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Question on crashed UFO's

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posted on Sep, 21 2017 @ 02:59 PM
If aliens have the technology to explore our galaxy or even universe what could this exotic propulsion devices be? something that lets an alien race to travel at high speeds not only in space but also in our atmosphere. People throughout human history describe these craft either through stories or drawings.

and now lets say the ship they were using crashed and they all died on impact, the remains of the ship are scattered all over the place and the ship is completely inoperable

if one of these crafts crashed at Roswell how did the area surrounding survive the collision? How was there not a massive explosion that wiped everything out near the craft?

What kind of exotic matter could fly beings through the universe but but also safe enough to only leave a small hole?

I would imagine it would take enormous sums of energy to power such a craft. and once the energy is released after a crash i can't quite understand how there isn't some type of explosion.

edit on 21-9-2017 by gdkknxnqkc because: (no reason given)

edit on 21-9-2017 by gdkknxnqkc because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 21 2017 @ 03:20 PM
a reply to: gdkknxnqkc

They crashed on purpose because a dead body is an excellent way to make first contact, one can examine the alien without the diplomatic nightmare of having to kill it first. And it got dropped without fuel that's why nothing exploded.

posted on Sep, 21 2017 @ 03:22 PM

Why even go through the effort to bother posting on ats anymore.
edit on 21-9-2017 by BASSPLYR because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 21 2017 @ 03:23 PM
a reply to: gdkknxnqkc

Just spit-balling here:

If the ETs had a way of manipulating the mass of their craft, it would take a lot less energy to propel. It would also account for the lack of damage from an impact. It may be the size of a bus, but only have the effective mass of a softball. If that's the case, there wouldn't be a large impact crater no matter how fast it was going.

posted on Sep, 21 2017 @ 03:25 PM
a reply to: gdkknxnqkc

Given the boundaries that you have imposed on your discussion, I can only suggest that you go read up on "Zero-Point Energy" and such. You seem to want an atomic explosion when one crashes. Actually, there has been several crashes and none that I know about have even been close to the results of an airplane crash.

edit on 21-9-2017 by Aliensun because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 21 2017 @ 03:25 PM
Well, it is all hypothetical for a start, and while the word crashed is mostly used it sometimes comes with a 'downed craft' . If they did find bodies, or even living aliens, it does suggest that the impact would have been nearer the kind of terrain impacts where a deal of material was intact, and any scattered material of an ancillary kind.

And btw, welcome.
edit on 21-9-2017 by smurfy because: Text.

posted on Sep, 21 2017 @ 03:32 PM

originally posted by: Peeple
a reply to: gdkknxnqkc

They crashed on purpose because a dead body is an excellent way to make first contact, one can examine the alien without the diplomatic nightmare of having to kill it first. And it got dropped without fuel that's why nothing exploded.

I agree. It's hard to imagine something that can travel between stars can accidentally crash on Earth like that. They've got faster than light speed, inertial dampeners, deflectors to move small objects out of the way, sensors that can detect large dark objects light years away, and they put all that on the equivalent of a Ford Pinto.

posted on Sep, 21 2017 @ 04:09 PM

originally posted by: gdkknxnqkc
What kind of exotic matter could fly beings through the universe but but also safe enough to only leave a small hole?


posted on Sep, 21 2017 @ 04:11 PM
You can make energy using only heat differences. Let's say you have 2D layered elements stacked on top of each other, layer after layer, after layer. Some layers shield electricity flowing, some only do electrical stuff, other convert heat, and the last layer is a groovy wood grain that looks really cool as all this energy is whirling around the craft. It also is like a solar panel converting any ambient heat or light back to energy that is stored.

Think. Every amount of energy you create is recycled. You never know if some desolate, backwoods planet is even going to have high-octane unleaded so every bit of energy you create you use. A UFO is the ultimate recycling machine.

Then do as BASS says (when it come things engineer-ish, those are good words to live by!), fluctuate the vacuum at the quantum level and zoom off to planets where naked monkey men think they are the dominate species and spend an awful lot of time hurling feces at each other (pssst. They call it "war"). You pick a side. You ask for volunteers. You get on the side with the most sticks and let them recover your crashed craft. These naked monkey men are pretty clever. In a few short years they to are swimming around in the quantum foam with you!

posted on Sep, 21 2017 @ 05:41 PM
a reply to: gdkknxnqkc

Crashes could be because there are more of them than anyone believes much closer than you could ever guess.

But how do they fly through solid rock and matter without being slowed and are able to pass right through it.

