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Is it possible to turn into a werewolf?

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posted on Feb, 10 2005 @ 02:21 AM
I was wondering if anyone has any thoughts as to whether or not its actually possible to turn into a werewolf. I know it's pretty far fetched but hey who knows.

posted on Feb, 10 2005 @ 02:24 AM
I've done tons of research on this but i havent ever found and cases or sightings of people turning into werewolves that sound for real

posted on Feb, 10 2005 @ 03:14 AM
......the quality of the posts here are forever on the rise.

One google search on "true werewolf cases" netted me 72,121 related topics on "true werewolf cases"

Why don't you start there, find us some stuff and bring it back? Then we will all talk --err..(criticize, tear apart, debunk, proove and then finally prove false again-- and someone gets banned over it-- and 2 people quit the post in disgust and vow never to return to this site again) about it. Thats how we do things here. Plus, it makes your points go up faster...

posted on Feb, 10 2005 @ 07:44 AM

Originally posted by countbrakula23
I've done tons of research on this but i havent ever found and cases or sightings of people turning into werewolves that sound for real

I think that's because people dont generally see a person transform into a werefolf and survive to tell the story

There are however very intriguing cases... One in france I believe that wrecked havoc among the natives, even the top dogs got involved and did what would equal to Bush sending Delta Force to hunt vampires in Boston

I cant remember the bloody names though, bleh.

posted on Feb, 10 2005 @ 11:41 AM
i mean, i would assume its possible, because what is real. if we are nothing but holographic projections, then shouldnt we be able to shape shift. if the "mind" has some connection with "matter", then could we fully manipulate ourselves into a beast.
what is matter, is it really what we think, this is still up for debate. we all know of biofeedback, but what if you could take this to the extreme, what if you could manipulate your entire body, the growth of bone, hair, all that. obviously the thing would be that you dont get all that(big werewolf form)from nothing, where does that mass come from, but what is this mass. there are many theories you can throw out there, and the mystery of the world is that you can never truly prove anything. maybe the "mind" can produce mass for such a transformation, sounds pseudo, but hey you never know.

i know everyone wants to be cool and tell you that your fantasy is just hollywood, but obviously we all know that alot of hollywood fantasies are real now. i mean, there was alot of ignorance back in the day, but there is alot of ignorance now, so i for one am not going to believe myself to be some egotistical superior being, who thinks that all legends and myths have no grounds, and everyone back then was just dumb and ignorant.

obviously you dont hear of werewolf sightings nowadays, but although they might be able to shapeshift, it doesnt mean that theyre shapeshifting blood thirsty animals who crave on humans. these "shapeshifters" could very well be capable of controlling themselves in either state of being, or they could just be living somewhere not inhabited by many "humans", where they/it could live in peace.

hell, maybe in those little countries around the world, where little towns exist, there are werewolves jumping all around, and no one speaks of it
, but thats highly unlikely.

so basically im trying to say, yes its possible, how, i dont know. from all the text on mind/matter connection, transcedental meditation and what not, maybe you could achieve such a shapeshift through tapping into the true power of the mind. maybe a little visualization and what not, sounds easy, but obviously its not, because we would see alot of teenage werebeast running around, all proud of there new "psionic" achievment.

maybe the werewolf body has been exagerrated. maybe people somehow with biofeedback, extended their canines, and grew some hair. sorry i dont know the details of that, can the human body do that on a whim, well i guess anything is possible, ill stick with my belief.

maybe the werewolf was never truly a large mean beast, maybe it was. go search the world and look for one
or sit back and find something better to do, like bang chicks, and play street fighter third strike

posted on Feb, 10 2005 @ 07:36 PM
I had a girlfriend once who stopped shaving a week before she got her period. Trust me, people can turn into werewolves.

Love and light,


posted on Feb, 10 2005 @ 07:43 PM
The power of the human mind is absolute. If you truly believe you can turn into a werewolf, then you can. The secret behind all the old mystery religions was true self empowerment through faith and fervent belief. Try it sometime. Believe in something so powerfuly that it can't help but come true. Water into wine, wine into blood is based on this power. Similarly, life after death, eternal salvation, mental powers, weather control, psychokinesis, all of these concepts work on the same principle. Try it sometime.

The myths were based off of a combination of unusual hair growth, mania from the full moon, and probably ergot poisoning similar to the witch trials in the states. Some research on ergot will convince you that if a town's granery got infected, the entire town could be seeing demons and witches and werewolves the next day.

posted on Feb, 10 2005 @ 08:47 PM
Maybe if we were to put a wolf gene in someone that was only activated when there was a full moon.

posted on Feb, 10 2005 @ 10:34 PM

Originally posted by countbrakula23
I was wondering if anyone has any thoughts as to whether or not its actually possible to turn into a werewolf. I know it's pretty far fetched but hey who knows.

Heh, I'm afraid this is highly unlikely to be possible. You'd have to consider the fact that Humans and Canines are two totally different species. So if this was possible which it is not, you'd have a very odd Human being, that would probably be lost in both the realm of humanity and the canine world.

You could probably have a "feral" human or a very intellegent dog but neither would or could become either at will or against their will under magic or natural means...

Unless we are not talking about Earth, then you might have some luck. heh

posted on Feb, 11 2005 @ 02:05 PM

Why don't you start there, find us some stuff and bring it back? Then we will all talk --err..(criticize, tear apart, debunk, proove and then finally prove false again-- and someone gets banned over it-- and 2 people quit the post in disgust and vow never to return to this site again) about it. Thats how we do things here. Plus, it makes your points go up faster..

