a reply to:
Crashes could be because there are more of them than anyone believes much closer than you could ever guess.
But how do they fly through solid rock and matter without being slowed and are able to pass right through it.
This is a science fiction idea but one that like most thing's star trek is based partially in real world theory, you know how matter is mostly empty
space etc and how it may be possible for reality to have a phase like phases of a waveform so that it could be possible to move some matter or object
slightly out of phase and then it does not collide but passes right through the other matter with no resistance.
Sorry link does not displace - there is a workaround but I am crap with those so just google Star Trek the Next Generation The Pegasus.
This was an episode of STNG were Riker's loyalties are divided between JLP and his former commanding officer now an admiral when they are sent to
retrieve a top secret prototype of a Federation Cloaking Device, what made this device in the series so unique was that it as a Phasing Device, it did
not cloak like the Romulan's or Klingon's but instead moved the cloaked vessel out of phase with normal reality, this allowed it to be able to fly
right through rock's, stars and planets as if they were not there as it was not in phase with them, in the series the ship's cloak had failed after it
had drifted into an asteroid but the Romulan's were searching for it so it was a race against time to get it before they did.
This is actually also the same idea as if they are actually from another dimension, you know we could have another far more advanced world right
beside us, right now, one with it's own society's, culture's and people's, unique races and entire ecosystem that is different to our own, it may have
started as the same world long ago in the many world's theory but have diverged and they may not even be the same type of being's as us.
If that is the case there could in fact be many of these other world's, perhaps some of these extra dimensional civilization's are in contact with
one another and even trade across the boundary's of dimensional separation.
Some UFO's are more like ghost's, they pass through solid matter, time behaves oddly and not just dilation type time distortion's, electronic's fail
to work are all common to both UFO and Ghost phenomena, were crashed UFO diverge is that they apparently leave physical remain's which are they hidden
from the public for a number of reason's.
Some UFO's may be simply genuine aliens from other world's in our own universe - as well as other dimension's of those other world's?.
There are many argument's about how to bypass the speed of light universal speed limit without upsetting the physics traffic cop that will say you
can not go that fast.
Quantum entanglement despite only so far being used and show to be able to pass information faster than light may have some mechanism that will one
day be used to enable this, technically it is not moving though and rather it is displacing, kind of like a cheat fold-space without folding space but
there are once again argument's that it can not be done with matter but hey nose in the air to those know it all because they once said the earth was
flat didn't they.
Then there is fold space, this is the use of gravity to bend time space and bring two disparate point's in the universe together, you move from one
point to the other across this fold without transiting the linear distance between them.
Then there is Wormhole travel, not proven but wormholes are probably real and very small, smaller than the smallest sub atomic particles and happen
all the time connecting point's between time and space but they are probably extremely short connections so it is just an idea and making a practical
giant wormhole for travel remains a staple of science fiction.
So back to the inter-dimensional travel, it may be possible to travel not only reality but also too reality's were the universe is actually still
small and use these to create short cut's in the larger reality's since the parallel locations corresponding in both reality's will have vastly
different distances between them.
Then again maybe our understanding of the law's and nature of the universe expressed in our science of physics are actually totally wrong?.
Maybe we can just go faster than light but we have not learned how to do so yet (officially I would not write of the US black budget or the
possibility of a very real break away government and civilization).
edit on 21-9-2017 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)