I am writing this in the predictions and prophecies section because I don't know where else to post this.
Why the thread? I have been having a series of unfortunate night disturbances as of late and they're starting to get on my nerves!
I keep waking up at exactly 3:30am and looking straight at the sky, expecting something to happen, I do this for about 5 minutes then clamber back
into bed and drift off for the remainder of my sleep cycle. I would just pass this off as a silly coincidence, however, it's starting to become every
single night; now it's affecting me through-out the day time too! I can't shake this feeling of malaise! It's the feeling of anticipation, the one you
get when waiting on some life altering news or a doctors diagnosis.
When did it start and why? These events are recent and have only been happening for the past 3 weeks. I am NOT under any stress nor am I
struggling with any decisions and whatnot, my life is brilliant at the moment. This is why I'm irked so much, I have no reason to feel this way, but I
do regardless, every 3:30am is the same, it feels like a wave will just appear on the horizon and wash me away or some other cataclysmic event is
about to take place of cosmic importance. I have only felt this one other time - when I dabbled in the occult and meditation and whatnot!
About the feeling and it's manifestation.Skip to underline if you're not interested in religious content.This is the strange part. I
have never prayed before for discernment, ever. I was told by someone that if you want to be assured and have a future proofed faith then praying for
discernment was essential. So I did pray for discernment and immediately all this began! Whether it's correlated I don't know. Religiosity END.
The feeling itself, as mentioned, is a deep, deep fear. The fear I sense is overwhelming and strong, hits me like a wave. There's also a sense of
relief and clarity as though this has to happen for a greater purpose - as though it's written in the stars or something!
Is there anyone else having this? Because this is taking up my time at home, and in work too, I decided to have a poke around the interwebs and
see if anyone else was getting this feeling, that same dagger stab to the heart in the middle of the night. Here's some of what I found:
This is one, though it has a 'end timsey' connotation. I DO NOT AND WILL NOT POINT TO ANY DATES FOR ANY EVENT. Scripture is clear about that. Please don't take this as a date setting thread!
As a believer in Christ risen, I don't know what to make of this. My walk has been shaky sometimes, which gives me reason to fear. I am trying lately
to really live in the words of the Bible - to not be a hypocrite and walk as Jesus told us to, I thought this might be why this is happening? I don't
know. It's just strange.
Conclusions, at least for me. Though I don't know what this is, I am interested if anyone else is feeling this right now, and if so why? Do you
think it is, as I do, a sign that you're on the right path from God? Or do you simply see it as an expression of anxiety from all that is happening in
the world, from North Korea to the storms?
What's your take ATS? Do you ever get these feelings and worries? Am I simply mad, maybe?
God bless you all, truly.
edit on 11/10/2012 by Joneselius because: (no reason given)
I've been having a feeling that I can only describe as low novelty has been occurring since about 2 days before Irma made landfall. It could be
related to all of the media hype but something hasn't felt right to me.
Night disturbances? This is more likely some personal problem that you are ignoring. It is manifesting as anxiety, but you are externalizing the
problem as some grand event that is about to happen. It is more likely that it is something internal. Like unpaid bills, unkept obligations, or
relationship issues. Nobody is psychic. Especially people who act like they are.
It is close to the witching hour but the time also comes close to the book of John 3:16
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
As soon as I see the number 3:16 on my digital clock when I wake and when I see that, that bible verse comes to mind, which is odd as I'm am not a
religious person. Either I'm one God's heralds or the spawn of Satan, I'm betting on the latter but perhaps it's circadian biology tricking my brain
and body.
It might be a psychosomatic issue due to anxiety, and I've noticed that those of faith do suffer from increased levels of eccentric behavior, I'm not
saying your are eccentric but maybe there is something troubling you.
Perhaps is a medical issue, are you on any medication? the mind is a complex organ.
edit on 14-9-2017 by Thecakeisalie because: (no reason given)
The feeling itself, as mentioned, is a deep, deep fear. The fear I sense is overwhelming and strong, hits me like a wave. There's also a sense of
relief and clarity
sounds like an anxiety attack and the relief feeling is once you've burned through the adrenalin.
I know what anxiety feels like. This is different.
I do know it's similar, granted. This is not anxiety.
