posted on Jan, 14 2018 @ 06:43 AM
Old thread, I know. The $130 million waste of money postal survey thing-a-ma-jig is done and dusted, the YES vote won (good). But I just wanted to
make a couple comments on some of the posts here.
originally posted by: khnum
Im sorry what the hell is a BARCODE doing on a secret postal ballot.So if its your barcode what information is linked to it,your address
obviously.what else.
No personal information was "tied" to the barcode, not even your address. The barcode simply ensured that the ballot paper was not photocopied and
used to cast more than one vote. That is all, there is no nefarious anything going on.
The same sex anti-vilification laws they just introduced are legit too, say something against the yes vote and you will probably cop a $12000
That is untrue, and silly.
This, the vilification of Christians, the strong lgbt agenda being pushed in schools being introduced,
That is simply and completely false.
the fact the Government is not revealing what will be in the legislation
At the time, the was no legislation prepared, there was nothing to reveal. But the message was loud and clear, the change would be to the marriage law
- full stop. Anti-discrimination laws were not going to change. Religious Freedom laws were not going to change.
Example: before the marriage equality law, Priests and Rabbis and Imams were not forced to marry every eligible heterosexual couple that asked for
their services. If it was against their religious cannon, then they could turn them away. There is no change to this EXCEPT that it now applies to
every eligible couple, heterosexual or homosexual or transgender or what-ever. There is nothing hampering religious freedom in that in any way
what-so-ever and those voices in the wilderness shouting 'but.. but... but' are simple straight forward dog whistling fear mongers.
and the fact Labour says if the vote is No they will ignore it when the get into Government tells me the fix is in.
It is Labor policy, if people vote Labor in to government, they are voting for Labor policy to be enacted. That is how it works in Australia.
Dont forget Rudd,Gillard,Turnbull all at some stage were UNELECTED leaders.
Not true. Every one of them was elected to Parliament in the normal way, and every one of them was elected Leader of their respective Party in the
normal way.
edit on 14/1/2018 by rnaa because: (no reason given)