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White Spiders in dream

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posted on Sep, 24 2017 @ 05:51 AM
While i've had my fair share of strangeness in my life, it wasn't until a few years ago that things went beyond the "norm" during sleep. One night of which involved a dream of white spiders slowly rapelling down from the ceiling of the home I was in the process of building. They were not only white but kinda "fluffy" white and minding their own business as i walked through the large living room, occasionally ducking and weaving my way through. That is all I remember of the dream.

The dream occurred during a time of turbulence in my life which was riddled with issues I was having with my live-in girlfriend. As a side note, i had three episodes of sleep paralysis with asphyxiation over the course of one year which overlap the dream about white spiders.

I was wondering if anyone is aware of possible significance the white spider's may have had in my dream considering my, now ex, was plotting to not only leave me, but ruin me too? Thankfully, she didnt nearly accomplish what she set out to do but it was bad enough. And about the 3x I endured sleep paralysis- those episodes were the most real, terrifying and paranormalish experiences i have ever had in my life. Since the breakup, no spider dreams and nor have i had the asphyxian anfd paralysis during the night. Thanks for any contributions on the topic.

posted on Sep, 24 2017 @ 06:58 AM
a reply to: Aboom

One night of which involved a dream of white spiders slowly rapelling down from the ceiling of the home I was in the process of building.

The dream occurred during a time of turbulence in my life which was riddled with issues I was having with my live-in girlfriend.

You just explained your own dream. I'd say you were worried about the pitfalls [ spiders ] of building a new house and your relationship. Was your life going to be poisoned, so to speak.

posted on Sep, 24 2017 @ 07:35 AM
a reply to: Aboom

Spiders gave us the knowledge to clothe ourselves with woven cloth. Without that knowledge we'd still be wearing animal skins.

. . . myths . . . can describe truths faded in time. This of course is the case with the myth of Arachne. It tells us the story of humans learning how to make clothes and covers out of fiber. How they acquired that knowledge by observing the diligent spider at work.

Not sure about the significance of white spiders but I'm adding White Spiders to my list of possible band names.

posted on Sep, 26 2017 @ 01:50 AM
a reply to: DAVID64

I just find it strange that fluffy, white spiders were could have been just as appropriate for snakes to have been slithering about.

She was super cut though which neither spiders nor snakes are even that on a good day. My best description of her is a cute, cuddly bunny by all appearances but lurking underneathshe a rabbid, angry pit bull.

Back to the spiders...thinking further, "what a tangled web" I created by ignoring the red flags.

posted on Sep, 26 2017 @ 02:04 AM
a reply to: Kester

Sweet band name!

Here's a children's book name based upon one I saw in real time underneath the house and the dream spiders:
"Smiley the White Spider"

The "smiley" comes from what I saw from across the crawlspace as i shined the flashlight from where I was at towards the other side of the underpart of the house. As I crawled towards it, i thought "it must be one of the kids toys that somehow ended up down here." When i got close, i shined the light towards it again and saw what looked like a bright, reflective smiley face ON A SPIDER looking right at me. Needless to saw I crawled away faster than a baby away from a diaper change.

posted on Sep, 26 2017 @ 03:57 AM
a reply to: Aboom
Spiders are weavers (creators) but also poisonous predators. Yours were passive, and white (archetypal symbol of purity), and fluffy (cuddly/non-threatening). This shows they represent thinly veiled problems, likely from your relationship. Your unconscious mind seemed to pick up she was bad for you when you didn't want to admit it.

I used to do dream interpretation as a psychologist.

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