posted on Sep, 27 2017 @ 01:25 PM
a reply to:
The video's I've seen seem to show that much of the debris in the roadways has been cleared (at least enough for rural residents that needed supplies
to get to town).
People thinking about living off the grid for the winter are probably being pragmatic and looking for repair materials and generators. Hughes net
salesman will be able to bring dish links in at some point.
The Defense department is apparently concerned about countries like Venezuela and China bringing in cheap fuel and supplies so they are upholding the
Jones act. That means stuff will be more expensive and will have to be privately financed. Makes sense in some sick sort of way..
Edit to add:
Reports say most of the Federal relief efforts have been focused in San Juan since its a large urban hub and houses facilities such as the Federal
prison camp facility in Guayanabo. Those facilities need *immediate* aid or evacuation, otherwise gangs could literally rule the streets as other
posters have suggested.
FEMA should have the best short term MRE and water distribution facilities and hopefully longer term relief efforts won't be hindered by those stupid
political guidelines in the coming months.
edit on 27-9-2017 by Cauliflower because: (no reason given)