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originally posted by: face23785
Careful you don't get jailed for that climate denial. They take their religion very seriously.
originally posted by: Phage
a reply to: face23785
No, it isn't. It's actually been getting a bit dimmer for a while. But not that you would notice.
Declining solar activity linked to recent warming
The Sun may have caused as much warming as carbon dioxide over three years.
Quirin Schiermeier
An analysis of satellite data challenges the intuitive idea that decreasing solar activity cools Earth, and vice versa. In fact, solar forcing of Earth's surface climate seems to work the opposite way around — at least during the current Sun cycle.
Joanna Haigh, an atmospheric physicist at Imperial College London, and her colleagues analysed daily measurements of the spectral composition of sunlight made between 2004 and 2007 by NASA's Solar Radiation and Climate Experiment (SORCE) satellite. They found that the amount of visible light reaching Earth increased as the Sun's activity declined — warming the Earth's surface. Their unexpected findings are published today in Nature1.
The study period covers the declining phase of the current solar cycle. Solar activity, which in the current cycle peaked around 2001, reached a pronounced minimum in late 2009 during which no sunspots were observed for an unusually long period.
Haigh's team compared SORCE's solar spectrum data with wavelengths predicted by a standard empirical model based mainly on sunspot numbers and area, and noticed unexpected differences. The amount of ultraviolet radiation in the spectrum was four to six times smaller than that predicted by the empirical model, but an increase in radiation in the visible wavelength, which warms the Earth's surface, compensated for the decrease.
Contrary to expectations, the net amount of solar energy reaching Earth's troposphere — the lowest part of the atmosphere — seems to have been larger in 2007 than in 2004, despite the decline in solar activity over that period.
"We're seeing — albeit limited to a very short period — a very interesting change in solar irradiation with remarkably similar changes in ozone," says Haigh. "It might be a coincidence, and it does require verification, but our findings could be too important to not publish them now."
Sun surprise
The full implications of the discovery are unclear. Haigh says that the current solar cycle could be different from previous cycles, for unknown reasons. But it is also possible that the effects of solar variability on atmospheric temperatures and ozone are substantially different from what has previously been assumed.
Contrary to expectations, the net amount of solar energy reaching Earth's troposphere — the lowest part of the atmosphere — seems to have been larger in 2007 than in 2004, despite the decline in solar activity over that period.
"We're seeing — albeit limited to a very short period — a very interesting change in solar irradiation with remarkably similar changes in ozone," says Haigh. "It might be a coincidence, and it does require verification, but our findings could be too important to not publish them now."
Sun surprise
The full implications of the discovery are unclear. Haigh says that the current solar cycle could be different from previous cycles, for unknown reasons. But it is also possible that the effects of solar variability on atmospheric temperatures and ozone are substantially different from what has previously been assumed.
Yes, in the very long term, it is. That's what stars do, the get hotter. But we're concerned with decades, not millions of years.
Every science book, paper, or even shows that discussed this always acknowledged the sun was getting brighter
"All the evidence is that the vast majority of warming is anthropogenic," agrees Lockwood. "It might be that the solar part isn't quite working the way we thought it would, but it is certainly not a seismic rupture of the science."
As the sun converts more hydrogen to helium, the core gets more dense. It is gradually getting hotter as well. This delivers more energy per unit time to the surface to radiate out. The increased radiation is observed by us as a general upward tick in brightness.
Or do we still have questions about what is happening to the Earth?...
Arctic sea ice in recent decades has declined even faster than predicted by most models of climate change. Many scientists have suspected that the trend now underway is a combination of global warming and natural climate variability.
originally posted by: seasonal
a reply to: ElectricUniverse
Oct of 2014
Antarctic Sea Ice Reaches New Record Maximum
Perhaps in a natural cycle?
originally posted by: Phage
a reply to: intrptr
The seasonal signal is usually accounted for.
For example, "sea ice extent for August", or "sea ice extent for March."
originally posted by: jrod
a reply to: ElectricUniverse
Believe what you want.
Science is not a religion, it is based on facts, observations and data; not faith.
Phage is spot on almost always spot on with facts.
To suggest that those who believe what the experts are telling us is buying into a religion is completely absurd. It is a attack on science and actual scientists.