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I Was Just ABDUCTED By Nordics!! Holy Crap!!?!?

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posted on Sep, 21 2017 @ 02:22 PM
a reply to: cosmickat

Thanks for digging up that post, yes I was referring to "if I were abducted as a child".
I didn't see any relevance to address the "do you have kids" question because it seemed mostly rhetorical to set up the following statement.

I really did not want to go find that post so thanks for taking the time to do so.

posted on Sep, 21 2017 @ 02:36 PM
a reply to: KansasGirl

I am exhausted. Very.
I usually in any thread I write try to respond to nearly every poster.
That's a long standing habit. I miss a few but I try to get most.

I didn't fake a conversation with them. I assumed they would see it.

Their "blog" is pretty simple, they rarely post anything in it.
Usually it's either some inspirational literary quote or, more recently, recipes for various dishes or drinks they liked or a picture of a dress she likes.

Their post wasn't a direct admission but it was a very incredibly strong indicator due to context.
They haven't barely posted anything all summer, except a few recipes and a few quotes, and hadn't posted much of anything at all in weeks.

So the mere fact she posted something the day after I wrote this thread was a clue, and the content of that post was also a combination of several very strong clues.

I'm not going to give it all away but, in her very short post of less than 10 words, said "Thor (Blue)", and then referenced my me in an interesting way. Now, she definitely has plausible deniability here because she was being extremely ambiguous and didn't really say anything at all.

But cmon, what are the odds that she'd just suddenly make a post outta nowhere saying "Thor (Blue)" ?
Why post something for no reason especially when it's not really conveying anything rational or important?
Yeah....the odds do seem highly in favor of a response to this thread. I know she reads my stuff here at ATS, that is a certainty. We've talked about older threads at length and she keeps tabs on me.

posted on Sep, 21 2017 @ 02:37 PM
a reply to: muzzleflash

no problem

posted on Sep, 21 2017 @ 02:42 PM

originally posted by: ClovenSky
a reply to: muzzleflash

After reading 28 pages of posts, it almost feels like my reality has warped a bit from the information contained in here. What a great thread!!! Thank you.

I can almost sympathize with that feeling of deep discord that you have no control over. You try and paper over it or ignore it and it always comes back. You have mastered so much of what this life has to offer that you grow complacent and long for a challenge again. It is like an old friend that you feel should be there but isn't. A part of you is missing because you love the uncertainty. You feel alive.

Man, being human is great.

What an excellent post you've made.
I think you must be very artistic.

Thank you for sharing that deep thought.

posted on Sep, 21 2017 @ 02:54 PM
Problem is he went back to sleep and woke up remembering it in the AM. Thus, it could have and probably was a double awakening, the witnessing of the UFO's. Case closed.

posted on Sep, 21 2017 @ 02:54 PM
I dunno how to even describe the feelings and ideas I'm going through.
Usually I can articulate things but there's too much.

I'm sad. Very deeply. For a lot of reasons.

It's like this, think of Christmas time and no one gives you anything except one person, and you never met this person before. And as a gift they gave you a small order of french fries. It wasn't even a medium sized order.

You think to yourself, "Well, at least I did get something, that's cool I guess".
You don't want to be self-entitled or grumpy, and you say thank you and offer them a hug.
Because you did get something.

And, if you're like me, you don't really want anything for Christmas either, except to hug the people you love because that's the only thing that really matters.

Then you think about your life overall, your past, and what has become of it - while trying not to compare yourself to all of those stereotypical images of what they have indoctrinated us to believe Christmas is like.

