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Abortion - 'Black Genocide' - says activist

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posted on Feb, 10 2005 @ 06:26 PM
This is how groups wants to keep abortions going on, a reality check on our country.

Refusal Clauses: A Threat to Reproductive Rights

Alarmingly, an increasing number of pharmacists and physicians are refusing to dispense birth control or write women prescriptions for contraception. These health care professionals cite their religious, moral, ideological, and personal objections to the use of contraceptives. Prescription refusal is a disturbing trend that can jeopardize woman's reproductive health. Denying women their rights to timely access to health care is an act of discrimination that could lead to an increased number of unintended pregnancies.

Obviously some people does not want women to stop having abortions.

Widespread Use of Contraception Can Reduce the Number of Unplanned Pregnancies

Ninety-five percent of American women use contraception at some point during their reproductive years. More than 50 percent of contracepting women use prescription methods. Approximately 27 percent use oral contraceptive pills (AGI, 2004a). Oral contraceptive pills (OCPs) and the dedicated product, Plan B, can be used for emergency contraception (EC). Emergency contraception pills (ECPs), when started within 120 hours of unprotected intercourse, greatly reduce a woman's risk of pregnancy. They are more effective the sooner a woman starts taking them. The use of ECPs could prevent an estimated 1.7 million unintended pregnancies and 800,000 abortions each year

I call it a conspiracy against women specially poor women in this country.

Contraception Refusals by Pharmacists

OCPs and ECPs work by preventing ovulation and fertilization (Hatcher, et al., 2004; ACOG, 1998). Despite this scientific fact, anti-choice organizations and individuals foment against women's access to safe, effective, and legal contraception by promoting false claims that OCPs and ECPs are abortifacients .

posted on Feb, 10 2005 @ 06:41 PM

How about castrating every single male, that out to make women abortion free.

It takes two to do the dance, I feel the same way about males, they shouldn't have sex if they can't be responsible for a child.

How about you, are you pro life or pro choice, I will be pro choice until something is done to help poor women in this country.

I am pro-choice as I said in my first post on this thread, I think people should be free to do what they want. But I still think it's immoral, and I wouldn't do it if I screwed up and impregnated a girl. It's not my place or anybody elses to seek laws that are based strictly on their own personal moral values.

Do you practice abstinence? Do you pray instead of having sex for birth control?

I do practice absintence. Either way there are other ways to get off between a may and female without the possibility of pregnancy.

You know why they don't want to give birth control free for women and men in this country?

Yea I do, because it's not their problem, it's the couples. The government is not responsible for your own promiscuity.

Deny ignorance Sex is part of us and is nothing any of us can do about it but making poor women having to get abortions when they can not afford birth control, so pro choice fanatics can point fingers and call "baby killers"

Let's see, there are hands, mouths, and anuses. Deny ignorance, there's more than one way to orgasm.

Deny ignorance and lets work together so is affordable or free birth control for poor women.

Deny ignorance and lets work together to educate people to be more responsible instead of depending on the government to take care of their petty needs.

Also, there is one case where I think it's ok to have abortion, and that is rape. But these are my moral views, not political, I believe people should be able to abort if they so desire.

- Attero

[edit on 10-2-2005 by Attero Auctorita]

posted on Feb, 10 2005 @ 06:47 PM

Or you go around pointing fingers and calling baby killers.

I don't think it's right for people to judge others, but how is having an abortion not killing a baby?

- Attero

posted on Feb, 10 2005 @ 06:49 PM

I agree with part of your post and I disagree with some, and in one instance one particular thing make me laughed.

For a nation that is so free and open its still regards many things as tabu.

I still feel that the whole abortion issue is a conspiracy against women, specially coming from the religious side.

posted on Feb, 10 2005 @ 06:56 PM
Hahaha, tht is great, It Is the Womans Fault! All her Fault! Blame Women! Marg, it is your fault for being a woman, if you weren't a woman you would be all holy and rightous like us men.

Anyways.... abortion is a choice, it isn't murder. They are parasitic zombies, they aren't alive, they aren't dead, they the living dead, like a zombie.