This is a science fiction idea but one that like most thing's star trek is based partially in real world theory, you know how matter is mostly empty space etc and how it may be possible for reality to have a phase like phases of a waveform so that it could be possible to move some matter or object slightly out of phase and then it does not collide but passes right through the other matter with no resistance.
Sorry link does not displace - there is a workaround but I am crap with those so just google Star Trek the Next Generation The Pegasus.

This was an episode of STNG were Riker's loyalties are divided between JLP and his former commanding officer now an admiral when they are sent to retrieve a top secret prototype of a Federation Cloaking Device, what made this device in the series so unique was that it as a Phasing Device, it did not cloak like the Romulan's or Klingon's but instead moved the cloaked vessel out of phase with normal reality, this allowed it to be able to fly right through rock's, stars and planets as if they were not there as it was not in phase with them, in the series the ship's cloak had failed after it had drifted into an asteroid but the Romulan's were searching for it so it was a race against time to get it before they did.

This is actually also the same idea as if they are actually from another dimension, you know we could have another far more advanced world right beside us, right now, one with it's own society's, culture's and people's, unique races and entire ecosystem that is different to our own, it may have started as the same world long ago in the many world's theory but have diverged and they may not even be the same type of being's as us.

If that is the case there could in fact be many of these other world's, perhaps some of these extra dimensional civilization's are in contact with one another and even trade across the boundary's of dimensional separation.

Some UFO's are more like ghost's, they pass through solid matter, time behaves oddly and not just dilation type time distortion's, electronic's fail to work are all common to both UFO and Ghost phenomena, were crashed UFO diverge is that they apparently leave physical remain's which are they hidden from the public for a number of reason's.

Some UFO's may be simply genuine aliens from other world's in our own universe - as well as other dimension's of those other world's?.

There are many argument's about how to bypass the speed of light universal speed limit without upsetting the physics traffic cop that will say you can not go that fast.

Quantum entanglement despite only so far being used and show to be able to pass information faster than light may have some mechanism that will one day be used to enable this, technically it is not moving though and rather it is displacing, kind of like a cheat fold-space without folding space but there are once again argument's that it can not be done with matter but hey nose in the air to those know it all because they once said the earth was flat didn't they.

Then there is fold space, this is the use of gravity to bend time space and bring two disparate point's in the universe together, you move from one point to the other across this fold without transiting the linear distance between them.

Then there is Wormhole travel, not proven but wormholes are probably real and very small, smaller than the smallest sub atomic particles and happen all the time connecting point's between time and space but they are probably extremely short connections so it is just an idea and making a practical giant wormhole for travel remains a staple of science fiction.

So back to the inter-dimensional travel, it may be possible to travel not only reality but also too reality's were the universe is actually still small and use these to create short cut's in the larger reality's since the parallel locations corresponding in both reality's will have vastly different distances between them.

Then again maybe our understanding of the law's and nature of the universe expressed in our science of physics are actually totally wrong?.

Maybe we can just go faster than light but we have not learned how to do so yet (officially I would not write of the US black budget or the possibility of a very real break away government and civilization).

edit on 21-9-2017 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 21 2017 @ 06:11 PM
Didn't an airman tell a story to the effect: the new radar the USA was testing interfered with the "alien" (I see them as people) zero point module?

That's why the others took so long to retrieve the survivor. They had to adjust shielding.

posted on Sep, 21 2017 @ 11:13 PM

originally posted by: Peeple
a reply to: gdkknxnqkc

They crashed on purpose because a dead body is an excellent way to make first contact, one can examine the alien without the diplomatic nightmare of having to kill it first. And it got dropped without fuel that's why nothing exploded.

One report had that our radar systems interfered with their navigation systems and caused them to crash.
Another had that the crash investigators discovered fibre-optic cabling throughout the craft.
Around the 1980's, the use of fibre-optic inertial navigation systems were introduced. These would measure the slight changes in the interference patterns of two light beams due to motion. That could be used to measure motion.

Presently, our commercial aircraft use fibre-optics for the inflight entertainment systems:

posted on Sep, 22 2017 @ 03:15 AM
Why I believe in UFOs, and you should too... | Ben Mezrich

He talks a little about Roswell.

posted on Sep, 22 2017 @ 07:19 AM
a reply to: gdkknxnqkc

Why propulsion? Advanced beings may used magnetism to pull not push through space.

It's juvenile to think you need rockets and fuel only... that's earthly thinking and we're young planet so to speak...

Maybe they teleport? I don't think they need ships, glowing lights.. hyperflying...maybe not of the above.

