posted on Oct, 30 2017 @ 06:28 PM
My plan for mental health of those around me are as follows.
#1. Give each person a sole responsibility that they are in full control of. :::: This gives an entire group the feeling of being in charge not of
other people, but of the necesities for life.
Example: Wife is in charge of the fire and packed supplies.
Oldest child responsible to keep a constant supply of water, including boiling drinking water, hygenic
water, cleaning water, ect.
Family friend might be responsible for keeping a constant charge on batteries by limiting the use to
essential need, as well as maintainingg any generators fuel supplies, solar panels, ect.
#2. Communication. Don't focus on solely surviving an event, but speak on an emotional level. Ask people what they are thinking, how they are doing
with the current situation, pay close attention to wants that are easily met.
#3. Activities. Create activities from your surroundings instead of having board games take up space in your travel pack. Checkers can be made easily
using rocks for one player and pieces of wood for the other. Jump rope competition, swimming, fishing, and any creative activities like basket
#4. Return to normalcy. Think about the creature comforts we have in our home. Recreate some of these comforts. Having an outhouse may not be the life
of luxury, but it provides a private area to do your business without the need to bury your excrement every time.
#5. Expand your shelter. Nothing gives hope and a sense of pride in oneselves accomplishments than something you can physically see that benefits your
group as a whole.
6#. Lastly. Push everyone to Thrive in their environment. Keep everyone invigorated with praise on their hard work. Find solutions to problems instead
of piling on complaints.