And yes, I do generalize, they are all nut cases willing to blow up an entire hospital to kill one docotor who performed abortions 20 years ago. They are nut jobs. And what extreme pro-choice? I never seen in the news a church blown up by a pro-choice, saw a couple burnt down by kids who were raped by the "holy men" but no pro-choice guys. Never seen pro-choice people sniping ministers. Pro-Choice death count-0 Pro-Life-23,000+ and growing. Know why there are pro-life marches and not pro-choice marches? The pro-life people would attack the march and kill as many as possible. They are murderous nutjobs who use abortion as a excuse to kill.

posted on Feb, 10 2005 @ 07:04 PM

Originally posted by James the Lesser
Hahaha, tht is great, It Is the Womans Fault! All her Fault! Blame Women! Marg, it is your fault for being a woman, if you weren't a woman you would be all holy and rightous like us men.

Anyways.... abortion is a choice, it isn't murder. They are parasitic zombies, they aren't alive, they aren't dead, they the living dead, like a zombie.

I certainly hope that you do not think that from my posts I am saying that it's all women's fault.. I said in one of my earlier posts that it "takes two to do the dance." I don't think it's right for a man and woman to have sex irresponsibly which results in a pregnancy than abort the baby.

Yes abortion is a choice, one I believe people should have, but you're still killing something that would otherwise live and be a person just like you and me. If you cannot see the logic in this, than oh my.

How can you have more compassion for a pregnant couple that was irresponsible than the living consequence of their actions...?

- Attero

posted on Feb, 10 2005 @ 07:13 PM
IT IS FREEE. Go to the health department and get a pack of pills. A gross of condoms, foam, whatever you choose. It is there for the asking.

It is no harder to get free birth control than it is to get food stamps. Actually quite a bit easier. If I can manage it, about anyone can.

I dated the same guy for 6 years. We started dating when I was 16. I finally decided I was ready for the big "S" when I was 18 and graduated from high school. I went to planned parenthood ON MY OWN and got on the pill. It was free then. I wasn't employed and it was free. When I was in college, I went to the campus health clinic, again free. When I was out in the summer, I went to the county health department, which was again FREE.

It didn't take rocket science. It only took me caring that I didn't get pregnant.

I took responsibility for my life. Not the government, not my boyfriend, not my parents. ME. It is something ANY of us could do. is an example

And if it isn't free in your area, it is ALOT cheaper than an abortion. Again, condoms are CHEAP. If you can't keep your pants on, why is that the governments fault

posted on Feb, 10 2005 @ 07:13 PM
If you don't like abortions then DONT HAVE ONE. If you believe it's murder, fine, maybe it is. Don't murder your child then. If you think it's not murder, then fine, too.

I don't think this thread was about if abortion is right or wrong. It was about if abortion in the black community was genocide.

RE Suicide - suicide was used early in the thread to mean a race killing itself, not some mysterious power killing black babies and creating genocide.

Black society killing black society.... self killing self.... suicide... get it?

posted on Feb, 10 2005 @ 07:14 PM

Originally posted by James the Lesser
Marg, it is your fault for being a woman, if you weren't a woman you would be all holy and rightous like us men.

What can I say I am guilty.............
but it's not all my fault the snake snared me in the garden of eden
he lie.......he enticed me.......he was oh!!!!so good, darn snake.

Now I have to pay for eternity the disgraced I have brought up to my men.....

The church is making sure of that..........I am an embarrassment to creation.

But the snake..........
I will never forgive it.............never.

[edit on 10-2-2005 by marg6043]

posted on Feb, 10 2005 @ 07:20 PM

Thanks, for the link, this type of information is what we need people to help our trouble young ones, and provide them with means of help, thanks llpoolej.

So sad that some like pointing fingers instead of help.

[edit on 10-2-2005 by marg6043]

posted on Feb, 10 2005 @ 07:56 PM

Originally posted by marg6043

Originally posted by Croat56

Do you think it is only men who hate abortion? All the women in my family hate it.


So are you helping poor women in black comunities to get affordable birth control so they can stop having abortions?

If you hate abortion so much and your female family members too.

Or you go around pointing fingers and calling baby killers.