I'm not burying any personal issues at all, I lay it all out on the table. I don't keep much to myself to be honest. This is just weird. I'm always
tempted to log on and see what's happening in the world when this happens to see if it's correlating to events happening but I don't as that can start
a bad circle of confirmation bias.
I'm just interested in anyone else having the same experience.
I always think of rapture verses myself 'thecakeisalie' freaky eh. I'm always reminded of the book of John.
My son fasted for several days, and had a vision. A giant sea creature rose up out of the sea. It was enormous, and kept rausing up higher. Possibly
similar to a dragon type of creature. All of a sudden it plunged down into the sea and caused a destroyer of a sunami tidal wave.
My son believes that this vision was very real and signifies something horrible in our future here
I've told this several times over the years on ATS but since it seems somewhat relevant, here it goes FWIW:
I'm 65. For my entire life, going back to my earliest memories, I have always had this deep, powerful feeling that something epic was going to happen
during my life time. I've never had any specifics but that feeling has remained with me, unwavering, my entire life. I 'know':
It doesn't have anything to do with me personally
It will be unavoidable
It will be decidedly unpleasant in the extreme
Things will be very much better afterwards.
AsI said, it has remained with me, always in the back of my mind, my entire life.
originally posted by: ketsuko
I always have that feeling at this time of year. I have now for the past three or four years.
That is interesting. Every year, late summer, I get what I have come to call the August crazies (usually happens in August, sometimes early
September). A few nights of weird, disturbing dreams, in the daytime some anxiety and a very unsettled feeling. I just figured it had to do with the
changing seasons, less sunshine, and the prospect of yet another Michigan winter.
To the OP's point, I have dealt with moderate/severe anxiety much of my life, and what the OP described does sound like anxiety attacks. I get that
you disagree; perhaps something is coming up in your life that you aren't fully aware of yet (maybe spiritual stuff?) It sounds internal more than
edit on 14-9-2017 by elkabong57 because: To add additional info
I received two spiritual warnings. November last year and February of this year. I told the wife a couple weeks ago that it's getting ready to start.
I don't know what is starting, but the time is here. It feels like the water in the ocean receding before the tsunami. That's about all I can say
about it but I know whatever it is, it's real.
I would have no doubt that this theme is prevalent world wide presently. It signifies an obvious insecurity dilemma caused by an overwhelming number
of unrelated calamities that have overlapped recently. With hurricanes, floods, fires, and of course the nuclear missile debacle hanging over us, and
add that to all of the present civil unrest due to racism and politics... there is no wonder.
We need to calm down and understand that these are cyclical events that will lose granularity just like they accumulated it. It is nature. That does
not mean that individually, they are not important, but most people can just balance so many balls in the air..
Make a hot-toddy with a little Jack and lemon, sit back and contemplate the fact that you cannot control how most of these things happen, and that you
are still able to comprehend it.
I hope you do realize that civilizations fall, extinction level events like planetary floods, meteors hit, climate change etc are cyclical too. And
they inform beforehand anyone, who doesn't want to be informed.
I hope you do realize that civilizations fall, extinction level events like planetary floods, meteors hit, climate change etc are cyclical too. And
they inform beforehand anyone, who doesn't want to be informed.
Without any of the aforementioned events occurring in our past, none of us would be here to be informed. I guess you did not get my point.
Go to any decade ever and you are observing reality. But, this time, the Biblical end could very well be the explanation. This is the only time that
the entire world could hear the Gospel. Knowledge is certainly going to and fro. And non-believers say it's just as it's always been.
This is indeed the beginning of sorrows. All of Christ's children will see and hear the call. All others will not.
edit on 16-9-2017 by
Toolman18 because: (no reason given)
I would read up on Anxiety Attacks and especially the type that have impending doom. That was the first sign I had when I first started getting panic
Sometimes I would be driving and all the sudden get this feeling something very bad was about to happen. The most common was the feeling a nuclear
bomb was going to go off at any second. It also woke up from my sleep with the same feeling. After about a year of that happening the anxiety attacks
changes to strait up adrenaline releases and an intense fear that I was having a heart attack, and the impending doom feeling never came back.
Like I said what your going through is common among people who suffer from panic attacks. I would highly recommend you google Impending doom and see
if it fits with what your going through.