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SCI/TECH: Canada Unleashes Terminator Bombshell

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posted on Feb, 10 2005 @ 09:02 AM
Forgive me for not understanding the article- Does it state that Canada is opposed to the Terminator gene or opposed to the moritorium?

posted on Feb, 10 2005 @ 09:07 AM
Dear Friends and Colleagues,

EXTREMELY urgent action is required from you all, please copy, paste and
sign on the letter below, send to the addresses given, and forward this
information to anyone who you think might be concerned about the future of
food security.

The Canadian Government is attempting to forcibly overturn the worldwide ban
on Genetically Modified "Terminator" seeds, the seeds that produce sterile
grains that will never germinate. At the United Nations meeting in Bangkok
tomorrow, Canada intends to raise its objections to the current ban on
Genetic Use Restriction Technologies (GURTs), which include Terminator
technology. If they don't get their way, they intend to "Block consensus".
We know this because documents for the Canadian delegation's negotiations
tomorrow have been leaked to a Canadian NGO, the ETC Group.

When Monsanto and the GM industry first proposed Terminator Technology as a
means to prevent farmers saving and planting patented GM seeds, there was
worldwide outrage. A ban was introduced in 1998 on these "suicide seeds".
However the industry never gave up hope that it would one day be the key to
total GM control of the world's food supply. Now that the likelihood of
cross-pollination and contamination has been proven beyond a doubt, the
industry is pushing for Terminator as a solution to prevent it spreading
into the gene pool!

Terminator does not only threaten the food security of farmers and create
total dependency by making their crops sterile, but even more terrifying is
the risk that the gene for sterility can cross-pollinate into local
varieties. Although it is often assumed that this cannot happen because the
crop is sterile, the bought seed does in fact pollinate before it produces
the crop. Pollination and out-crossing of sterility is therefore a
possibility, and could have appalling implications for food security and
future seed supply.

Terminator might not just prevent GM spreading into the gene pool, it could
decimate it entirely.

You can take action by signing and forwarding the letter below TODAY. But
also please make an effort to help your own government to realise that this
proposal from Canada must be opposed, and that all countries must stand up
to Canada in the UN negotiations tomorrow.

Link for the above information:

posted on Feb, 10 2005 @ 09:16 AM
This hole thing is about greed and control. How many billions does one person need. If they can control the food we eat next they will try to charge us tax for the air we breath. This would be a good time for everyone to write your representivites if you are in a free society, and voice your oposition to this.

posted on Feb, 10 2005 @ 10:19 AM

Originally posted by Red Golem
This hole thing is about greed and control. How many billions does one person need. If they can control the food we eat next they will try to charge us tax for the air we breath. This would be a good time for everyone to write your representivites if you are in a free society, and voice your oposition to this.

Heck - phone. The meetings are going on in Bangkok right now. ...Every representative has a toll free number - or call the White House.

BTW - they already charge us for the water we drink - and it's probably contaminated anyway.

Wotta world.


posted on Feb, 10 2005 @ 10:43 AM
Not to sound toooo ignorant, but what does "Block Consensus" mean??

posted on Feb, 10 2005 @ 11:51 AM

Originally posted by Ohio_Ron
Not to sound toooo ignorant, but what does "Block Consensus" mean??

I'm pretty sure it means their gonna dig their heels in, not budge on the issue no matter what might be said, and see to it that no conclusion can be reached unless that conclusion is the one they seek. Whatever happens, they will not give in to reason nor to the will of the majority.

posted on Feb, 10 2005 @ 02:23 PM
FYI - this move to put Terminator seeds in the 'free market' is part of a larger strategy to prevent the regulation and control of biotechnology. Biotech includes a lot from GMO to stem cell research and the new robotics.

Here is a quick profile of what's happening in the military's work with biotech and robots:

2005 - New micro-robots called microbots grow their own muscles from living animals. The microbots are grown on silicon chips, using the same principles and similar technologies as those used to make integrated circuits. "I can make hundreds of thousands as easily as I can make one," says nanotechnologist Carlo Montemagno. Blending biological and mechanical parts with phenomenal precision, microbots are a fully integrated system, blurring the lines between men and machines.

The New Military: Microbots

2000 - "One of the projects DARPA is currently supporting is work by a team at Michigan State University's College of Engineering, who are developing reconfigurable micro-robots for use in military, intelligence and law enforcement ...."

DARPA Works to Replace Soldiers, Police with Robots

2005 - "Scientists at the University of California Los Angeles have successfully bonded flesh to silicon to create what they claim is world's first muscled robot. ..."They have a maximum moving speed of 40 micrometres per second and can work for more than four hours, although not continuously." "

It needs your clothes, your boots and your motorcycle

Also see:

The Talon Robot: Ready for Iraq

Fly-eating Robot Powers Itself

The New Military: Robots with Human DNA

So just put everything all together - AI, self-powered microbots, breeding robots - and all the other latest innovations...

Also see:

posted on Feb, 12 2005 @ 05:35 PM
Suicide Seeds - Bombshell in Bangkok

"Thankfully, disaster was averted due to key interventions by the governments of Norway, Sweden, Austria, the European Community, Cuba, Peru and Liberia, on behalf of the African Group.

The good news is that these governments managed to delete the most offensive wording. The final text and recommendations reaffirm earlier decisions, amounting to a continuing, but fragile, de facto moratorium on Terminator. The issue now bounces to another CBD advisory body (the Working Group on 8(j)) in March 2006.

Interminable Terminator? The bad news is that decisions made in Bangkok will allow the issue of Terminator to be re-examined and re-studied interminably. In ETC Group's view, the CBD continues to dilly-dally and delay decisions on Terminator while the industry is moving full-speed ahead to bring sterile seeds to market.