That's like just one of the 100 feelings I've gone through in the last day or so.

posted on Sep, 21 2017 @ 03:03 PM
Here is what I think: You view yourself as an aspiring Sci-Fi writer and you are practicing. Your attempts at similes and analogies need some work. A water slide? If you are in a waterslide you are wet. There must be a better analogy than that. You tried to explain you are an expert in aircraft. How? What made you an expert? Are you an Air Force intel guy? If so, that is part of the story and adds credibility. You cannot just call yourself an expert and not back it with fact. So, what did your character do to become an expert? You must fill in that hole. In order to sell your first person story you must lose the excitement and stop being so impressed with your so-called experience. If it really happened you would not be as incredulous as you came across. Settle down and write the way you would if you were really abducted against your will and put into a situation in which you had no control and there was a high degree of uncertainty. You are okay on your imagination but you must tone it down a bit to make it believable. Just trying to help. Writers Write. Keep trying.

posted on Sep, 21 2017 @ 03:09 PM
a reply to: muzzleflash Here is another suggestion. Do not presume you are an expert in abductions. Do not assume everyone will react the way your character reacted. To say, " Then you think about your life overall, your past, and what has become of it - while trying not to compare yourself to all of those stereotypical images of what they have indoctrinated us to believe Christmas is like." How do you know that others with the same experience will think about their life overall, "your past and what it has become of it"? It is okay to tell what YOU think but very amateurish to assume someone else, anyone else will react the same way.

posted on Sep, 21 2017 @ 03:31 PM
Im still skimming but couldnt help myself

This is all super weird because yesterday I was writing about the film Avatar specifically in relation to Hindu deities (which in Hindu myth actually use flying spacecraft essentially)

Could that be why you said this :

I think they were blue skinned people though, I only got a brief glimpse of them though I was standing in front of them the whole time.

Not discrediting. Just trying to rule out other reasons. I was having fun buying into this story up until the thor and tony stark comments.... At that point this was sounding more and more like a lucid dream. Now you add this and ... eh

I mean who says aliens cant invade our dreams either.

Still enjoyed the OP

edit on 21-9-2017 by bknapple32 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 21 2017 @ 03:36 PM
a reply to: muzzleflash

You didn't want to go find the post? I LINKED TO IT. I also included the post number...

posted on Sep, 21 2017 @ 03:42 PM
a reply to: cosmickat

Yet here you are, still going...

Ultimately he hasn't said "I don't know" to any question asked of him leading up to the point he was called out on it. He had an answer for everything, with great level of detail. Then suddenly he started some "I am not sure" and "no idea". Instead of addressing that I showed that he had in fact only said "I don't know" or some variation of it four times, he chose to only respond to the one post that could have been interpreted many ways. It's called a logical fallacy.

For someone who charges others with lacking reading comprehension, you seem to have missed how that is directly tied to the OP. Instead, both you and the OP decided to get hung up on one specific post that could have easily been seen a specific way, since more than one person pointed it out.

posted on Sep, 21 2017 @ 03:43 PM
a reply to: bknapple32

If you go through his post history you will find quite a few lines that are reflected in his OP. It seems he has has dome sci-fi fantasy ideas floating around in his head and he is using the gullibility of some members to test his writing.

posted on Sep, 21 2017 @ 03:48 PM

originally posted by: muzzleflash

originally posted by: Shamrock6

It was sorta like a dream


There were 3 UFOs right over me when I woke up.

Don't be retarded.

You didn't even address that you jerk lol.

they always come in threes, they will communicate with you telepathically, yes they disappear in a twinkling of an eye, I was not drinking or asleep, wide awake in the house when they said come out side we are here, I went like , no big deal,and watched them.

Came back in the house and was nonchalant about the whole thing, there was no fear nothing, never told anyone but people on line. They must have some sort of control over your emotions or something.

I believe you.
edit on 21-9-2017 by Stormdancer777 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 21 2017 @ 03:49 PM
a reply to: raymundoko

Yea- Thats where Im leaning.. Fun story though. But gives himself away a few times... or at least, his inner conscious is giving it away. He may very well believe this event to be real. But way too much taken from other things.