Whew! That sure saves time and trouble...

All kidding aside....

Lycanthropy is the term... Most werewolf legends are prevalent in two different cultures, Europe (especially the Slavic countries) and of course, Native American culture. The two approaches are vastly different. The werewolf of Europe being cursed, whereas the werewolf of the Americas being blessed, and a spiritual man.

The two methods ascribed to becoming a werewolf (European version) are by either a pact with the devil, or cursed such as through the claws or bite of another werewolf. Like the vampire legends (also in this area), it was thought that if cursed through such infection, and you managed to kill the one who cursed you, you'd then be freed of the curse.

Also like the vampire legend, that of the European werewolf seems to stem from hallucinations caused by moldy wheat in times of flood. It's a pretty intriguing correllation, but the numbers of sightings and where are directly related to periods of flooding, which then produced mold on the wheat, which is actually the equivalent of PCP! This of course, was also combined with a misunderstanding of now understood medical processes, such as decomposition, etc. as well as a misunderstanding of certain conditions, such as those with hair on the face (a rare, but recognized disease). It is a genetic condition, and the most famous case I can recall lately was with a mexican acrobatic family (once featured in an episode of Ripley's Believe it or Not). There are even some old paintings depicting victims of this disease...(I remember one in particular, of a little girl, all dolled up in a silk and lace dress, but of course, with the furry face). I think that these were the causes of the phenomenon in Europe.

The Americas on the other hand, well, shape-changing was simply a belief held by the natives. It wasn't limited to wolves, but even birds, rabbits, deer, etc. Werewolves (as wolves were a highly revered animal) simply were more prominent in the art and folklore.

posted on Feb, 11 2005 @ 02:39 PM
You can be in any form astrally. At one time I had alot of fun with that. The latest was as an angel dressed in sparkling gold attire.

Unfortunately the novelty of it all wears thin when you realize no one in 3D sees/remembers you in this form. That leaves only some cute pets that reside in 3D or the many nonhuman forms that live in astral space.

posted on Feb, 11 2005 @ 04:14 PM
As far as the Hollywood portrail of the transformation, No it is not logically possible. Why? The shear amount of energy to transform one's entire body would drain them so much I assume the individual would become unconscious. When transforming back it is also illigical that the hair would return into the body. Perhaps if it fell off altogether, but it makes no sense for it to retract.

posted on Feb, 11 2005 @ 10:17 PM

Originally posted by Croat56
Maybe if we were to put a wolf gene in someone that was only activated when there was a full moon.


posted on Feb, 11 2005 @ 10:42 PM

Originally posted by Webmonkey336

Prove it don't just say one word with no info to back it up. DENY IGNORANCE. I've heard of people who claim they can do this but never really have seen a believable case.

posted on Feb, 12 2005 @ 12:42 AM
The moon is just a giant relfector for the sun, and on full moon nights you can easily get moon stroke if sleeping outdoors. If you're looking for an initiating energy source, the moon perhaps is a good spot to focus. It's a peculiar kind of light reflected off the moon, because it goes through a number of filters before it strikes the surface of the earth.

One explanation I can think of is that a virus is responsible for the Beast state, and it is held at bay by certain radiation while being nourished by another form (think xrays vs ultraviolet). It would then make sense the virus would only exhibit itself when the moon was giving the most of it's particular light, and the sun was giving the least (midnight with a full moon).

The problem I've always had with physical explanations though is the rapid change that's always portrayed. That to me rules out a purely physical change, because organisms simply don't grow that fast to our knowledge.

If it's a mental change exhibiting itself physically, it's possible in my mind. Look at stories like Jekyl and Hyde, man has a bestial side that sometimes erupts to the surface.

Maybe the old stories, like most old stories, are metaphors and parables. "The the full moon rises some men turn into wolves and beasts." Well..there is something wierd around the full moon, people act strangely, there is a predictable, observable increase in suicides.

So in a way, the old stories of the full moon and werewolves are factual (think the bible).

[edit on 12-2-2005 by WyrdeOne]

posted on Feb, 12 2005 @ 12:52 AM
If someone could turn into a werewolf they and somehow turn back , they would have Stretch marks all over their body, the amount of energy it would take would be Incredible. And if they could turn into and back, and not have a stretch mark in site, the energy they would need would come from food, When you eat protein you burn off about 25% of those calories just Digesting it(which is why protein diets work so well), so be on the look out for really hairy people that eat lots of pasta!

posted on Feb, 12 2005 @ 01:03 AM
[edit on 4-1-2006 by asala]

posted on Feb, 12 2005 @ 03:28 AM

Originally posted by mrwupy
I had a girlfriend once who stopped shaving a week before she got her period. Trust me, people can turn into werewolves.

Love and light,


hopefully she didnt bite you?

i dont believe you can turn into a werewolf persay, but a person undergoing the symptoms of Lycanthropy see:

of course its all hogwash, although medical cases do suggest some time in the middle ages people suffering from that disease (says its mental on the site, so there must also be a physical aspect to it) were mistaken for werewolves. wheter thats where the legends began, who knows? google probably
but find out for yourself, its more fun.

posted on Feb, 12 2005 @ 04:05 AM
The legendary link between vampires and werewolfs could be that some bats can transmit rabies when they bite a human.

posted on Feb, 12 2005 @ 04:10 AM
Sigh I love a good discussion, but isn't this a little corny?


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