The international community needs to know that Terminator technology is a real and present danger. The biotech industry is chomping on the bit to commercialize suicide seeds. Nothing short of an all-out ban on Terminator will stop it from being unleashed in farmer's fields," said Hope Shand of ETC Group.

Terminator technology was first developed by the US Department of Agriculture and the multinational seed industry to prevent farmers from replanting saved seed. When it came to public light in 1998 massive public opposition forced Monsanto and Syngenta to disavow the technology."

posted on Feb, 12 2005 @ 06:38 PM
The greed of the NWO is obvious in the example of Terminator seed. This is only a small part of the entire program to enslave populations and create wealth for the very rich few.

Governments are out of control, even what many consider as a 'wussy" government like Canada are pushed and pulled by the multinational corporations. They line the pockets of politicians who, upon election, promote the agendas of their overlords like good little trained rats.

Call them Bilderburghers, Illuminati...whatever...the very rich then pass their torches to their children to carry on the fight for a global government.

Mergers between competitive companies will continue until there is only one company to make food, one for clothing, one for media...etc.

Then there will be eternal peace...forced upon what is left of a world population by an overwhelming police presence.

We will be eating the same stuff that is fed cattle and sheep, while the small group of the elite live in a splendour never before seen on this earth. It is they who will reach for the is they who will spread into the Galactic Communities.

Soylent Green is a reality in cattle feed and brought us Mad Cow disease.

Soylent Green is also a prophecy for the rest of humanity.

posted on Feb, 13 2005 @ 05:17 PM
A chilling description - but fairly accurate IMO.

...I also suspect laws applying to Terminator can be used to shore up laws for biotech and nanotech - indirectly at least.

But right now there are no controls on anything - unless the product is specifically controlled. Not good IMO.

posted on Feb, 13 2005 @ 05:46 PM
Propaganda Wars

I see a lot of breathless alarmism and partial reports, but I still haven't read anything either in this thread or elsewhere that breaks this issue down in a comprehensive and rational way.

But one thing I do know: when one interest group paints another interest group as evil, I am being lied to.

The only real evil I see here comes in the form of campaigns of mass deception driven by desires for profit.

All parties in this controversy are in it for something, and anyone suggesting otherwise is a damn liar.

Thus all I can contribute is a call for skepticism all around, and claim that I don't know enough to decide one way or the other about this issue and regret that I likely never will.

posted on Feb, 13 2005 @ 06:09 PM

Originally posted by Majic

The only real evil I see here comes in the form of campaigns of mass deception driven by desires for profit.

All parties in this controversy are in it for something, and anyone suggesting otherwise is a damn liar.

I am a party in this controversy - and I am NOT a damn liar. Take a chill pill magic.

Thus all I can contribute is a call for skepticism all around, and claim that I don't know enough to decide one way or the other about this issue and regret that I likely never will.

You may wish to shove your head where the sun don't shine - but everyone else with a half a brain and an added sprinkle of awareness needs to sit up and pay attention.

This technology already has the ability to change everything living on the earth - from the cellular level on up. Where talking self-powered, genetically modified nano-particles with fully integrated bio-mechanical systems.

...You think The Terminator was science fiction - think again, but conceptualize him at the microscopic level.


posted on Feb, 15 2005 @ 02:56 PM

Originally posted by masqua
The greed of the NWO is obvious in the example of Terminator seed.

If you look at how it came about, it can't be attribued to 'greed'. GM crops need to be made sterile, one way or antoher, to prevent them from getting into the normal population. One company developed these terminator seeds. Monsanto bought the tech, because apparently it didn't have anything like sterilization on its own. So, if the GM plants have to have some way to prevent them from becomming stable 'natural' populations, then this is the only current option. If there was another option, or if there wasa better option that was more expensive, and they backed this, then it could be attributed solely to greed.

I still haven't read anything either in this thread or elsewhere that breaks this issue down in a comprehensive and rational way.

Basically, Monsanto, a big Geneticall Modified (GM) crops company, has acquired a new technology. They can alter their plants such that when the plant produces seeds, those seeds expire before growing into actual plants.
On the one hand, this is good, because if you already have a GM crop, you can add this tech and then you won't have the GM crop spreading off the farms and into the natural world.
On the other hand, this tech is bad, because the Terminator Plants still produce pollen. They can send that pollen out to other 'natural' domestic crops, breeding with them. When these natural crops drop their seeds, those seeds will be sterile. They will not produce more crops. So a farmer will harvest his crops, plant the seeds, and get nothing next season. That would be a disaster especially on a large scale.
Evil? Who cares, because its a bad idea overall.

posted on Feb, 15 2005 @ 03:04 PM

Originally posted by Nygdan

Basically, Monsanto, a big Geneticall Modified (GM) crops company, has acquired a new technology. They can alter their plants such that when the plant produces seeds, those seeds expire before growing into actual plants.
On the one hand, this is good, because if you already have a GM crop, you can add this tech and then you won't have the GM crop spreading off the farms and into the natural world.
On the other hand, this tech is bad, because the Terminator Plants still produce pollen. They can send that pollen out to other 'natural' domestic crops, breeding with them. When these natural crops drop their seeds, those seeds will be sterile. They will not produce more crops. So a farmer will harvest his crops, plant the seeds, and get nothing next season. That would be a disaster especially on a large scale.
Evil? Who cares, because its a bad idea overall.

Very good explanation Nygdan.

Re: other bio-nanotechnologies; international approval of Terminator would set a clear legal precedent in the global arena... and lead us even further down the path to destruction.


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