If you see a UFO... any.. with lights underneath? It ain't them... It's ours

posted on Sep, 22 2017 @ 10:07 AM
Why would a project mogul balloon explode on impact? Surely it would be more of a pop!

posted on Sep, 22 2017 @ 02:13 PM
a reply to: stormcell

If your using plasma as a parallel plate waveguide to create a dielectric field surrounding your vessal so that you can alter refractive indexes any external EM if powerful enough would potentially wreak havoc with the delicate setup you have going on with that plasma and the dielectrics tuning. Just a slight bit off and the effect stops and the vehicle comes crashing down.

Best place to see many ufos is near radar testing facilities. Probably trying to get the vehicles as immune as possible to external EM from radars etc while simultaneously trying to minimize vehicles microwave and radio signature or footprint
edit on 22-9-2017 by BASSPLYR because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 22 2017 @ 03:26 PM
a reply to: BASSPLYR

hey BASS
question: is this video accurate:

posted on Sep, 22 2017 @ 07:11 PM

originally posted by: gdkknxnqkc

if one of these crafts crashed at Roswell how did the area surrounding survive the collision? How was there not a massive explosion that wiped everything out near the craft?

originally posted by: MarsIsRed
Why would a project mogul balloon explode on impact? Surely it would be more of a pop!

What crashed on the Foster ranch near Roswell was an in between Mogul service flight. Not this ridiculous tale of an alien spacecraft. They were launching research, service, and Mogul flights 80 miles away in Alamogordo during the exact period of the "crash." These in between flights were used for testing equipment, balloon flight levels, and radar reception. Research flights carried balloons and electronic measuring equipment. Service flights carried balloons, radar targets (in the beginning) and lightweight measuring equipment if used. Full Mogul arrays measured hundreds of feet in length and carried many balloons, radar targets on early flights, a large amount of electronic equipment, and the expensive nuclear sound testing devices. Which is one of the reasons these flights had return-to tags attached. What crashed near Roswell was small in comparison to an "official" large Mogul array. The debris of the crash matches exactly the material of radar targets and balloons used to make up a service flight. Not a full Mogul array.

While long and probably boring to some, I laid it out in my thread HERE. There's a paper trail describing these service and research flights by way of reports, technical drawings, photographs, and interviews. Very little indication of an impact site is more supportive evidence pointing towards a lightweight service flight.

posted on Sep, 23 2017 @ 09:02 PM
a reply to: Ectoplasm8

I think given Jessy Marcel's statement of the time that is actually very unlikely but as a cover story goes it did it's job perfectly well.
For a start material that was bulletproof, light wooden I beam's that were also immensely strong and had unknown hieroglyph like writing (what was the mogul program being supplied by foreign contractors or something), memory metal like skin material not fabric like the mogul skin would have been.

So the Mogul account is just disinformation, another layer on a cake of disinformation like the cream on top of a moldy old trifle.

posted on Sep, 24 2017 @ 01:33 AM

originally posted by: LABTECH767
a reply to: Ectoplasm8

I think given Jessy Marcel's statement of the time that is actually very unlikely but as a cover story goes it did it's job perfectly well.
For a start material that was bulletproof, light wooden I beam's that were also immensely strong and had unknown hieroglyph like writing (what was the mogul program being supplied by foreign contractors or something), memory metal like skin material not fabric like the mogul skin would have been.

So the Mogul account is just disinformation, another layer on a cake of disinformation like the cream on top of a moldy old trifle.

Jesse Marcel's statements were told nearly 30 years later after being filtered through interviews with UFOlogist Stanton Friedman. Mac Brazel made a statement to the Roswell Daily Chronicle a day after the newspaper story and a month after discovering the debris himself. This is the only firsthand recorded account of the debris at the time we can rely on. Of course those selling the alien spacecraft tale want to get away from Brazel's interview and create military coercion because what he describes is undoubtedly from a balloon and radar target array. He described finding "smokey gray rubber, tinfoil, paper, tape, and sticks." He said he found no metal in the area but saw considerable Scotch tape and tape with flowers printed upon it that was used in the construction. He also found eyelets that seemed to be used as some sort of attachment. Brazel handled the debris picking it up and bundling it together, yet never describes any amazing properties in his newspaper interview. Searching for metal and propellers as he noted shows Brazel was actively searching for something anomalous. He would have certainly noticed "memory metal" of the tinfoil while bundling the debris together.

If thoroughly researched, you'd see Mogul isn't disinformation. It was a program that existed in June/July 1947 that launched balloon arrays 80 miles southwest of the crash site.

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