a reply to:
Right let's get this straight, there are English Hooligan's but for the most part they are actually BANNED from our game's (and have travel
restriction's on there passport's to try to prevent them attending away matches etc) so when the Russian Hooligan's, cowards in Balaclavas (you know
that was an English invention right named after Balaclava) attacked peaceful ORDINARY NORMAL English people in France putting one innocent man in a
wheelchair and causing him permanent brain trauma, a defenseless guy whom was NOT a hooligan they showed themselves to be out of control.
What is more you seem to forget it was OUR lad's whom risked there lives and died making the North Atlantic convoy run's in WW2 at a time when we
had not enough to support our own war effort and we helped the Russian's drive the NAZI scum back by supplying at a time when the Russian
infrastructure further east was not yet ready, had we not had our lad's run those trip's, trip's in which sailors on watch were often found dead and
frozen at there posts, a true nightmare trip were any ship sunk by the Nazi's and there were a hell of a lot of them - was a death sentence due to the
cold waters.
So let's look at that, Normal, innocent family's in a cafe attacked by Hooligan's from Russia at a time when the English football hooligan's (Whom
were VERY far from the worst in Europe, go to Italy for them) were actually mostly NOT there due to ban's on there travel and attendance of football
So those Russian hooligan's were NOT looking for a fair fight with there fellow brainless Hooligan's, Oh NO they were attacking innocent family's,
brain damaged an innocent man whom was NOT a Hooligan and never had been and then went off bragging about how manly they were.
I shall tell you something though - we recognize that most Russians are decent folk, that they are no different to us and as a guy that many of there
lady's are rather HOT but even those of us whom are hateful of football violence would dearly love to get our hand's on those Russian Hooligan's -
they NEED jail not a pat on the back from Putin for attacking innocent people whom were NOT even his enemy's.
I will say this though, the British club of Millwall FC while most of there fan's are normal folk have some real Scum bags in a Millwall dedicated
hooligan club and they really do need to be banned, most of them, in fact likely all will receive banning orders from the British police preventing
them travelling to Russia.
But I shall tell you another secret, you know if we were to get all those hooligan's together from all of those team's and stick them on a field, who
do you think would be the one's walking away.
Those guy's LOVE violence, they love harming other folk's and they even love being hit themselves because it make's them even more angry, in short
they are deranged nut job's, do you actually think the Russian's IF numbers were equal would be the one's walking away from that, I actually doubt it
would be the English as well but do not under estimate the Turk yob's or the Italian's or the Pole's, they all have a major chip on there shoulders
and the Poles in particular hate the Russian's.
I actually hate violence, I hate Yobbo's (hooligan's) and think the lot of them need chemical castration and a lobotomy but here is a fact, WE Brits
used to be the Allies of Russia in WW2 but other than that every time our military met, regardless of the IMPERIAL Russian army's greater numbers we
kicked the Russians arses even in Crimea were Florence Nightingale became famous (Though Mary Seacole whom was actually Black was there doing the same
thing as Florence Nightingale for the wounded English Soldiers long before her and should actually be the one we remember).
Back then though life for most Brit's was not the cushy centrally heated life of today, it was short, brutal and hard, those were the men of Iron
that the Russian Imperial army faced.
I will tell you whom was the worst and toughest enemy the British ever faced shall I, not the Russian's but the South African Boar's, the Boar's only
lost through having far too few men but they punched far above there weight.
For that matter how long do you think a bunch of Russian Hooligan's would last if they were dropped into a poor South African township, do you think
they would get out of there with there valuable's?, or how about a Favella in south america or even the bad areas of some US town's, they would make
the Russian city's look tame and I know Russia is a hard and unforgiving place to live but you know there are worse right, so why magnify against a
group of innocent football fan's, if any of our hooligan's DO go to Russia I hope the Russian police teach them a lesson but likewise I would lock up
the Russian's own hooligan's pronto.
As for the truck, long metal poles with a metal spike at the end anyone wishing to oppose it could dig into the ground, metal ramp's to tip it as it
comes at them, it all depend's how motivated and how prepared they demonstrators are for the police response but I can see several method's to stop
that, even bringing there own improvised artic lorry against it.
Any state that invests so heavily into violently silencing it's own citizen's has a problem with the meaning of democracy you do also know that
By the way Football (Soccer) is for wimp's anyway Rugga (Rugby) is a real man's game, less hooligan's as well.
edit on 24-9-2017 by LABTECH767
because: (no reason given)