PS the slide on the UFO. Same thing in the movie explorers with River Phoenix and Ethan Hawke from the 80s

The grate you puked on.. A grate exists on the floor in Fire in the Sky from the 90s. When Walton awakes he floats around in the UFO and loses his keys. Not to mention the real Travis Walton claims his abductors were Nordics as well.

edit on 21-9-2017 by bknapple32 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 21 2017 @ 03:53 PM
a reply to: bknapple32

Well, I haven't read any but the ops post so I don't know what you are talking about, but I have posted my experience many times on ATS

Guess I will go read

posted on Sep, 21 2017 @ 03:54 PM
a reply to: Stormdancer777

Not sure what exactly youre referencing here.

posted on Sep, 21 2017 @ 04:12 PM
a reply to: raymundoko


edit on 21/9/17 by cosmickat because: not worth it

posted on Sep, 21 2017 @ 04:18 PM

originally posted by: AnkhMorpork
Problem is he went back to sleep and woke up remembering it in the AM. Thus, it could have and probably was a double awakening, the witnessing of the UFO's. Case closed.

Not necessarily, he could have been in that state like I was in, normally one would think I would run in the house all excited yelling about what I saw, or be afraid, there was no fear even as I stood there and watched them, it was peaceful, and I came back inside like nothing ever happened.

They have to have some sort of control over you.

posted on Sep, 21 2017 @ 04:21 PM
a reply to: bknapple32
I'm sorry

Text If you go through his post history you will find quite a few lines that are reflected in his OP. It seems he has has dome sci-fi fantasy ideas floating around in his head and he is using the gullibility of some members to test his writing.

That you may be agreeing with this comment.

posted on Sep, 21 2017 @ 04:31 PM

originally posted by: WhiteWingedMonolith

originally posted by: muzzleflash
a reply to: KansasGirl

I've said "I don't know" 500 times in this thread!!!

I don't have an answer for everything but yall sure have a problem with every little tiny thing!

Nothings ever good enough is it?

Yes it will be good enough.

Listen up. We're hitting 4D now. Some say we are already in it. According to Corey Goode's talk last Tuesday eve, transcript of it made available today, just read it, some people will be able to create. So I'm thinking you can create an indisputable real time event of you actually telling JT you forgive her, love her, you're sorry, what ever. I do believe Corey and I do believe you can create the event, the thing is though, in creating the event/opportunity you are responsible for what you say and your emotions. The problem I forsee is no one can guarantee what she'll say, how she will respond. What I and anyone else reading this post now can do is send her thoughts/vibes to respond gently to you or ask Jesus to open her heart so she can react compassionately to what you will express to her.

You should really read yesterday's transcript. It will explain some things.

JUST caught up to this post. Have not read further but will. I've had to do this a lot in this thread.

Now that I am almost caught up, I've read that JT and the OP have been communicating indirectly. It appears she said his abduction was believable because she verified she saw him at the same time, on her blog. If this is true won't a search on google with certain words find her blog and confirm this? OP said he can't post her blog here because it would cause further issues between them.

How the OP refers to her/JT in this thread is confusing, but it should be analyzed because she was in the OP's claimed abduction.

It seems that the ET abduction is either being done to further the drama between the 2 of them, and that to me is Reptilianish, or truly benevolent ET's are attempting to give the OP an opportunity to directly express love and forgiveness face to face, in what most of us call real time.

I mean, it seems the OP already was able to express this to her in this thread because he is claiming she is reading this thread. While I haven't read further posts yet, this may not be good enough for the OP to get a full clear to be a professional ET contact liasion officer if he can't set the hurt he feels about his past relationship with her aside. It's bleeding into the contact and skewing it. Makes it hard for many to follow what he's saying and what the deal is.

In evaluating that, I think this is where a lot of us are now and as we can see, unresolved drama from past relationships hinders the ability to stay focused as to the 'job' at hand - being contacted and relaying info.

I think all of us in a similar position, which is clinging to unresolved drama from a past or current relationship that is unhealthy/unnurturing, need to focus hard and do the inner work to let it go so enlightment that is genuine and good, and from God can be found, gained, gifted to us.

What has happened to this OP is actually helpful in that now we can see the flaw in our own lives and work harder to resolve it. Which needs to be done quickly as mass contact will occur soon I think. No one wants any unhealthy current or past drama bleeding into the timeline of the projected Paradise for them.
edit on 21-9-2017 by WhiteWingedMonolith because: (no reason given)

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