a reply to:
I don't think I asked them about my future, instead I asked them 'how' they can tell the future and then asked why that woman fabricated a lie and
betrayed me. It was open ended tho.
I don't remember the specific words, I may have said it better in the OP, I don't recall I'd have to see what I wrote to get a better idea.
After reflecting on how I looked over the monitors, I regret that I rejected what I was shown. I was looking for a specific detail that would explain
Instead they showed me a lot of details, and in hindsight that multitude of details probably do answer my question.
She was so caught up in her inequity and consumed by selfishness, that she was corrupted by her own flaws because she wasn't trying very hard to be a
"good person" and instead was fixated on manipulating everyone around her to get what she wanted.
Problem is, she didn't really know what she wanted exactly and was manipulating each instance as they came without a clear goal. Therefore chaotic and
unpredictable in nature.
My interactions further fueled that fire because I wanted her and this caused her to go insane without restraint because I knowingly played into her
narcissism and unintenionally inflated it.
I just wanted to make her happy as well as myself happy, and she realized her life became something she never wanted.
This turned into a disaster for her already failed marriage because she wanted him to be me but him instead of me just with my personality. That would
have fixed everything cuz he has millions of $ and I don't.
He fled because she became ultra annoying and irritable, and she blamed me. At the same time, I blamed her for my wife leaving me.
We both were pissed, and while I hesitated she didn't and decided to destroy me publically on national TV in order to win her husband back by saying
"see I wasn't cheating, Muzzle is evil and eliminated".
I had no such with my wife, and in fact, due to the media defamation (based on a twisted story full of lies and omissions), lost my wife completely
because she didn't trust me anymore.
Karma however, after exacting it's immediate catastrophic vengeance upon me for my slights, has taken the longer bigger harder reaction to her, and
she is only beginning to see the consequences of her shameful sins against everyone.
I won't go too deep into it, but she's losing everything one piece at a time. I lost everything at once, so it's an interesting contrast.
There's way more to it, but that's my thoughts on what those screens showed me. That she's basically destroying herself because she's a sociopathic
narcissist and I screwed up by giving her multiple steroid injections that took her ego to Hulk like status.
I believe she's noticed this pattern of destruction and is trying very hard to stop it, which is good. I put the breaks on mine too.
Her and I both need to take a lot of time to think things over and make a host of self improvements, because we are both screwed up selfish people
that revel in our prejudices.
If we can both mature and atone for our mistakes, and make amends with those we've wronged, we may have hope yet.
I can only help me though, I can only influence others. So everyone else is ultimately on their own and has to choose right over wrong and be able to
step out of their own bias and selfishness in order to see what's the right thing.
I could go on n on but I gotta go.