My family gives alot of money and food to the local community. We do what we can. We also believe that birthcontrol is wrong so no we dont go around passing condoms. I dont call them baby killers just plain murderers

posted on Feb, 10 2005 @ 08:05 PM

Originally posted by Croat56
We also believe that birthcontrol is wrong so no we dont go around passing condoms. I dont call them baby killers just plain murderers

Yeah I see, you are one those, the religious radicals, hum......yeah, pray and pray good sometimes what we desired on others or call others turns around and bite us in the butt.

posted on Feb, 10 2005 @ 08:08 PM

Originally posted by marg6043

Originally posted by Croat56
We also believe that birthcontrol is wrong so no we dont go around passing condoms. I dont call them baby killers just plain murderers

Yeah I see, you are one those, the religious radicals, hum......yeah, pray and pray good sometimes what we desired on others or call others turns around and bite us in the butt.

Hey I was just joking I dont call any1 murderers. Its not up to me to judge ppl thats the big guys job.

Although I will say this: Abortion is the only murder thats legal. I mean any1 else who kills someone goes to jail. Except OJ

posted on Feb, 10 2005 @ 08:44 PM
I don't want to get into this. I may later. But I find this thread concept really offensive and angering. I wrote alot out in rebuttal I ultimately decided not to share after the intital release of getting it all out.

I've still got CDC web pages up in other windows, historical tracking data, correlations to abortions rates by race, age, state, time, when planned parenthood was passing out condoms in schools, even when Clinton was getting BJ's, and (unfortunately) what's happened since under Bush with tax supported faith-based abstinence-only education.

But you know what? No amount of logic (or screaming) at you people matters. You don't give a damn. Not about whether condoms save lives or prevent abortion. Not about if the option of safe, clean medical procedures save lives. And certainly not about black abortion rates least of all.

So you know what?


posted on Feb, 10 2005 @ 08:54 PM

abstinence-only education.

Well abstinance is the only 100% safe birth control. The pill doesnt protect against stds and doesnt always work, condoms(evil by the way
) can have holes in them. So abstinace is 100% safe.

posted on Feb, 10 2005 @ 09:19 PM
Here are some statistics. It isn't just black women getting abortions. It is darn close to HALF of the US female population. Pretty sad. Very irresponsible of the women. It is their bodies to take care of. If they don't, no one will.

posted on Feb, 10 2005 @ 09:37 PM
Wow Rant, calm down, true, it is all about relion, they don't care about saving lives or anything, just religon.

Anyways, irresponsible women? It takes two to have a kid, so stop blaming women. Well, it takes a doctor and a patient to get nose jobs, but I am just going to blame the maker of the rhinoplasty used in the operation for making people think they need nose jobs.

posted on Feb, 10 2005 @ 09:56 PM
This is hopeless. You don't need religion to tell you that killing something that would otherwise live and have a mind of it's own is bad (especially a human child which was created out of ignorance). I'm done. The thread has completely deviated from the original topic, and most of that is my fault. So I apologize and i'm done posting.

- Attero

Edit: Yes i'm sorry, I care more about saving a human child, than it's foolish parents.

[edit on 10-2-2005 by Attero Auctorita]

posted on Feb, 11 2005 @ 08:51 AM
We can all debate for ages, religious groups will push their agenda, abstinence is just an illusion, and womens are always to blame.

The sad thing is boys and girsl and women and men will have sex, unwanted pregnancies will always be a result of it.

People will have sex before marriage and is nothing any of you out there can do about it.

Education of our young and the care and free or affordable birth control is the key to stop most unwanted pregnancy.

But radical religious groups do not want that, they want the issue to stay and they want women to be blame.

I am finish here too.

Thanks flyersfan you always bring very good topics on abortion, I wish it was more on how to prevent the unwanted pregnancies that will lead to abortion.

And please abstinence is just a choice and legislation should stay away from women uterus that will only bring more death from coat hanger abortions, we need more than that.

I agree with Rant on this one, I am done here.

Denied Ignorance my friends.

[edit on 11-2-2005 by marg6043]

posted on Aug, 7 2006 @ 02:29 PM
Although this thread was started a year and a half ago (Feb 2005) and died off ...
there is a new article that speaks to this issue and I thought I'd post it for those
who are interested to read.

Oh .. and a quick look at the math says that since this thread started there have
been approximately 654,000 black American children killed through abortion.

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