way more money than shes got street cred..

posted on Feb, 10 2005 @ 01:49 PM
I always thought Hillary Vs Colin Powel would be the mother of all presidential battles (no middle aged, balding white guys in sight!), but he has said he wont do it.

posted on Feb, 10 2005 @ 02:29 PM
It's something on more Republican minds, though, than Democratic.
Republicans have been instructed to hate anything Clinton, so she'd be fighting an uphill battle; but then again, she was fighting Rove Republicans for Sen., and she whipped their azzes, so who knows.

posted on Feb, 10 2005 @ 03:42 PM
Mr. Clinton vs Mrs. Bush. I mean Hilary vs Rice. Hell, not Colin Powell, I would be forced to vote for him, love that guy, told Bush&Co to shove it when he was told to spew the same propaganda as the other Bush Babies. He was then forced to resign since he wasn't a puppet of the Bush&Co.

But he would be republican, but he is so great, unlike most republicans he won't sink with the ship if help from the dems is what it takes to fix the ship.

posted on Feb, 10 2005 @ 04:13 PM

1. Hillary is the anit-Christ
2. We're barely into Bush's second term. The prez election isn't until 2008. I don't what to hear anything about candidates presidential. I remember fondly the years prior to 1990 when the prez election wasn't a two-year affair.

posted on Feb, 11 2005 @ 12:17 AM

Originally posted by DontTreadOnMe

1. Hillary is the anit-Christ
2. We're barely into Bush's second term. The prez election isn't until 2008. I don't what to hear anything about candidates presidential. I remember fondly the years prior to 1990 when the prez election wasn't a two-year affair.

Couldnt have said it better... Something big needs to happen. The news sucks now. C'mon Iran...screw up...

posted on Feb, 11 2005 @ 05:12 AM

Originally posted by paperplane_uk
I always thought Hillary Vs Colin Powel would be the mother of all presidential battles (no middle aged, balding white guys in sight!), but he has said he wont do it.

Didnt Eisenhower say that he wasnt going to run?
If the republicans think Powel would make a good candidate wouldnt they try and talk him into running?

posted on Apr, 11 2005 @ 01:18 AM
condi rice is one of the most corrupt women ever and i dont want to know what would happen to this wonderful country of ours if she became president help us god help

posted on Apr, 11 2005 @ 07:03 AM
As a Republican, Hillary is my early favorite for the dems! Please God, let her get the nomination!

Right now I am leaning toward Tancredo for the Republicans, as he is the only one strong on the border issue.

posted on Apr, 12 2005 @ 10:56 PM
Condaleeza is the antichrist. No No No...Not her. Anyone affiliated with the current administration is out. You're judged by the company you keep.
I'd rather have 5 Hillary's.
We need a change, not rotation of power. Ugh!

posted on May, 19 2005 @ 04:42 AM
Kerry wasnt a bad canidate for the democrats. IT may seem that way but if it weren for the stupid swiftees this election woulda been ours. Hell im not amazed if it was ours but thats a different story.

Thank god ill be able to vote next presidential elections. I was underage this time around but still helped with the campaign a bit. I don't think hillary is a good canidate. John Edwards is a fruit and id much rather vote Bush then him. Barack Obama on the other hand , could give democrats much needed momentum. Yes he is a noob but he knows his facts and has done well in his political career so far. ITs really hard to pick canidates right now.

Get this back on topic....

Hillary is someone I can't trust. Latley her and her husband have shown a republican favortism. I dont know but I smell something fish cooking and it isnt good.

posted on May, 19 2005 @ 06:41 PM

Originally posted by AndrewTB
Kerry wasnt a bad canidate for the democrats. IT may seem that way but if it weren for the stupid swiftees this election woulda been ours.

It's so funny how "stupid" wins elections!

Bush is considered stupid by the left, but he sure did hand their butts to them in 2 elections.

The Swift Boat Veterans for Truth accomplished their mission and now they are considered stupid also?

If Stupid = Winner mark me down as stupid also!

Stupid Winner vs Smart Loser. What would most of you choose?

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